Today’s show was slow.
Subject: The NON-Story of Kay/Miguel/Charity CONTINUES……
Going to HELL didn’t do it…but, her parents not being married DID?
I know that I must sound like a broken record on this issue, but, I can’t help it. Because, the problems inherent in the mess called Kay/Miguel/Charity are not only there, but, they are there in spades.
Kay and Jessica are told about David, and his marriage to Grace. First of all, WHY wasn’t Charity at this family meeting? Unless they are kicking her out, the problems with Sam and Grace still matter to her and affect her life. That is problem #1 for today.
Jessica and Kay are shocked and upset. Jessica, trying to be upbeat, wants to be supportive of her parents. Kay, on the other hand, is pissed. Jessica chastises Kay and tells her to think about their parents, and so Kay does that. For about 2.2 seconds. Then, when they begin talking about having the wedding at the new house, Kay asks if she, Noah and Jessica will all have signs calling them ‘bastards’ on.
Kay was so upset that she left the house, and said that she was finished being good, and that she was going to get Miguel no matter what.
Here’s where problem #2 comes in.
a) This is 2001. Even in small towns, divorce is rampant. It’s not like
Grace was on America’s Most Wanted and has been living a double life ON
b) Who even cares about illigitimacy these days? It is NOT the social
stigma that it was 25 years ago. This is 2001, not 1961.
c) Kay has gone to HELL, and THAT didn’t change her mind about things.
But, her parents not being married – THROUGH NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN…did?
d) I’m sorry. I don’t care if the wind swirled, and Kay got on her
knees. She’ll do anything to get Miguel. EXCUSE ME! What would you call
what she’s BEEN doing since the beginning of the show?
I still say that I find it hard to believe that ANYTHING Kay does from now on will top SELLING HER SOUL AND SENDING CHARITY TO HELL!
Is it just me? Or, can you think of something that would top that?
And, therein lies the MAJOR problem with this Non-Story.
From the beginning of this show, over TWO YEARS AGO, Kay Bennett’s raison-d’etre has been to get Miguel Lopez-Fitzgerald. She has done progressively hideous things against Charity, getting worse and worse, until it culminated with her sending Charity to HELL.
Now, for any other storyteller, THAT was the point to make a MAJOR change in the focus of this story. ONE out of the three major characters, should have had a life-altering change in character as a result of that experience.
What did we get on Passions?
We got the crap on Warlock Island, and then less than ONE WEEK of Kay deciding to be good, because Sam MIGHT have been struck by lightening?
And, now, she’s going to do everything she can to break up Charity and Miguel.
Yeah, So?
Haven’t we heard this before?
Ah, yes…
In about every other line uttered by Kay #1, #2 and #3 over the past TWO YEARS.
Once again, I want to point out the NON-STORY in all of this.
We’ve seen this song and dance before. And, it’s not only played out – it’s beyond stale.
So, color me unimpressed with Kay’s declarations or Tabby’s glee. It’s nothing we haven’t seen before.
Which brings me to Problem #3.
Charity and Miguel have been together 1.1 seconds after they met over TWO YEARS AGO.
And Miguel will STILL come up with garbage like, " You read Lord of the Flies – that’s why you imagined the tree", is enough to make you click off this show for good.
It’s bad enough that this moron went back to Charity after she tried to kill him FOUR TIMES.
You can call it love if you want to, but, I still see it as:
Charity/Miguel = Teen Suicide Pact
He’s seen more ‘out there’ stuff with Charity, and STILL doesn’t trust or believe Charity’s ‘powers’. It would be one thing if it only happened once. But, we have a string of events that Charity has put her pulse on, and, was validated, but, Miguel STILL – the person who supposedly WUVS her like no other, doesn’t give any support or faith in it.
Now, we know that the tree told Charity to give up Miguel. Color me a bit confused, my fellow viewers, but, since Charity has TOLD Miguel about what the tree has said, how can it be possible that Charity will ever PULL OFF giving up Miguel? Huh?
And, then, Charity voicing her opinion about Kay being part of what would separate them.
Miguel has heard, from Kay’s OWN MOUTH, that she loves HIM. That she cares for him, and NOT Reese. Not only is he holding Charity’s hand, telling her that she has nothing to worry about, but, he’s also belittling her senses. Charity is sensing all the right things, but, Miguel is LYING to her.
But, this is tru WUV…..Yeah, right, whatever.
So far, I only see a continuation of the NON –STORY that is Kay/Miguel/Charity.
Subject: I loved Sam and Grace today
Today reminded me of why I love Sam and Grace, and why I still think they are what ‘ Happily Ever After ‘ looks like after 20 years together (yes, I think they are married), 3 kids, 3 careers.
They were at their miraculously rebuilt house, talking about how they were going to handle telling the kids. Both of them were scared, but, they believed that honesty was the best policy with the kids. Sam was talking about how happy he was that the house was coming along, and that soon, they would all be in there together, and would be married. He asked Grace if this was what she wanted too, and he was worried that she wanted to stay married to David, but, she assured him that she wanted to be with him.
It was so cute that they wrote their names on the wood and drew a heart
around it. It was so romantic. I loved it. They have fears, but, are willing
to face things – together.
Which is why I love Sam and Grace.
Subject: More background about Brian, Liz and Doc
Brian has offered Sheridan, who calls herself Diana, a place to stay at Liz’s. Liz tells Brian that it’s great for him to offer up HER place for Sheridan to stay,but, he doesn’t pay his OWN bills.
Liz and Brian get into it, and she comments that she hasn’t left the island because no one will buy the hotel. Doc was run out of the American medical community because of his whacky alien theories, which he is continuing with right now with Sheridan. She asks Brian what he’s running from, and he counters by asking Liz how SHE wound up on the island.
Liz is silent, and Brian tells her that they agreed to not judge or pry. Liz agrees to let Sheridan stay, and watches as Brian tries to get closer to her, wondering if Sheridan will break his heart.
Brian: either Antonio or Grace and her Groom’s (don’t know if that is David) son- possibly the only male Standish with powers.
Liz: something to do with the Russells. I’m hoping she’s at the crux of TC’s ‘perfection’ issues.
Doc: don’t know who he is.
Still dislike this story.