Theodore Claiborne (TC) Russell:
Dr. Eve Johnson Russell:
Harmony High's Althetic Director,
A woman with a past that haunts
TC loves his family with a passion
her to this day, she cherishes the
and would do anything to protect
life that TC and her daughters have
given her.
Whitney Russell:
Simone Russell:
TC and Eve's eldest child, she is all
TC and Eve's youngest child, Simone
work, and is just beginning to play....
struggles to find her own way in the
with Chad Harris.
Madelaine DeLong Russell: Piccola DuPree:
TC's mother, she has more than a Madelaine's Nanny, now confidante.
a few secrets of her own that she She has the 'gift', and tries to use it
wants kept hidden. She would do protect Madelaine & her family.
anything to protect her son, TC.
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