Money Is No Match For Love ch. 18
by lordoftheringsfan
"I'm waiting." TC said impatiently, waiting for an explanation. TC and
Rebecca jumped when they heard Agent Freeman enter the room.
"TC, please don't tell Agent Freeman," Rebecca said.
"Don't tell me what?" Agent Freeman asked, overhearing them.
"That I caught Rebecca sneaking in from the fire escape." TC said.
"Is this true?" Agent Freeman asked. Rebecca struggled to come up with a lie.
"I, um dropped something out of my window and I had to get it." Rebecca said.
"You'll have to be more careful than that." Agent Freeman said, leaving the room. Rebecca sighed in relief after he bought the excuse. Rebecca turned to leave, but TC shut the door and stood in front of it.
"I'm still waiting." TC said.
"I was telling the truth," Rebecca lied.
"Oh come on, every word out of your mouth is a lie. Everyone knows that." TC said.
"Fine, I sneaked out to call Gwen on a payphone." Rebecca said.
"Come on, you were gone longer than a phone call." TC said. Rebecca realized that there was no way around it.
"Ok, ok, if you must know, I was talking to pookey." Rebecca said.
"Julian?" TC asked.
"Yes, I saw Julian outside." Rebecca said.
"How would Julian know we were here!? How would anyone know we were here? Did you tell him? I bet you told him, didn't you?" TC exclaimed.
"TC, keep your voice down!" Rebecca said. "No, I didn't tell him, Julian realized he hadn't seen me anywhere and tracked me down."
"So Julian is stalking you?" TC asked.
"No, Julian was just trying to get things out in the open, but he saw you and Agent Freeman in the window and took off." Rebecca said.
"And you actually believed him?" TC asked.
"I don't know why, but I did, even though at first I tried to convince myself that I didn't by calling him names and yelling at him." Rebecca said. "I hope Julian is wrong about-"
"About what?" TC asked.
"About his theory about Alastair being the one who cut the breaks on my car." Rebecca said.
"I hope so too," TC said.
Julian arrived at the mansion a while later to find Eve sobbing.
"Eve, what's wrong?" Julian asked, putting his arms around her.
"Nothing matters now," Eve sobbed. "Nothing."
"Eve, what happened?" Julian asked.
"Whitney and Simone, they hate me. Whitney hates me- Simone didn't even come home last night." Eve said. "I'm afraid she's going to make the same mistakes I did."
"She was probably at the Bennetts or the Lopez-Fitzgeralds." Julian said.
"Whitney said she called there." Eve said. "Chad hates me."
"Our son doesn't hate you," Julian assured her. "He's just in shock about finding out the truth."
"He hates me." Eve said. "He told me to get out and never come back."