Whitney and Theresa watched as the doorknob turned.
Eve and Julian entered the room.
"Whitney, is Simone here?" Eve asked.
"What do you care?" Whitney asked.
"Whitney," Eve said.
"I don't even know you. You're a stranger, mother!" Whitney said. "A stranger!"
"Whitney, Julian and I need to tell something to you, Simone, and Chad." Eve said.
"And it is something that has to be said now." Julian said.
"What does this have to do with Chad?" Whitney asked.
"Where is your sister?" Eve asked.
"Simone, Chad!?" Whitney called.
"I can't believe my pookey would do this to me," Rebecca said, packing the final suitcase.
"I still don't understand why you took Julian back after he cheated on you with Theresa. You did go after him with a gun on New Year's Eve," Gwen reminded her.
"And I'm starting to wish I was the one that had pulled the trigger, but no, that would have only gotten me executed, so Julian still wouldn't have gotten what he deserved." Rebecca said.
"So you weren't the one that shot Julian?" Gwen asked.
"Gwennie, you're suspecting your own mother of attempted murder?" Rebecca exclaimed.
"I still think that Theresa was the one who shot him. Why else would she confess for Ethan when he didn't shoot Julian either?" Gwen asked. "I wouldn't put it past that loch ness monster to pull a stunt like that to get Ethan to feel sorry for her." Gwen said. "On second thought, I should probably rephrase that, because that's an insult to the loch ness monster."
"I'm wondering why she thinks staying married to Julian will help her get Ethan back. Everyone knows she doesn't give a damn about him." Rebecca said.
"How did you get that gigantic dent in your car door?" Gwen asked.
"I have TC Russel to think for that one." Rebecca said.
"TC?" Gwen asked in confusion.
"I leave the mansion to get away from my ex-pookey, and everywhere I go, there's TC!" Rebecca said.
"I wonder why you keep running into TC so much." Gwen said.
"I don't know," Rebecca said. "It's like there's a TC Russell plague." Rebecca grabbed the suitcases.
"Are you leaving already, mother?" Gwen asked.
"There's just too many memories of Julian in this bedroom," Rebecca said. Rebecca and Gwen exchanged hugs and goodbyes.
Alastair watched from the Crane security cameras.
"You can't fool me, Rebecca, I know you're not over Julian. You're so afraid of being alone and broke that you'll do anything to keep him." Alastair said. "Just to make sure you don't cause any more problems, I propose a little insurance policy. The end of you." Alastair said.
"Mr. Crane," Alastair's henchman Ian said, "Everything is going exactly as we planned."
"Yes, Ian. Rebecca won't be seen around here again, or anywhere else for that matter, especially no where near TC Russell. Oh, if those two have any more run ins, who knows what that Crane family secrets that babbling windbag would leak." Alastair said. "That's why she left me no choice except for to have the breaks on her car disabled. I'm dealing with Theresa, and Rebecca. Now all I have to do is figure out what tto do about the Eve and Chad situation." Alastair crashed a couple of toy cars together. "One little crash and all of my problems are solved."
"Oh, this is too good," Cracked Connie said in Hecuba's lair.
"Cracked Connie, this is the dark side. We can never be too good." Hecuba reminded her.
"But we can be perfectly evil." Connie said. "So, speaking of evil, what did Alastair do to Rebecca's car?"
"Well, you'll just have to wait and see what happens when Rebecca realizes that her breaks aren't going to work!" Hecuba said.
"Finally, looks like we get some mayhem around here." Connie said.
"I beg your pardon?" Hecuba asked.
"I meant looks like we might finally get one death." Connie said. "Since Antonio decided to sell out and live. He's so sexy, it almost makes me regret wanting to kill them, but the I remind myself, I like seeing everyone twitch." Connie said.
"Oh, look, she's starting the ignition!" Tabitha said as Rebecca got in the car and turned the key in the ignition.
Rebecca pulled out of the driveway after taking one last look at the mansion. "Hmmm, my breaks are working a little funny. That's strange, they were working just find before. I'll have to have that checked later."
TC had been driving for a while to take his mind off of Eve and Julian's lies.
"Eve, how could you not tell me you and Julian had a son together?" TC asked. TC flashed back to when his father had told him that he would never be able to play tennis again. "Damn it, Julian. You've taken my dreams of being a tennis star from me, you've taken my wife, and now? There's a chance that Whitney's dreams might never come true. I just wonder what the Cranes are going to take away from me next?" TC asked.
Rebecca drove quickly, trying to get to the Bed and Breakfast, away from the Crane mansion. She despised the idea of staying in that place, but at least its looks didn't resemble the mansion. Realizing that she was approaching a road with a series of sharp turns, she tapped on her breaks.
"Oh no," Rebecca said in panick when she realized that her breaks weren't working. Rebecca panicked. "If I can't stop this car, I'll be killed!"
TC was approaching the same road, still lost in thought about the mess his life had become.
"That car is going really fast," TC said. TC realized that the car wasn't going to stop. "Use your breaks!" TC screamed, but the driver didn't stop.
"Come on, come on," Rebecca begged her breaks, trying desperatley to get them to work. Rebecca looked up just in time to see a car charging towards it. The car swerved and slammed on its breaks, causing Rebecca to slam into the side of the front.
"Oh my God," TC said, noticing that the front end of both of their cars were completely smashed. Relieved that he wasn't injured, TC got out to check to see if the other driver was ok. "Are you alright?" TC called out to the other driver. TC gasped when he noticed the driver was a woman with familar red hair.
"Rebecca?" TC asked.
"TC?" Rebecca said in shock. Since the door had gotten smashed, it was a struggle helping Rebecca out of the destroyed car.
"Are you alright?" TC asked, realizing that Rebeca looked terrified.
"I think so," Rebecca said. "I don't know what happened. I tried to stop my car, but the breaks wouldn't work, and then everything happened so fast. Can things possibly get any worse?"
"You say your breaks weren't working?" TC asked.
"Yeah, I don't know why, they were working perfectly fine earlier." Rebecca said. TC checked the breaks on Rebecca's car.
"I don't like the looks of this." TC said.
"What is it, TC?" Rebecca asked.
"The breaks on your car look like they've been cut." TC said.
"Cut?!" Rebecca exclaimed hysterically. "Who would do something like
that? What am I going to do, TC?" Without knowing why, TC pulled Rebecca
into his arms.