My Baby’s Gone, Chapter 27
Eve sat there with the envelopes on her desk.
“ Oh well, it’s now or nothing.”
Eve opened the envelope and read the results.
99.78% positive DNA match: subject A is child of subject B
Next one.
99.85% positive DNA match: subject A is child of subject B
Final one.
99.87% positive DNA match: subject A is child of subject B
Eve just stared at the papers. She stared at them for a very long time.
She didn’t stop staring at them until she realized something wet was on the
papers, and then realized it was her own tears.
Sheridan had been right all along. She had known HER child. She wasn’t
crazy. That beautiful little boy is hers.
Eve felt a chill go down her spine. There is NO WAY that Beth has that
child by accident. It means that Beth Wallace, a woman she’s known for years,
was the one who took Sheridan, held her captive, in a PIT, and then tried
to kill her after she gave birth. There can be no other explanation.
Fear overtook Eve, for she realized that no matter how determined Beth
was, she couldn’t have done it alone. And, Mrs. Wallace was too disabled
to help her. She had to have serious help. Eve knew she couldn’t prove it,
but in her heart, she KNEW who had helped Beth.
And her rage rose. That mutherfucker had stolen HER son – at birth, and
now he had done the same to Sheridan.
But, this time, he wasn’t going to get away with it. Eve was determined.
She made her way to a secret safe that she let Julian install and opened
it. She took out two disks that she had. She had made disks for Sheridan
and her son under assumed names. Eve took the disks down to the lab, where
she put in the request herself for DNA matches in the Harmony Hospital databank.
When the processing was done in a couple of days, there would be a list
of everyone in the Harmony Hospital databank that both of them were related
to. She knew that this would only strengthen Sheridan’s case when they went
into court to get her son back. Eve then made copies of the DNA tests, put
one in her personal safe and kept the others. She would make sure that they
were put in a safe place. The mother in her just wanted to burst through
Beth’s door and grab the baby. But, she knew that this had to be done legally,
so that Alistair couldn’t help her slip away. Eve would bide her time.
On her way to her car, she pulled out her cellphone and dialed.
“ It’s me. We need to talk. Our regular place.”
Antonio came into the room.
“ You asked to see me?”, he said, sitting down across from Luis.
Luis studied Antonio. He didn’t know if Gwen was on the right track, but
here went nothing.
“ How’s it going, Brother?”
“ Luis, why did you call me down here?”
“ Find Sheridan yet?”
“ You KNOW we haven’t found Sheridan yet.”
Luis smiled his best, smart ass, smug smile. “ And, you never will. I’d
tell you that she said hi, but we both know that would be a lie.”
Antonio jumped across the table, and grabbed Luis’ shirt and began to shake
The guards pulled Antonio off of Luis, but Antonio kept on yelling ‘ TELL
Luis just responded with a bigger grin, because he finally believed Gwen.
Antonio did NOT know where Sheridan was. He hadn’t a clue. And, if there
was no ransom by now, Luis knew what the drill was…nobody would go to all
that trouble without it being two reasons: 1) they wanted money, or 2) they
wanted to help Sheridan. He was now sure it was possibility number two, and
he hoped he had just bought whoever was helping Sheridan a little more time.
Julian smiled when he saw Eve.
“ You rang?”
“ Yes. I was going to call you. Simone delivered the papers.”
“ I know. I got a call from Alexis Davis.”
“ You did? She’s taking the case?”
“ Yes.”
“ She’s willing to go up against Alistair?”
“ Absolutely.”
“ Why? Why did you pick her, Julian?”
“ Because she was the bastard daughter of a cruel rich and powerful family.
She understands Sheridan’s position better than anyone.”
“ Oh.”
“ She said she’d get back to me in a week with her game plan. Is there
something else?”
“ Yes.” Eve handed Julian an envelope.
“ What’s in here.”
“ The DNA test results.”
“ On Baby Martin?”
“ Yes.”
“ What do they say?”
“ Open them.” Julian opened the envelope and read the test. When he looked
up at Eve, there were tears forming in his eyes. “ He’s Sheridan’s son.”
Eve nodded.
“ Dear God, he’s SHERIDAN’S SON!”
Julian walked back and forth. Eve could see him getting angrier with every
“ THAT BITCH! SHE STOLE SHERIDAN’S SON! I am going to make her pay!”
Eve put her hand on Julian’s arm. “ Julian, you have to calm down.”
“ Calm down? I find out that my sister totally is NOT crazy. In the least.
That she’s been right. ALL ALONG! That she KNEW her OWN SON, and the rest
of us didn’t believe her? CALM DOWN?”
“ Yes, Julian, calm down. I know how you feel. Moreover, I know how Sheridan
feels. To have your child taken away from you at birth and be told it was
dead? I know that feeling all too well.”
Julian touched Eve’s face. “ I know, Darling. “
Eve ignored how Julian’s touch made her feel. “ Julian, I’ve also come
to another conclusion – Alistair had to have helped Beth.”
Julian sighed. “ You’re right, you know. It’s the only way she could have
gotten away with it.”
“ Julian, we have to do this by the book. We have to continue on with our
plan to help Sheridan. We have to let Alexis Davis do her legal wizardry
and get Sheridan free legally. We also cannot tell her about her son.”
“ Eve..”
“ Julian, if she finds out about her son, I KNOW what she will do. I KNOW
it. She will NOT wait for the legal process. And, a misstep now will jeopardize
everything. It’s cruel, I know, but doing it right means that when Sheridan
has her son in her arms again, he’ll never leave.”
Julian nodded. “ I agree. The plan proceeds on target.”