My Baby’s Gone, Chapter 15


Eve was waiting for Whitney when she came back to the house.

“ Hi Whitney.”

” Mom! Why did you wait up?”

” Actually, I had to do a little work. Plus..I was curious.”

” Curious?”

“ Well, you went to the dance with Fox.”

” Yes.”

Eve noticed that Whitney looked down at the floor. Eve took a deep breath.

“ Whitney, do you want to talk about it?”

” Mom, there’s nothing to talk about. Fox and I are just friends.”

Before Eve could ask anymore questions, Whitney had kissed her in a hurry and was on the way upstairs.  Eve sighed again.

” Oh, Whitney. Oh, my daughter. I don’t know what to think. I know just how charming Crane men can be.”


Fox was whistling as he walked around the Crane Mansion. Julian heard him.

” Fox?”

” Father, you’re still up.”

” Yes. You’re whistling a happy tune. That can mean only bad things.”

  ” Father, I don’t want to hear it.”

” You and Whitney went on a date.”

  ” Yes.”

” And?”

” Father, we don’t exactly have the kind of relationship where I’d be open to my romantic life.”

” Don’t BS me, Fox.”

” I’m not, Father. We have a deal, remember?”

  ” Yes, I do. And, you have to keep up your end of it.”

” Don’t worry. I will. If you don’t mind, I’ll be off to bed, where I’ll be sure to have sweet dreams.”

” Fox, before you leave, you should know something. I married Rebecca tonight.”

Fox scowled. “ You MARRIED Rebecca?”

” It was something that had to be done.”

Fox shook his head. “ Father, good luck. You’ll need it.”


Luis sat in his bed, looking out the window. Julian’s words were going through his head. Julian would never come right out and tell him that his child with Sheridan is alive, but what else could it be.

Luis turned on the light and went to the back of his closet. He had a strongbox in there that he unlocked. Inside, Luis went over the plans to the Sanitarium. He was memorizing them, because he had to remember the easiest way out for when he rescued Sheridan.


Eve had gotten the text message from Julian right before she went to bed. She got up early and drove to the Cabin. She could smell food as she approached.

” Julian?”

Julian came out of the kitchen, smiling. “ I’m almost finished. Take a seat.” Eve sat down, and Julian brought out a big plate with an omelet on it.

“ Denver.”, Julian said, serving Eve then himself. Eve had poured the coffee for the two of them. Eve bit down in her breakfast, and ate away. They had made it through half of breakfast when Eve spoke up.

” Julian, while this is nice, there has to be a reason for the meeting.”

” Couldn’t it be because I wanted to see your beautiful face?”

Eve rolled her eyes and arched her eyebrow. “ Julian..”

” Ok. Something happened last night, and I thought it was important that I tell you about it. “

” Something to Sheridan?”

” No. Something to me.”

” Julian, what?”

” I married Rebecca.”

Eve almost choked on her food and Julian got up to pat her on the back. She drank all her juice and looked at Julian. “ YOU MARRIED REBECCA?”

“ Eve..”

” Julian, why?”

  ” Because, she put the screws to me. I didn’t think I had much of a choice. Eve, I don’t love her. I love you. But, she knows things about me.”

” Illegal things.”

” Yes, illegal things. And, as long as she does, for now, I have to do what she wants. I can’t rock the boat. Not until I get Sheridan out of there. I can’t fight Rebecca and scheme against Father at the same time. Sheridan is Priority One. Once I get Sheridan out, and she’s back on her feet, and maybe, we find her son for her, then I’ll deal with the Rebecca.”

” So…how was your wedding night?”, Eve asked, hostility present in her voice.

Julian smiled. “ Why do you want to know? Are you jealous?”

Eve rolled her eyes. “ Hardly.”

” Well, just in case you are, Darling, we had no wedding night. I told Rebecca she got the name and money, but my body wasn’t included. “

Eve looked down at her food. “ Oh.”, she replied, but Julian could see a slight smile on her face.

” Well, since this is the morning for surprises, did you know that Whitney went out with Fox last night?”

“ Um, yes.”

” Julian, I want to know what’s going on there.”

” Eve..”

” Julian, the truth.”

” Eve, I don’t think you want to know the truth.”

Eve looked at Julian then began to shake her head. “ No…no…no…”

” Eve, he says he loves her.”

Eve stared at Julian. “ You have GOT to be kidding me. Tell me that you’re lying, Julian!”

” I can’t.”

” WHY? WHY? Of ALLLLL the girls out there, why Whitney?”

“ I don’t know. Maybe it’s genetic?”

” Julian, don’t joke.”

” You think I think this is a joke? Far from it, Eve. In fact, I’ve been angry about it.”

Eve shook her head. “ You’re serious?”

” Yes. I’ve been very disapproving of Fox’s interest in Whitney, but..”

” But, what?”

” I made a deal with him.”

” Deal?” Eve thought about it. “ His hacking services?”

Julian nodded. “ He said he’d help if I didn’t object.”

“ What are we going to do, Julian?”

” Nothing, Eve.”

” Nothing! You can get another hacker!”

” No, I can’t. And, the more I think about it, even if I could, I wouldn’t go back on my deal with Fox. Because, he’s right. They’re adults, Eve. If they want to have a relationship, it’s their business.”

” But..”

” Eve, we never had support from anyone. Not the general world, nor our families. What could have happened IF we’d actually had any? I’m not going to hurt Fox the way that Alistair hurt me. “

“ Julian….”

” Eve, let them be. If they succeed or fail, don’t let it be because of our interference.”

Eve shook her head. “ I don’t know if I can do that. I’ll think on it.” Eve got up. “ I’ve got to get to work. Don’t call me again unless it’s about the plan, Julian.”



Chapter 16
Chapter 14
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