She watched from afar as he paced up and down the sandy beach. He was a tormented soul, and she felt for him. Not that she would ever admit that of course. No, Kay Bennett would never tell Nicholas Crane that she felt sorry for him. It was simply something should couldn’t say. Taunt him with his own misery, perhaps, but admit she felt anything but dislike for him? Never.
Simone had introduced her to the powerful Fox Crane one day at the Russell
house. Simone was confused to why a man like Fox would be spending so much
time at her home. Kay didn’t have to look far, one look at Whitney and
it became clear. Nicholas Foxworth Crane was in love.
Running her fingers through her hair Kay smiled as she walked down
toward the beach. She had spent many days having little arguments with
Fox. It was something for her to do to pass the time. She had her daughter;
a beautiful six month who’s looks were a mixture of everyone in the family.
Kay not only had her child she mused with a smile, but now she had Miguel.
Fox had managed to get his lady as well. Luck had played a great part in that, Kay thought to herself as she inched closer to the man. He had found out at just the right time that Chad Harris was not Chad Harris, but Chad Crane, the son of Eve Russell and Julian Crane. It was the day Fox moved in for the kill, and it was the day he got what he wanted.
“Nicholas you look depressed.” Kay spoke forcing Fox from his thoughts. “Let me guess, Whitney finally got a clue and left you?” She smirked.
“Kathleen Bennett, still trying to play childish games with the adults.” He spoke his own smile sly and cocky.
“Nothing of the sort Nicky.” She laughed. “It doesn’t take a fool to see how depressed you are.”
“Why are you here tonight Bennett? Shouldn’t you be with your boyfriend? Where is he anyway? Off with your cousin Candy?”
“Charity.” Kay groaned. “Her name is Charity, and no, Miguel is working.”
“He works all the time.”
“Some people actually have to work Nicholas.” Kay frowned rolling her eyes. “Not that you would know anything about that.”
“Oh, and I suppose he’s working to make a life for you and your child?” Fox questioned.
Kay crossed her arms. “Of course he is, so we can move out of this town someday. It’s our goal, to save enough money up so that we can get married and leave this place. It was actually Miguel’s idea.” She smiled brightly at her answer waiting to see what Fox could possibly say.
“And why do you think that Miguel wants to leave this town? For someone so smart at times you worry me.” Fox sighed. “He wants to leave so he won’t have to look at Cherish anymore. He can’t bare to be in the same town with the woman in loves, while he tries to make something work with you.”
“Charity! Its Charity!” Kay fumed. “And that’s so not true.”
“It is true.” Fox spoke calmly. “Miguel decided to give you a chance after you and your child almost died. You know it, and I know it. He didn’t decide he loved you, just that he needed to be there for you. That’s why he needs to leave, but it won’t help. Miguel can move out of the town, out of the state or out of the country but he’s still going to love your annoying cousin.”
“He will not!” Kay yelled. “Why do I even bother with you? Miguel loves me; he loves our child and me! That’s why he works and that’s why he wants to leave town. “
“Then why did I see him at the Book Café tonight with Chasity?” Fox questioned. “Alone at a table in the back?”
She refused to correct him this time. Charity, Chasity who cared what her stupid cousin’s name was. “You’re lying.”
“No, I’m not.” Fox spoke with a smug smirk. “He was in the Book Café with your cousin, and they looked quite cozy.”
“I don’t believe you.” Kay spoke gritting her teeth. Closing her eyes she forced back tears. She did believe him, she could stand and lie all night but she knew Fox wasn’t lying. She had to be strong to win this little battle with Fox. She couldn’t let her emotions show. “Speaking of people being quite cozy, I do wonder what Whitney will do when she finds out the truth about you.” Kay spoke forcing a smirk.
“Excuse me?”
Kay laughed gently. “You see Fox, I know things.” She spoke stepping closer to him. “I know many things.”
“Care to enlighten me?” Fox challenged.
“Well for one, I know that you’re holding a huge secret. You see I have this habit of being at the right place at the right time.” Kay spoke her eyes becoming bright again.
“You mean you’re nosey?”
“Call it what you will.” She shrugged. “But I happened to overhear you and a man talking the other day. Very interesting conversation you had with him.” Kay grinned. “It appears that you are lying from your one true love.” She sighed. “Keeping Whitney from the man she really loves.”
“You have no idea what you’re talking about Kay.” Fox warned.
”Oh I know.” Kay laughed. “I know that Whitney doesn’t belong to Eve Russell. I know she is the product of an affair T.C. had at the beginning of the marriage. I also know that if Whitney finds this out, she’ll run back to Chad in a split second.”
Fox didn’t know what to say, his mouth dropped opened. “How?” He whispered.
“You mean how did you become so clumsy? Anyone could have heard you and that man talking Nicky. Teaches you to be more careful next time.” Kay laughed her eyes wild with excitement.
“You can’t tell her.” He spoke his voice almost desperate. “If Whit finds out, it’ll kill her.”
“And ruin everything for you.” Kay added reading his mind as she walked a few steps away from him to glance out at the rough waters. “Relax Crane I have no plans of ruining your fun with Whitney. Telling her the truth is up to you.” Kay spoke turning to look back at Fox.
“I suppose I should say thank you.” Fox shrugged.
“You can say whatever you want.” Kay answered back turning to look at him. “I don’t really care.” She knew Fox was thinking about his next comeback and for some reason it thrilled her. Something about being around him excited her, maybe it was because he was so much like her.
“Kay, I really don’t want to loose Whitney. So thanks for keeping my secret.” Fox spoke his voice sincere.
Kay smiled when she looked back at him. “Its your secret not mine, I have my own life to worry about.”
“And your own secrets?” Fox tried watching as her blue eyes stare down at the sandy beach.
“We all have secrets, some bigger than others.”
“So what are your secrets Bennett?” Fox asked stepping up behind her. “What are you hiding from Miguel?”
Kay let out a sigh, “Does it really matter? He’s in love with Charity, it doesn’t matter what I do or what I say. Miguel is in love with that little blonde twit and I can’t do anything about it. I can fight to hold on to him, but I’m loosing.” Turning to look at Fox with tear filled eyes she frowned. “And you’ll loose to Fox, because Whitney will never be happy with you as long as her heart belongs to Chad.”
“Whitney is nothing like Miguel.”
“She’s with you and in love with another man. Miguel’s with me but he still loves Charity, sounds the same to me.” Kay whispered. “Only difference is Whitney doesn’t think she can be with Chad.”
“And she can’t find out.” Fox frowned. “She just can’t.”
Kay shook her head, “You know I understand why I want Miguel. We were
friends for years, but why do you want Whitney? You’re Nicholas Crane you
could have any woman you want and your desperate to hang on to someone
who doesn’t love you. It makes no sense. You’re suppose to be ‘the’ Fox
Crane, but really you’re just a coward like me.”
“I’m not coward.” Fox spouted crossing his arms. “How dare you even suggest that?”
“Because its true.” Kay spoke watching as the rough waters rolled near by them. “Look at us, at our lives. We are standing here in the middle of the night feeling sorry for ourselves. “
“And just what do you suggest we do Bennett? Walk away from the people we love? That’s not who I am, I fight to hold on to the things I want. I want Whitney so I’m going to hold on to her.”
“You only want her because you can’t have her.” Kay sighed. “Its different for me, I want Miguel because at one time we shared something very real. We were best friends, and understood each other completely. Until tonight I thought I could get that back, but now I know I can’t.”
“What suddenly made you come to that revelation?” Fox asked his eyes wide.
Kay walked over to the wet sand, watching as the water gently washed over her feet. “It didn’t happen suddenly. When Miguel told me he wanted me, I wanted to believe that. I know he loves our daughter, so I assumed he loved me as well. We’ve spent time together, but something never feels right. We’ve both changed, and even though I care about him I can see that its Charity he wants. The Miguel I was in love with, the adorable sly guy that I fell for in school would have never fallen in love with Charity.” Dropping her head she let out a sigh. “But the Miguel I know now is completely in love with her.” Turning to look back at Fox she frowned. “You know he even told me that one of the main reasons he started dating the little bimbo was because I intimidated him. He said he wanted to ask me out, but he knew I was too much for him.”
“You’re still too much for him.” Fox smirked. “You need someone as clever as you are Kay. You need a strong man, or at the very least someone that can put up with you.” Fox joked with a chuckle.
“I could say the same about you.” Kay spoke rolling her eyes. “Whitney is too weak to be with someone like you. She does play dirty like you Crane, she’s a decent person.”
“Whitney is with me because I bring passion into her life. I’m sure Miguel has no idea what that is.”
“Passion?” Kay spoke. “If he does he hasn’t let me in on it.” Kay shrugged. “Miguel is a very gentle man.”
Fox stepped up to Kay and moved a strand of stray hair from her face. “And you’re tired of gentle am I right Kay? You want a man that makes you feel alive, someone that makes you melt.”
Kay swallowed as her blue eyes stared at Fox. “A man like you?” She challenged shocked when he stepped even closer.
“Do you think you can handle a man like me?” Fox whispered in her ear. “A man that can make you feel alive? When’s the last time you felt truly alive Kathleen?”
Fox really wasn’t sure what he was doing, but he liked it. He liked being close to Kay. He liked staring deep into her bright blue eyes and whispers words she needed to hear.
“You give yourself too much credit Crane.” She spoke back her voice barely whispering the words.
“No, I don’t give myself enough credit.” Fox laughed as his hand touched her face gently.
Kay felt her heard speed up as Fox wrapped his free arm around her waist tugging her to him. “What are you doing?” She questioned her voice weak.
“This.” He spoke as his lips lowered to meet hers.
It was suppose to just be a battle of two strong-minded people. A battle they had fought in the past. Now as his lips lingered on hers something felt different for both of them. Whitney had left Fox’s mind as he held Kay to him. Kay couldn’t even think as she clung to Fox. When he pulled away Kay let out a tiny gasp and watched, as Fox’s eyes grew large.
Fox quickly gained control of his thinking as he looked at Kay. “Has Miguel ever made you feel like that?”
“Never.” She admitted not afraid to say the words.
“Didn’t think so.” Fox smirked.
“Whitney’s never did that for you either though has she? You’ve never been allowed to be the real Fox Crane with her have you?”
“No.” Fox spoke hearing the word slip from his lips. “This has been a very interesting night.” He sighed.
“Very.” Kay agreed.
“So is this just another secret to keep from Miguel?” Fox asked her studying how calm she seemed to be.
“No. I’m letting Miguel go tonight. Not because of you, but because its time. If you were as strong as you claim you would do the same. You would free Whitney as well.”
“Perhaps its time.” Fox frowned kicking the sand. “And if I do let her go.” He paused. “Maybe I could take you out and show you how a real man treats a woman.”
“I might let you.” Kay smiled.
Fox laughed. “Something tells me I’ve met my match Bennett.”
With a smile and a wink Kay nodded her head, “Funny, I was thinking the same thing Crane.”
"Miguel doesn't know what he's missing out on." Fox told her as they headed back up the beach.
"No he doesn't." Kay agreed. "But someday he will. Someday he will regret loosing me." With a smile she took Fox's hand. "And Whitney will regret letting you go."
"Of course she will." Fox laughed. "After all I am Fox Crane."
"Get over yourself Crane."
"After you." Fox teased, as they headed toward their cars neither caring
for the moment what awaited them. Only knowing that they had finally found
something worth fighting for.