Today’s show was ok.
Subject: GO POISON IVY!!
I don’t like Ivy, but I like her best when she’s being smart and being a bitch.
Today, she was in rare form.
She is talking to the Head of Crane Security that she sent to Bermuda to sniff out Julian and Theresa’s secret. I loved seeing the bloodthirst in Ivy’s eyes. She’s totally gunning for Theresa and Julian – she wants to blow both of them out of the water. I didn’t realize just how serious it had become for Ivy, but, today left no doubts: she REALLY wants to destroy Theresa.
After she gets off of the phone with the security guy, she runs into Rebecca, who tells her that she’s not going to be invited to the wedding. Ivy is like, ‘ I don’t care’, and Rebecca tries to insult her by calling her Ivy ‘Winthrop’. She says the name is ‘Crane’, and don’t you forget it. She tells Rebecca that she’s got a present for Rebecca and Julian’s wedding, and it should be very interesting.
Rebecca goes to run errands, and Ivy checks in again with the security guy, who is about to talk to the Justice of the Peace. Ivy wants results and soon… Rebecca returns, and Ivy teases her about her invitations. Rebecca tells her to go work on her wedding present, and Ivy says that she is. And, if it’s half as good as she’s planning…people will be talking about it for years.
I loved the pitbull look in Ivy’s eyes. She is SO determined…this is fun.
I still have to wonder why she didn’t fight this hard to REMAIN Mrs.
Julian Crane. We were gypped out of that good battle between her and Julian.
Subject: Edumb, Lifetime President of DENSA
Ethan, Theresa, Chad and Whitney are at the L-F house. Ethan is oblivious, going on and on about his and Theresa’s marriage. They are in the middle of preparations.
Whitney and Chad get some time alone, and Chad the Enabler (not Chad, the original character who believed in truth), says that he won’t be responsible for destroying their happiness, even if his supposed ‘best friend’ is being made a fool of.
Whitney says that everyone who knows won’t tell, so there shouldn’t be any reason why it should come out, and that the annulment will happen before Ethan and Theresa’s marriage. Chad asks who all knows, and Whitney gives him this long list. Chad did crack me up with his response:
" Damn! How is this supposed to be a secret?"
Chad understands that the more people know, the less it is a secret, and that it’s only a matter of time before it comes out. Whitney is being semi-delusional, underestimating Ivy and Rebecca and their determination. Chad reminds her that everyone else might have a reason to keep quiet, but, Father Lonigan is a priest, and will tell the truth, if asked.
As if on cue, the doorbell rings, and it’s Father Lonigan. Ethan is happy to see Father L, and asks him when he can marry him and Theresa. Father L tells Ethan once again, that he can’t marry him and Theresa, and of course, the clue just flies right over Edumb’s head.
Father Lonigan asks if everything is in order, and Ethan cluelessly talks about the marriage license. Theresa knows what Father L is talking about, and tells him that ‘proper papers will be filed tomorrow’. She walks Father Lonigan to the door, and he tells her that she has to tell Ethan, because a marriage based on lies is doomed.
Theresa doesn’t want to hear it, and tells Whitney that everything has
to work out, and Whitney tells her that nothing has so far, so why should
it now?
Subject: The complete waste of Tabitha…..and Julian sees Timmy
I know that Rebecca wants to marry Julian, but, why should she expect for Julian to run errands with her. I was on Julian’s side on this one. Rebecca looked ridiculous bothering Julian to come and run errands with her. Julian’s the head of a large corporation, he has people to run errands, and Rebecca could have gotten Gwen to go with her.
Of course, Rebecca threatens Julian, and he asks her when the threats will stop. She tells him when she becomes Mrs. Julian Crane. He couldn’t argue with that. I crack up when Rebecca pulls rank on Julian like this.
While Rebecca gets her list, Julian calls up Harper and tells him to get him the annulment papers ASAP. Julian says that if push comes to shove, he’ll marry Rebecca, just to get her off his back.
Of course, the entire reason for Julian absurdly doing errands for Rebecca became clear when she ran into Tabitha, and tripped over her, and Julian got to see Timmy alive again.
Tabby and Timmy have been wandering around Harmony, trying to find a way to get back to the Crane Estate, so that Tabby can get to Hecuba’s lair, and get things that can help Kay.
I’m still back on this point, and if I seem like a broken record, sorry. But, this is SO lame;
The fact that this show wasted over TWO YEARS of screentime on Tabby trying to ‘destroy’ Charity and Miguel, with those dumb schemes, is demonstrative of why this show is in the toilet.
So, that she’s doing it now….ho hum…..too little, too late. It’s ridiculous to call Tabitha a harbinger of evil, as Father Lonigan said today, and to have her completely so stupid, that she didn’t think of helping Kay from the GET GO.
Tabitha is over 300 years old. What a wonderful background for a character, and they’re wasting her on lame Charity and Miguel?
So, Julian once again saw Timmy alive, and Rebecca doesn’t believe him.
Tabitha grabbed one of Rebecca’s announcements, so they have an ‘in’
to the Crane Estate.
Subject: Luis offers Beth help
I’ve been reading Beth in fan fic, and it’s help me look at this character in a different way. I really liked Beth today, and I figured out it was the fact that she was so real. She is a real character, with real problems, and handles them like anyone of us would do.
Beth had just been on the phone with people about her boat. It wasn’t going to make it’s way back to Harmony. She explained to Luis how her father had left her the boat, and she was earning extra money with the boat, and how she was using the savings to build towards buying back the Book Café. And, how, through a series of events, she had lost her savings and was back to square one, and even worse off, because she didn’t have a boat either.
I liked the story today, because Beth didn’t whine. She just stated the facts, and you could tell her frustration and heartache. All she ever wanted was the Book Café. It was her dream, and because she did the ‘right’ thing – helping her mother, it was taken from her, and she has to undergo the humiliation of being ‘allowed’ to run something that was HER dream.
But, she sucks it up, and dives right in there, working and saving, and taking care of her mother. Then, boom, it’s all gone. All her hard work. No wonder she was upset.
Luis asked her if she had lost the boat completely, and she said that the people down in the Caribbean had found it, but that the guy wouldn’t sail it back to her. She can’t afford to do it, so Luis offers to. She tells Luis that she can’t accept, and he tells her that he had been given time off, and that he would do it for her. Beth tells him she has no money to offer him, but Luis doesn’t want any. Finally, she tells him that he can’t go, because the boat is near Bermuda, and she doesn’t want to put Luis through that pain. Though Luis is upset about it, he tells Beth, maybe this is what he needs to do, in order to say goodbye to Sheridan.
I really liked Beth today.