The Mystery of Chad Harris: Fate Delivers Us, Chapter
Eve was working on some paperwork when she heard a knock at her door.
" Come in."
In walked Julian.
" Hello, Julian."
" Eve."
" Why are you here, Julian?"
" I came to talk about our son. "
" Have a seat."
Julian did as he was told. " I had a visit from your husband the other day."
" Oh?"
" He wanted to know if I had any 'intentions' towards you."
" And?"
" I told him that we were parents. Nothing else. He told me that was the right answer, and just in case I got it in my head to change my mind, he would kill me."
Eve laughed. " That sounds like TC."
" It was a good talk, though. I asked HIM about his intentions towards Chad."
" And?"
" He said that he didn't want Chad to move. That he didn't want for him to leave your house. Chad is your son, which makes him welcome in his house. What I want to know Eve - was it just talk, or was he serious? How IS he treating Chad?"
" Chad is fine, Julian. TC is respectful towards him. It's not the warmth that was there before this all came out, but TC isn't hostile towards Chad. Believe me, Julian, I wouldn't stay with a man who was hostile towards my child!"
" I know…I know Eve. It's just that TC hates ME so much. It's hard for me to believe that he wouldn't take it out on my son."
" TC is a better man than that!"
" I hope so, because I won't allow anyone to hurt Chad. Not any more."
Eve sighed. " It's a difficult time for all of us, Julian. I'm trying to rebuild my family. It takes time. I have to admit that although I expected Simone to open her heart to Chad, it's shocking to see who else has embraced Chad."
" Who?"
" Madelaine Russell."
" TC's mother?"
Eve nodded. " It blows me away, but she has been nothing but warm and generous towards Chad. She has taken him in and been as affectionate towards him as she is towards the girl."
" That is surprising. She always struck me as a cold woman."
" Not with those she loves. I asked her why she's done it, and she gives me the same story."
" Which is?"
" That TC loves me, she loves her family, and that Chad is innocent. If she wants her family together, that includes Chad."
" Sounds logical enough."
" True, but Madelaine has always been ferociously protective of TC. She hasn't been angry with me since the initial revelation."
" Well, I think she knew that TC would forgive you, and it wouldn't do to alienate her precious son. I look at her and TC and it eerily reminds me of Ivy and Ethan, and I know my wife would do ANYTHING to keep on Ethan's best side."
" Hmmmm…..makes sense."
" What about your other daughter?"
Eve was quiet for a moment.
" Is something wrong there, Eve?"
" Well, since you are Chad's father, I can tell you this. Before it was revealed about Chad…he and Whitney became 'close'."
Julian looked at Eve with a confused look until it clicked.
" Oh…ick….HOW CLOSE?!"
" Not THAT close, Julian. But, romantic feelings were definitely shared on both parts. A couple of kisses. Maybe."
" You know, this isn't an image I wanted in my brain. This is Harmony, not West Virginia, Eve."
" Don't you think I know that? Don't you think I know how close we came to complete disaster. I shudder just thinking about it. But, it was stopped before it could go too far. Needless to say, there is an awkwardness between Whitney and Chad."
" Of course."
" Plus….Whitney somewhat idolized me. So, I've disappointed her tremendously."
" As someone who has made a practice of disappointing his children, you can't possibly have hurt their children as much as I have. You have a terrific record with your kids."
" How do you know that, Julian?"
" I've seen your daughters. They are lovely, smart, articulate, opinionated young women. That has to be a testimony to your devotion."
" That's kind of you, Julian. It's going to take some time with Whitney."
" Be patient."
" So, how is YOUR family dealing with Chad?"
" Well, of course Sheridan is happy as a clam. She couldn't be happier. She wants to do 'family events' where we can 'bond.' "
Eve laughed. " THAT is Sheridan."
" Ethan is working through his feelings about it. He's mulling the loss of his innocence with regards to Alistair. He never thought he was THAT bad."
" You actually protected him THAT much?"
Julian nodded. " Yes. And, it all came crashing in on him at one time. He respected Alistair so much. He's struggling now with how he could have loved someone that could do that to his brother. Once he gets through those issues, I think the Chad one will be a piece of cake. He's very receptive to Chad. He asked me if I thought it was proper for him to ask Chad if he wanted to work at Crane Industries."
" Julian…"
" I know. I don't think Chad is ready for it either. But, he IS my son, Eve. I will not lie to you. I expect that he will join the company one day. I don't know in what capacity, but it is his birthright."
" Julian, Chad needs an education before he will be working with you."
" I'm not going to wait that long, Eve. Now, I'm not saying that he doesn't need some sort of formal education. He can go part time to school and work part time at Crane."
" You've THOUGHT about this."
" He's my son. I'm worried about his future."
" Julian, the only thing Chad has ever said he wanted to do was music. That is his passion."
" Fine. That works for me. There is plenty of business in the music industry. But, in order to be successful, Eve, he will have to know the BUSINESS of music. Too many young people get lulled into thinking that it's about the music. The music is a minor part of it. Business runs it and determines whether or not you will be compensated for your work. Our son needs to learn that. And, if I may so myself, I can't think of better mentors than Ethan and myself."
" Not to toot your own horn."
Julian smiled. " Not to toot."
" So, how are you going to approach Chad about this?"
" Well, I thought that his MOTHER would be my ally in this."
" Julian.."
" Eve. We both want the best for our son. We should do it together. Present an unified front. I have it all planned out. We talk to him about school, and that we support him in his future endeavors. That we know how much he loves music. I have a fully-equipped music studio. "
" Wait….a music studio. No! You don't mean.."
" The one that I had built for you. Yes."
" Julian, that was years ago."
" True, but I signed a contract with an engineer, and the equipment is modernized every year. It's a state of the art studio, just ready for a fresh, smart, talented young music whiz."
" The carrot."
" Exactly."
" And, the stick will be college courses, and mentoring with me."
" Time where your son will be held captive. "
" I just thought it was bonding time for us. So….brilliant plan, No?"
" Not bad. I think it's workable."
" You'll help me?"
" Julian, I want what's best for our son. I want him to succeed. And, I want him to know his father. As long as I think you've got our son's best intentions at heart, I will support your relationship."
Julian smiled. " Thank you."