Subject: AHA! - I knew something was off with David
I had seen the spoilers where an encounter with Beth and David was supposed to mean something. Considering that we don’t see Beth but every blue moon, I wondered how it would mean anything.
Beth, who had been on a trip throughout New England, has taken up photography as a hobby, and of course, she recognized David being a well-known photographer. She asks him if he would look at some of her pictures, and he agrees. He looks through them, and comes to one that he admires. He asks Beth where this picture was taken, and she tells him HARTFORD, CONNETICUT!
He didn’t recognize Hartford – the place where he SUPPOSEDLY married Grace?
Beth had even taken a picture of St. Anastasia’s, and David, trying to cover his blunder before, spoke of the Chapel with the Angels in it. Beth said she didn’t know about it, and wished she had. David looked over his shoulder to see if Sam and Grace had heard his mistake, but, they hadn’t.
Now, this confirms for some of us who have been suspicious of David since the beginning. Something isn’t right with him. He has ‘said’ a lot of the right things about how much he ‘loves’ Grace, but something isn’t right.
There is a REASON that Grace doesn’t remember the ‘face’ of the groom at the wedding. And, I’m going back to the remembrance of the groom that Grace has: the one with no face, but whose hands look MUCH older than David would have looked over 20 years ago. The hands totally looked like Alistair’s.
So, we’re back to the beginning with David Hastings: WHO is he, and
WHAT does he want with Grace. I know some think I’m off about this, but,
I still think that Grace has another child out there, possibly a boy, maybe
the only Male Standish with powers.
Subject: Sam cracked me up today
Sam and Grace were at the Book Café. They were talking about Ivy, and Sam once again was trying to reassure Grace that he said to Ivy what he said because he didn’t want her to die. He wants Grace to know that she is the only woman that he loves. Grace says that she understands it. Beth comes over and they talk. It comes up that the Bennett House is almost finished (boy, I need those construction folks in MY town..LOL), and Beth tells them that things will soon get back to normal. When she leaves, Sam tells Grace that Beth is right: things WILL get back to normal for them.
Sam sees David and calls him over to the table; he has an announcement to make.
Sam tells David that he now believes that David and Grace are married. That he didn’t want to believe it, but, the proof was overwhelming, and so, he’s convinced.
Both David and Grace are surprised. David compliments Sam on facing the truth, and then he takes Grace’s hand, and talks about them being married. Sam REMOVES David’s hand from Grace’s and tells him that he said he accepted that they were married over 20 years ago. BUT, that has nothing to do with the state of things today. SAM is her husband in Grace’s heart. They have a family, and nothing is going to break that up. It was so funny – the look Sam gave David, when he put his hand on top of Grace’s. Sam was trying to be polite, but, David pushed things and caveman Sam came back out.
Sam told David that was all he had to tell him, and that he and Grace
have to discuss how they are going to tell the kids. David leaves, and
Sam and Grace discuss it. They call Kay and tell her to get the girls for
a family meeting. They are sure that the kids have grown up with enough
love to be able to handle this.
Subject: Good Kay – trying and so funny
Tabby is downstairs with the demon in the basement. This demon is speaking my language, asking how Tabby can be sure that Kay is going to turn evil once again. And, even when she was evil, she had no success in breaking up Charity and Miguel.
Once again, he’s telling her: SHOW ME THE STORY!
This demon is after my own heart, showing doubts that the hamster wheel of Charity/Miguel/Kay is going to ever stop spinning, and actually go forth.
Tabby’s trying to plead that once Kay finds out that her parents aren’t married, she’s going to succumb to the darkside.
Of course, the premise that someone from her mother’s past, a past that they all knew about (amnesia), would push Kay over the edge, doesn’t make sense. People have sometimes compared Kay to Sami on DOOL. Well, I still contend that JER did a far better job with character motivation with regards to Sami than he has done with Kay. WHY would finding out her parents aren’t married send Kay over the edge. Sami didn’t really go over the edge until she found her mother committing adultery – THAT is an action that can send a teen over the edge. But, everyone knew that Grace had amnesia. They had won the law of averages that her past hadn’t come back to bite them long before this. But, they know that Grace has loved and been devoted to Sam all these years. So, finding out that they aren’t married should upset them, but, not enough to turn to ‘evil’.
Kay, who has turned into Charity-lite, is looking for Tabitha. She sees the smoke from the basement, and is concerned about Tabitha. Tabitha hears Kay, and tells the demon that she just needs the time for Kay to come over to the dark side. The demon grants her one last chance, but, if she doesn’t succeed, it’s curtains for Tabby and Timmy. I’m so sick of this story, it will have to be shown, through months of progression, REAL progression, that this story is actually going somewhere, and we aren’t continuing wasting our time watching this NON-story.
Tabby comes upstairs and tells Kay that she was tending to her flowers. When Kay thinks about possibly doing the same for Grace at their new house, to get Kay away from the basement, she pretends to be faint. Kay takes her back to the living room and fixes them some tea. Kay explains to Tabby that she thinks her actions have possibly been , in part responsible, for the bad things that have happened to her family. So, that is why she’s turned a new leaf. She will only put out positive energy, so that she can get back positive energy. Tabby tells Timmy this will only last until Kay finds out about Sam and Grace.
It’s been funny seeing Kay try to be good. Really try and not pretend.
Subject: Aliens, Doc?
Sheridan is with her new friends, wondering what is going on. As if all she had gone through isn’t enough, she’s now faced with waking up, looking at three strangers, and Doc goes off, talking about aliens. Now, she thinks she’s around one certifiable crazy person, and doesn’t know the other two.
I hate this story already. Sheridan ‘dying’ was repetitive and trite. Been there, done that. So, pardon me if I’m not enthused. Brian, though handsome, is a little whacked. Like I’ve been saying, Sheridan could be a murderer on the lam, and, he’s convinced she’s his dream girl, based upon how she LOOKS? Pretty shallow.
Doc is talking about aliens. And, Liz does nothing for me.
They better gimme an Alistair connection, and fast. DOES Alistair know where Sheridan is? Or, just used the body in the Hotel, to confirm the death, and he hoped that the real Sheridan died out to sea?
Big snooze, so far.
Subject: Only character ruined so far, has been Julian…..
And, that’s because of the ‘ I’ll-kill-my-sister-and-show-no-remorse’ storyline.
It’s not because he’s married to Theresa.
I’ve read people who have been critical of the past two days. Saying that this has been a bad time, and has ruined characters that have gone against their principles.
I could not disagree more with this statement.
The only one that looks stupid in all of this is Ethan, and that’s because Travis isn’t remotely convincing in Ethan’s ‘outrage’. He looks more and more ridiculous when they show Ethan mad. He is laughable.
The rest are real, and the reasons behind their rage is real.
Luis: Luis has always been protective of his family. That was established in the beginning of the show. From the beginning, we have heard him voice his opinions that Julian and Alistair had something to do with his father’s disappearance.
Luis even coined the phrase “ those Damn Cranes”, which became a Passions running joke.
The last thing he ever thought would happen to him was that he would fall in love with a Crane – Sheridan. But, despite loving her, he has NEVER taken his eyes off the hatred that he has for Julian and Alistair.
Luis is more than a big brother to Theresa. He is a father figure to her. Remember his reaction, when Rebecca brought up the ‘false issue’ of Ethan and Theresa having slept together, and Luis’ outrage at the thought that an engaged Ethan had taken advantage of Theresa? Ethan is far closer to Theresa’s age, and was only engaged when he Luis got pissed.
Julian is ten times worse. A hundred times. His reputation precedes him, and Luis has already thought about the young girl in Bermuda, relating her ‘victim’ status to his little sister.
Luis is grieving. He’s lost Sheridan, and lost his future. He thinks about all the time that he wasted apart from Sheridan because of Julian and Alistair’s manipulations, and he realizes that time was precious, and that it was lost because of them. Luis is a walking emotion. He’s angry at everything for taking the woman he loved away from him.
All he has left IS his family. So, protecting them is paramount to him. He finds his mother and sister crying. His mother has blood underneath her fingernails. He knows his mother. He probably can count on one hand, the number of times that he’s seen her angry enough to fight someone. That she would do such a thing, he knows instinctively that it’s serious. When Pilar points Julian out, Luis doesn’t need the details. Julian has harmed his family, and must pay.
All of this is very consistent with the character of Luis.
Pilar: People say Pilar is a hypocrite. Of course she is.
She showed that, when she slapped Rebecca to the ground, when Rebecca sent Theresa out of town.
Now, remember, Pilar knew ALL ABOUT Theresa’s lies and schemes to get Ethan away from Gwen. She was there when Theresa LIED TO GWEN’S FACE when directly asked about her feelings for Ethan.
So, Rebecca finding out about Theresa and fighting back could NOT have been a surprise to Pilar. But, it didn’t matter to her. She beat Rebecca down, and was willing to kick her butt, for ‘harming’ Theresa.
She has also thrown Rebecca in the fountain at the double wedding disaster and threatened Rebecca, even though SHE knows that Theresa knew and lied about Ethan’s paternity for months.
WHY is her reaction to Julian a surprise to anyone?
Pilar believes that Theresa is a virgin, on the cusp of marriage to a man she loves. She believes Julian got Theresa drunk and took her virginity.
Is this some random man?
No, this is one of the two most loathsome human beings on the planet for Pilar. She has watched, year in, year out, as Julian has treated woman after woman like garbage. His disrespect for women. He has made her skin crawl, and now, Pilar has to hear from her teenaged daughter that she’s not only slept with, but, married to the man.
Theresahate aside, what mother of a teenaged girl, wouldn’t want to kill a man old enough to date YOU – the mother, having his way with YOUR daughter?
Pilar thinks that Theresa will never forget her ‘first time’ with Julian. That it will be a horrible memory that will haunt her for forever. Plus, I think that Pilar has rage towards Julian and Alistair, but that she’s suppressed it.
Julian isn’t only paying for his present sins, with regards to Pilar’s wishing him dead. It’s about past sins too.
I think it’s very much in character.
Eve: I think I understand Eve’s reaction the best.
Eve - she has always been a cauldron of simmering rage where Julian
is concerned. It's come out, here and there, since the beginning of the
show. She has NEVER dealt with the pain of that entire part of her life.
She just stuffed it down, and 'went on'.
She has known Theresa all her life. Listening to the story, she's lived
it, and Eve, I think, is going back and forth, between pain of the past,
and anger in the present. For her, it isn't cut and dried. It's anything
If Eve were in her RATIONAL mind, she would relate TC to Luis and Ethan,
and all she's done to stop TC from going off.
But, she's NOT in her rational mind.
She's the young woman who was devastated by Julian, and never got through
that pain. She is nothing but a bed of emotions right now, and can't deal
with anything else.
Whitney talked to her.
Whitney reminded her of the person she's been for the years SINCE Julian.
The values that she's tried to teach them.
The 'perfect' mother that she's appeared to be to them, and wanted
them to follow.
Only Whitney or Simone could break through that anger and pain that
Eve was oozing for the past two days.
I thought it was very much in character, and part of the reason why
I love Eve.
So, I just don’t see the reactions of those at the hospital as being
‘out of character’.