Subject: Brian and Sheridan - anyone care?
Sheridan is having flashbacks of Luis. She is remembering things about their past, and wondering how it relates to her life. She tells Brian and Liz about it. Liz is trying to warn Brian that 'Diana'had a life before the Island, and it probably included a man who loves her. Liz asks Brian what he's going to do if Diana remembers her old life. He tells Liz that he's hoping by the time 'Diana' remembers anything, she would have fallen in love with him. I'm not feeling this Sheridan/Brian thing. Not only is Brian too old for this crap, but, I get no chemistry vibe between him and Sheridan. None at all.
This story is stupid with a capital 'S'. I can't believe they are re-running the same story not a year after it was done.
Subject: " I'm the very RICH Mrs. Julian Crane." - LOL
Theresa is playing Suzy Homemaker by fixing Ethan and nice breakfast. Whitney comes over and asks Theresa if Julian has gotten the annullment. Theresa tells her that he hasn't yet, but , is working on it. Whitney tells her that she's worried about her, and that Theresa is skating on thin ice because of it. Just then Ethan comes into the kitchen and enjoys the breakfast.
Was that Whitney sneaking a peek at shirtless Ethan?
Ethan tells of how Ivy wound up at the Crane Mansion, and that she will be staying there while she contests the divorce. Ethan then declares that all the years he's been preparing to take of the Crane Empire really weren't 'all that', and that his burning desire has been to help down and out women - yeah, right, whatever.
Ethan tells them that he wants to open up his own practice, since he's been blackballed by the Cranes. He asks Theresa if she is going back to the Mansion to work for Ivy. The Mansion is the last place where Theresa wants to be, and she gives Whitney 'the look'. Ethan then says that he knows why Theresa is hesitant about going back to the Mansion - it's because she thinks that Ivy still blames her about the tabloid, and that's where it happened. Theresa tells Ethan that he saw how Ivy reacted to her the night before, and that it's best that she not go back to work for Ivy; that she'll get another job.
Ethan and Theresa talk about his plans for a new lawfirm, but that it will take money, something he doesn't have right now. This did come to me - what happened to the savings that Theresa took out of the bank to give to Ethan? What did they do with that money? Theresa has an idea - Ethan can open his law practice in Pilar's Living Room - LOL. Oh, she's got it all planned out - what furniture needs to go, how Ethan can practice there, how she will be his secretary. Ethan wonders about it. He tells Theresa that he likes her dream, but, it takes money - something he doesn't have. They will get jobs, and work towards the dream of him having his own practice. Ethan leaves to look for books, and Whitney and Theresa talk.
Theresa tells her that it's sad that Ethan can't have his dream like that. She wants him to have it.
Then, Theresa gets an idea. Whitney says that she doesn't like the look, because it only means trouble.
Theresa asks Whitney what she sees when she looks at her. Whitney says that she sees her friend who will do anything for the man she loves. Well, since you've been lying for her since the beginning, you know what she's capable of. So, why are you surprised.
Theresa says that Whitney needs to look her at her again. She is Mrs. Julian Crane. The RICH Julian Crane, and she's decided - she's going to get the money for Ethan's law firm from Julian. Whitney couldn't believe it.
Subject: Poor Luis......
Luis is in bed, having a dream. A dream of Sheridan. She comes to Luis, in the light. He looks for her. She tells him that she went to the Cottage to pick the last rose of the season. She tells him that the rose is their symbol. He should remember that.
Luis wakes up, and realizes that he's alone. He gets dressed to go back to work. He tells Ethan and Theresa that the idea about the Law Firm is fine. They should spend the time together and that Sheridan would have loved it.
Luis is welcomed back to work, and he finds that people have left him condolences. He is looking at Sheridan, when he finds a red rose on his desk.
Subject: Rebecca's moving in.....
Rebecca has decided to stake her claim. She's brought her luggage to the Crane Mansion. She tells Pilar to move her things. Pilar reminds her that she doesn't work for Rebecca - she works for Ivy, and that she's the Housekeeper, not the maid.
Rebecca tells her to find someone who will move her things, and Pilar agrees to it. Pilar comes back and tells Rebecca that she's found someone to help her. Rebecca oversees, letting them take her things, all but one case. Pilar looks at the shape, and asks if it's a gun. She tells Rebecca that she wouldn't mind it if Rebecca shot Julian. She wouldn't mind it at all.
Gwen, Pilar and the rifle go into the living room. Gwen tells Rebecca that it will be uncomfortable for all of them there. Rebecca says that she isn't going anywhere. She poo-poos Gwen's questions about Ivy being uncomfortable about Rebecca in Julian's bed, because Ivy was never there. Rebecca says that she gets the feeling that something is going on and that she intends to get to the bottom of it. And, if Julian needs a shotgun wedding, she's very happy to oblige.
Rebecca takes out the rifle and shoots one of Ivy's family treasures. She's the best shot at the Country Club, and is very willing to convince Julian.
Subject: Julian gets bodyslammed...AGAIN!!! LOL
Julian and Harper are talking in the library. Julian asks how this could have happened to him. How he could look like he's been in a street brawl. Harper reminds him that he wasn't in a street brawl. That he was beaten by two very angry women. Julian remembers Pilar and Eve attacking him. Harper is fed up with Julian's self-pity. He tells Julian to find him another lawyer, because he's finished with him. He works for ALISTAIR, and is going to tell him everything. Harper is going to leave, and Julian is trying to stop him when the phone rings - it's Alistair, who is on Safari.
Al wants to know why Ivy is at the house, and Julian tells him that Ethan is helping Ivy to contest the divorce. Al is not happy, wondering if Ethan knows who the Cranes are, and tells Julian that he has to marry Rebecca ASAP. She knows too many secrets, and he wants her brought into the family fold immediately. Julian tells him that he's working on it, and Al, not trusting Julian, asks Harper if Al knows everything that he should. Julian threatens Harper with a letter opener, and tells Alistair that he is up to date on all the possible information. Alistair tells Julian to take care of things, and then goes back to killing animals. The entire scene was funny as Julian drank him a Bloody Mary, and Harper, having lied to the great Alistair Crane, understands why Julian's driven to drink, because he joins him.....LOL
Julian tells Harper to look out and see if Pilar is there. He does and tells Julian Pilar is nowhere to be found. Harper, of course, leaves the door open, and Julian, being the dumb one that he is, decides to go on and on about how wonderful Theresa was in bed, and how he wished he had ten more minutes with her. Harper tells Julian to shut up, but, it's too late - Pilar has already heard him.
Pilar came rushing towards Julian like a bull. It was too funny, how she jumped him and told him that she would kill him. Pilar is attacking Julian, and Harper has made his way over to his briefcase. He was enjoying the show. But, eventually, he helped pull Pilar off of Julian, but, not before she could give Julian a good kick in the 'crown jewels', and told him that he better not even talk to Theresa, because she would kill him herself, via poison, and he would die a slow, painful death like the pig he is.
Eva cracks me up. I bet she and Ben have been having a lot of fun with their scenes. Though I sort of like Harper, I do miss Bruce. He would love this.