Today was ok.
Subject: Why didn’t Ivy fight this hard to remain Mrs. Crane?
Not that I didn’t enjoy the fire-breathing Poison Ivy at the Mansion today, because I did.
But, I have to scratch my head.
Ivy and Rebecca were going at it. Ivy’s determined to get back into the Crane Mansion, and Rebecca is determined to keep her out.
Though I like Poison Ivy over Rebecca, I think Rebecca was in the right: Julian and Ivy ARE divorced, and it’s very rare for the divorced couple to share the same residence POST-divorce. So, I don’t think Ivy had any logical point whatsoever. The fire and determination that she’s showing in trying to stay at the Crane Mansion, I expected to see as she fought Julian, tooth and nail, to retain the title of Mrs. Julian Crane.
Will all the secrets that Ivy knew on the Cranes, and the XXX pictures of Julian and Eve, that Ivy used NONE of that to keep her claws in the Crane fortune, or at least get a huge settlement, always smelled false to me, and I think deprived the audience of a great storyline. It was done for plot purposes, which never serve the advancement of character, for Julian, as a character, was far better off married to Ivy, as he has been decimated in this Theresa stuff.
So, while Ivy and Rebecca are doing battle, ruined Julian is telling his lawyer how screwed up his life is because he has to marry Rebecca, or she’ll turn him in for killing his sister. I really don’t think that they comprehend how much this ‘kill Sheridan’ plot has decimated the character of Julian. There’s only so much that a good actor can do. And not even Ben’s brilliance can overcome this clunker of a story.
Ivy makes her way into the Crane Mansion, where she is horrified at
the redecoration. Ivy wasn’t the only one. Whereas before, the Crane Mansion
was WASP Elegance… it’s Gawdy Tawdry.
The only thing Rebecca got right, Ivy says, is that Julian will still
have his bar.
Rebecca tells Julian to get rid of Ivy, and that she’s getting impatient. She wants to get married right away! Julian tells his lawyer that he has to see what he’s up against, and that the annulment has to happen soon. Once the lawyer, Rebecca and Ivy are all gone, Eve, who came to the Mansion to get Ivy settled in, tells Julian to let Ivy stay there, or she’ll tell Luis and Ethan what happened with Theresa. Julian’s had enough. He tells Eve that she can go right on ahead and tell the world. He’s sick of all the threats.
Subject: Beth and Sheridan talked? Huh?
Hank, who has cornered the market on ‘the insensitive friend’, tried to ‘set up’ Luis and Beth.
Excuse me Hank, but, Sheridan isn’t even COLD, and he’s telling Luis to move on.
Beth comes, and she and Luis both leave.
Beth and Luis find one another outside of the restaurant, and they talk. Beth tells Luis that she knows he loves Sheridan. How she wanted to hate Sheridan, but, wound up liking her, because all she ever wanted was Luis’ happiness.
Then Beth came up with this mess that she and Sheridan had all these talks. I really hate pathetic writing like this. What I have always liked about daytime, is that I’ve never felt that they had the excuse to skip over details like this.
I’ve never had anything against the character of Beth. I’ve thought from the beginning that JER did an injustice to the Luis and Sheridan story by NOT making Beth and Hank full partners in this. Hank, the best friend that never could live up to Hero Luis, and Beth, the ex-girlfriend, still longing for him.
But, they shortchanged both of them, and prevented layers of the Luis/Sheridan story from being told. Not just the love story, but, them as characters.
So, when Beth came up with this mess about her and Sheridan having long talks, I had to LOL. Puleeze.
The story that takes place OFF-SCREEN doesn’t really happen, and shortchanges the viewers.
Outside of that mess, I DID appreciate Beth trying to help Luis. She has been far more sensitive to his pain and suffering than his supposed best friend, Hank.
Subject: Brian and Sheridan – the point?
I hate this story, so, I don’t really watch it. I thought Brian was strange before, because Sheridan was his ‘dream girl’, though he hadn’t even heard her speak, and he knew nothing about her. He could only have fallen in love because of truly superficial reasons, and couple that, with the rest of this ridiculous tripe, and it rubs the wrong way.
Subject: Father Lonigan learns the secret
Pilar has gotten upset in Theresa’s room. Looking at her wedding dress, she has flashbacks to how she ‘thinks’ things went between Julian and Theresa. In a fit of rage, she spills red nail polish on the dress.
Theresa comes in and tries to comfort her mother. Ethan sees Pilar so upset, and tells her that he’s there for her if she ever wants to talk about it. He knows that something else must be upsetting her.
Pilar leaves the room, and goes back to the kitchen. Father Lonigan shows up and says that he had heard about Sheridan, and was bringing condolences to the family. He thought that they would be better appreciated here than at the Crane House. Pilar bitterly muses that she had done all she could to keep her children away from the Cranes, but, that she had failed and because she had, she was losing her faith in God, which has Father Lonigan stunned.
Theresa and Ethan talk. Ethan tells Theresa that he believes a wedding would be good, but, she disagrees. Ethan says that THEY should ‘bring love back to Harmony’. That line cracked me up.
Pilar tells Father Lonigan about Julian and Theresa. He is shocked, to say the least. Father Lonigan doesn’t get time for it to settle in, because Ethan and Theresa come into the kitchen, and Ethan tells Father L that he’s glad to see him because he and Theresa are going to get married, and they want him to perform the ceremony. Father L tells him that he can’t possibly marry him and Theresa.
Uh –Oh!
Good old Father L. Never a dull moment for him.