“ TC, would you like some pancakes?”, Eve asked, standing at the stove.
” No thank you.”
” But, I know you have a long day today.”
” I SAID no thank you.”
” Fine. Starve for all I care.”, Eve said bitterly, turning off the stove and leaving the kitchen. Whitney, Chad and Madelaine all pretended not to notice, and didn’t look up from their food. The silence got to TC. He snatched a muffin and left the room using the backdoor.
“They seem so mad at one another.”, Whitney said sadly.
“ Maybe it would be better if I left.”
Madelaine grabbed both their hands. “ Your parents are going through a rough patch…that’s all. And, as for you young man, you’re not going anywhere. Trust Eve and Theodore to work out their problems. I do.”
“ But, Grandmere..”, Whitney protested.
” Trust them.”
Eve was in her office doing paperwork when there was a knock on the door.
“ Come in.”
“ Hey Eve.”
” Grace. Good to see a nice face.”
” What’s wrong?”
” Guess.”
” You and TC?”
Eve nodded.
” Eve, you’ll get through this. I’m sure of it. You and TC love one another. You have a strong bond. Why don’t you come out for dinner tonight? Nice relaxed dinner at the Lobster Shack, just the four of us.”
” I’ll be there. But, you better ask TC. I don’t know if he will come.”
Grace laughed. “ Now you’re sounding like my children, but fine, I’ll have Sam call TC. Eve, as long as you love one another, it’ll be fine.”
” Grace, I don’t know if I believe it, but it’s always good to hear.”
“ How is everything going with the baptism?”
Eve’s face lights up. “ Wonderful. Julian is going all out for the party afterwards. We’ve been arguing about it, and finally settled on the Sea Scape. He wanted it at the Crane Mansion, but..”
” You didn’t want to push TC. I get it.”
“ I just finished talking with the catering staff at the Sea Scape. It’s going to be great. Julian’s making them close down the restaurant so that it will be a private party. I asked Simone for the names of some famous DJ’s and we have a well-known one from New York coming in for the event. As far as the presents go, well..it’s pretty hard keeping Julian in check.”
Grace laughed. “ I can imagine.”
” So, I asked him to give me his list, and I’m tweaking it. I don’t want Chad to be overwhelmed.”
” Well, I’m making him his present. I hope he likes it.”
” Grace, he’s going to love it. I have to thank you again for agreeing to be his Godmother.”
” I called Sheridan, and the two of us are going to select a joint gift for him too.”
” I’m so glad Chad will have you and Sheridan in his life. He’s so lucky.”
” We’re lucky. He’s a great young man. So….what’s the big present Julian’s giving him?”
” Outside of a trust fund? I talked Julian out of a Porche…we settled on an Escalade, fully loaded. I mean, it could be showcased on ‘Cribs’. “
“ He’s his father. It’s his right. This time I’ll give Julian a break. I’m gonna go. I’ll call Sam and set up dinner.”
“ Bye.”
“ Well, let’s order some drinks and have a nice evening.”, Sam said motioning for the waiter. Once everyone had ordered and had been served, an uncomfortable silence descended over the table.
” So, TC, how does the new season look?”, Sam asked.
“ Good.”
“ Eve, how’s the hospital.”
” Good.” There was a deafening silence at the table.
” Grace, did you receive the latest swingers magazine? I mean, we need to look at some couples for a trade.”
Grace giggled as TC choked on his drink, and Eve spit hers out.
” Wow, so you ARE listening to me. Good to know.”, Sam said, taking a sip of his drink.
That broke the ice, and though the conversation never got to the warm point, it was pleasant enough for everyone to enjoy during dinner and dessert. Once the check was paid, everyone left the restaurant. Eve and TC said goodbye to the Bennetts, and TC turned to Eve.
” I wanna walk on the docks. You want to come?”
” Looks like it’s going to rain.”
“ Then ‘I’ll’ get wet.”
“ I’m coming.”
” Fine.”
Eve and TC walked along in silence for quite awhile, finding themselves at the more desolated part of the wharf.
“ Stop it.”, Eve said quietly, making TC stop in his tracks.
” What?”
” I said stop it. I’m sick of it. I’m sick of being punished. I’m sick of you treating me like a criminal. I’m SICK OF IT!”
” What? You think this shit is FUN for me? Fun? That I enjoy it?”
” Don’t you?”
” No. I don’t enjoy it.”
” Then, what is it, TC? What is it?”
” WHAT IS IT? You have a child with the ONE man I hate most on Earth, and.”
” I know, but it doesn’t make it any better.”
” How can you be mad about something that happen that didn’t HURT ANYONE BUT ME before we ever met? How can I make up for that? DO you want me to tell you that I wish I had never met Julian? I can’t do that. If I had never met him, I wouldn’t have Chad. And I will NEVER apologize for Chad. NEVER!”
“ I didn’t ask you to apologize for him. How can you? The boy is terrific. He’s a joy. He’s a delight. And how can a mutherfucker like Julian Crane get a son like HIM? I don’t get it. I don’t get it. “
” TC..”
” You know what kills me? Is all the times I got in the man’s face when I know he probably laughed at me afterwards..”
” TC..”
“ I have my pride.”
” Yeah, like I don’t know THAT.”
” Oh, you’re mocking me, now?”
” NO. I’m not mocking you. I’m sick and tired of everyone telling me that you have your pride. FUCK YOUR PRIDE. I LOVE YOU, MUTHERFUCKER. I FUCKING LOVE YOU. YOU HAVE BEEN MY LIFE SINCE MINUTES AFTER MEETING YOU, AND ‘THAT’ DOESN’T SEEM TO BE GOOD ENOUGH!”
Eve began to cry and her voice is barely above a whisper. “ I can’t love you any harder, TC. I have nothing else to give you. You have my heart, soul, and devotion. There’s nothing left….nothing left….you still don’t want me…”
Eve’s sobs grew louder, and in the middle of her rants, the rain, which was falling at a drizzle, was now a full-blown heavy showers.
TC walked over to his wife. He lifted her head to where her eyes met his. Her pain met his sorrow. He kissed his wife’s forehead, then one cheek, and the other. Then, his lips met hers, and their mouths parted and their tongues explored one another. TC backed Eve up to the wall, and in the middle of their tongues enjoying one another, Eve’s hands found their way to TC’s belt and undid it, and unzipped his pants. TC’s hands were equally busy going under Eve’s dress and pulling down her panties. It was so clear. They needed one another right then. Right there. As he thrust inside of her, marking his territory, she gave herself to him. It was as if the water was there to wash away all their sins as they gave into their most carnal desires.
Once finished, they walked to a small motel near the wharf. Nothing
fancy, but they didn’t need fancy. Eve waited in silence as TC bought their
room for the night. They began attacking one another before they got to
the room, fumbling with the lock on the door. They burst inside of the
room, slamming the door behind them, not waiting to turn on the light.
Their clothes were off within seconds as they didn’t even make it to the
bed for their next time. Once they came back to their rational minds, they
finally found the bed, where they spent the rest of the night getting to
know one another, rarely talking.