Today had some good stuff in it.
Subject: Did anyone else think – Demon in Basement = Passions Viewers?
Tabby and Timmy are down in the basement. The Friends in the Basement want Tabby to make an accounting of what she’s done and why she’s failed with Charity and Miguel.
I’ve long said that the Charity/Miguel NON-Story is the worst on Passions, and for this show, that’s saying a lot. It’s a NON-story, because we’ve had nothing but a HAMSTER WHEEL environment for this story for well over two years.
As Tabitha made her case about all the other pain and suffering that she had caused, I found myself completely identifying with the demon, because the demon was saying the same questions that I was saying: yeah, so what? We’ve seen progression on all those stories. What about Charity/Miguel- the story with NO progression?
Tabitha promises that Charity and Miguel will turn a corner, once Kay turns back to being bad Kay, when Sam and Grace break up (boo hoo). Yeah, well, Kay’s been thissideofevil for two years, and hasn’t succeeded ONCE in this wretched story, so, my skepticism level is VERY HIGH. I don’t listen to any of Tabby’s predictions, with regards to this story. Like the demon, I’m very SHOW ME THE STORY.
When I see CONSISTENT AND TRUE storyline progression that lasts for MONTHS, I’ll believe it. As is, as fans, we’ve been burned and it could make someone sick, thinking about the hours of screentime that have been wasted on this NON-Story, that hasn’t moved an inch in over TWO YEARS.
So, I cheered the demon today.
As far as the rest of Tabby’s predictions, let’s go down the list:
1. Sheridan and Luis : star-crossed lovers who have been a thorn in
Tabby’s side for years. Good. I like that, though, I’m sad that they
will be apart for awhile longer.
2. Julian and Eve: seem to be stuck together, whether they like it
or not. Found it curious that Tabby stuck their downfall together.
3. Theresa: Gonna be stuck being Mrs. Julian Crane for awhile.
4. Sam and Grace: Tabby has predicted that they will split. VERY interesting
that Tabby said that David CLAIMS Grace is his wife. Hmmmmm……
5. Chad: His parentage will make him want to have never been born.
6. Luis and Ethan: I had to laugh when she called Edumb virtuous. I
don’t think so. Luis, I can buy.
But, all of these stories, while slow, are still in progress. So, I
tend to believe Tabby with them. But, the Charity/Miguel mess – I don’t
think so.
Subject: Awe….Sheridan the mermaid.
Someone wrote on a message board that they are getting a chuckle out of watching JER ripoff yet another movie.
They called Sheridan a mermaid yesterday, and today, she has no voice. Remind you of another mermaid, say, a cartoon one – Ariel, from The Little Mermaid.
Brian, who has decided that Sheridan is his dream girl, without hearing her utter a word, and knowing any of her personality, is about to tell Julian that he thinks that he has his sister. Brian is stopped, because Liz cuts off the phone, and shows him the paper with the headline of Sheridan being dead. Now, I find it a little hard to believe that the paper didn’t have a PICTURE of Sheridan to show with the headline. But, that would be too simple.
And, if it’s true, and Sheridan is dead, then it can’t be Sheridan in the room. So, Brian has his mermaid back.
Sheridan wakes up, and is frightened. They try to assure her that they mean no harm. She tries to speak, but, can’t. Doc takes a look at her, and says that something is wrong with her vocal chords, but, that she should be ok, after some TLC.
Sheridan eats the soup that Liz has given her, and I guess we’ll be subjected to about a week of mute Sheridan, the mermaid.
I don’t care for Brian. Not because I’m a Shuis Fan, but because he’s
grown, and this ‘fishing the perfect woman out of the sea ‘ thing is just
Subject: Julian, Julian…you’re in trouble
Luis and Ethan have come upon Pilar and Theresa crying. They are wondering why Pilar is so upset. Luis looks at Pilar closer and sees that she has blood underneath her fingernails. This totally freaks him out, and asks her what is going on. Pilar looks like she is going to tell him, but, Theresa draws her away.
Theresa lies and tells Luis that she wants to calm Pilar down. She warns Pilar that Luis and Ethan will kill Julian, and go to jail. Pilar says that Julian deserves to die for what he did to her – taking her virtue. Theresa ALMOST seems like she is going to tell Pilar that Julian didn’t take her virginity, but, of course, she doesn’t.
Meanwhile, Julian is in Eve’s office. He takes the call from Brian, which is cut off. He tells Eve that it was a call about Sheridan, and Eve says that’s what she’s talking about. Sheridan is dead, and Julian’s acting like it was nothing more than a drop in the Dow Jones. She tells Julian that he’s a loathesome human being, and that he should pay for what he did. That she doesn’t know how she ever cared for him.
Julian says that Eve did more than care for him. She said that she loved him. Eve said because she was too stupid to know better, and that she feels for Theresa, and anyone else who has been involved with Julian. She says that Julian must pay for what he did, and Julian says that he doesn’t want to be subjected to Luis and Ethan’s wrath. Eve calls him a coward, and that he hasn’t changed since he ran out on her all those years ago after she got pregnant.
Julian reminds Eve that the pregnancy got her a medical degree. Wrong choice of words, Julian. She tells Julian that she knows how her medical education was paid, and why: because Alistair couldn’t let anyone know that Julian had a Black Lover. Eve tells Julian that the education does NOT make up for the loss of their son’s life, or the pain that it still causes her.
Eve tells him how she still doesn’t believe it. That sometimes she thinks that their son was kidnapped. Julian asks her if she really believes that, and she says that, logically, no, she doesn’t believe it. But, she can’t help but want their son to be alive. Then, she speaks of the horror of that possibility – her son alive, looking for her, and she not know it.
Of course, they then flash to Chad.
Eve comments about her fear of her son being alive, and one of her daughters falling in love with their brother. Julian asks her if she’s still thinking about Chad, and reminds her of the DNA test. She says she knows that it’s not Chad, and that her logical senses have left her because she’s so outraged at what Julian has done.
Julian tells Eve that they were both young, when all of this happened. She says t hat was then; what is Julian’s excuse now. That he has no regard for anyone else, and that he keeps on repeating the same mistakes. Julian says that Luis and Ethan won’t find out, because no one else will tell them. He then tells Eve that he got to know Whitney in Bermuda, and that she is a beautiful young woman. Eve flips and tells him never to remotely think about going near her daughter. She tells him that if Pilar won’t tell Luis and Ethan, that SHE should tell them.
Julian cracked me up as he groveled with Eve, and begged her not to tell. He then threatened Eve with telling TC about them, and she said, not a smart move, because you’re only adding ANOTHER person that wants to kill you. Seeing that that tactic failed, he moved from TC to Whitney and Simone – talking about how disappointed they would be to find out the truth about Eve, and that there is a possibility, that they might react negatively. So negatively, that they might try and become like dear old Mom – wild and free. Eve didn’t want that, but warned Julian that secrets have a way of coming out.
Julian slinked out the door, but, unfortunately for him, he ran right into the crowd. Pilar had already muttered Julian’s name, so, he was on Luis’ mind, when he saw him. Luis brought Julian over and asked Pilar what was going on. Pilar had ‘visions ‘ of her own – Julian pouring the champagne down ‘innocent’ Theresa’s throat, and then taking off her dress. Pilar came out of it, furious, and said that Julian had ‘ruined’ Theresa.
Eve comes back to the nurses station, and is filling out paperwork, when Whitney comes over to her, and tells her that Luis and Ethan are about to find out the truth and kill Julian. Whitney is a bit shocked, when her mother says, "Good, he deserves it."
This has been so much fun – even if I do love Julian.
Eva, Tracey and Ben were great again today.