“You will not come back here later, what the hell do you think you are
doing? You can’t even knock you pervert? What, did you want to catch Eve
and I like this or what, you are a sicko.” T.C. yelled.
“T.C., stop it.”
“I hate you Julian, and how dare you stand there and stare at my wife like that? You are disgusting, get the hell out before I kill you!”
“Wait T.C., Julian, what did you need?”
He thought quickly.
“I was wondering if I could get some information about Sheridan’s stay?”
“Sheridan, you don’t care about her you selfish bastard!”
“T.C. shut up!’
“No I won’t, I want you to stop pestering my wife, there are plenty of other doctor’s in this hospital, and you stay away from Eve.”
“T.C., he is asking about his sister and it’s hospital information and I am her doctor, so stay out of this. Julian, I will get you what you need. T.C., I have to go, we will talk later.”
“It’s always something Eve, if you are not working long hours, then you are helping losers like Julian Crane.”
“Just go please, I told you I was busy and now I have to get some information, it’s part of my job.” She said angrily.
“Yeah whatever, and Julian….this better be strictly business, you come anywhere near my wife, I will break every bone in your body.”
Julian just stood there; he wasn’t about to start arguing with him, it would be a waste of time. Eve put her top back on and T.C. left in a huff, pushing Julian on his way out.
“Julian, I am so sorry that T.C. talked to you like that, you don’t deserve that one bit.”
“It’s okay Eve.”
“No it’s not, he said some awful things.”
“Sweetie, I just let it roll of my back with T.C., I know what he is like.” Julian said.
“Well, anyway, I apologize.”
“Don’t.” he said.
Julian pulled her in his arms and kissed her passionately.
“Julian, you’re not angry with me?”
“About what Eve?”
“What you walked in on.”
“Why would I be?”
Well, I was in my bra and T.C. wanted to….”
“Make love to you?” Julian said.
“Well, yeah.”
“He is still your husband Eve and he obviously doesn’t know about us and who can blame him right?” Julian said smiling.
“Well, I didn’t want to, I felt so uneasy, actually you walked in just at the right time, thank you.” She said with a sigh of relief.
“Well I should have knocked, he was right about that, I wasn’t thinking.”
“It’s okay, anyway, what brings you by?”
“Well, I just wanted to say hello, but if I am being a nuisance or smothering you, you can be honest and tell me Eve.”
“Not at all Julian, I enjoy seeing you and spending time with you, but perhaps next time I won’t be in my bra when you walk in.” She said smiling.
“Yes, perhaps you will be out of it?” Julian asked.
“Very funny, anyway, so you stopped by to say hello?”
“Actually, I stopped by to see if you are busy tonight.”
“Well, not really, I do get off work in a little while, why did you want to do something?” Eve asked.
“If it’s okay, I would love to take you somewhere really special, I can book it no problem if you can spare a few hours later on.” Julian said.
”Book what?”
“It’s a surprise, but seriously, you do think we can see each other?”
“Of course, as it turns out, T.C. will be out, he is going to be at the youth centre tonight and the girls are going to be out as well, so I am free Julian.”
“Great, I will pick you up later if that’s okay.”
“At the house?”
“Well if they won’t be home, perhaps I can chance it Eve?”
“Um…well I suppose you could, as long as Liz doesn’t get word of it.”
“I will be careful Eve, I will be discreet, besides hopefully if she did see, she would keep her big trap shut.”
“We can only wish Julian.”
“Well, I will let you get back to work, I will pick you up around eight if that’s good?”
“Sure, see you then.”
Eve sat down at the desk and Julian stood there.
“What is it?” she asked.
He smiled and then leaned over her desk to give her a gentle kiss.
“Bye for now.”
Eve finished her shift at the hospital and took her shower to get all ready for her surprise date. She was only in a towel when she heard the doorbell ring.
“My God, T.C. must have forgotten something, but doesn’t he have his key?” she wondered.
When it rang again, she hurried down the stairs to open the door. There stood Julian with a huge smile on his face when he saw her.
“Julian, you are early!”
“Oh my Eve, that look is very becoming darling.” He said not being able to take his eyes off of her.
She worked hard to keep the towel closed.
“Why are you here now, you told me eight.”
“According to my watch, I am only ten minutes early Eve.”
“What, oh my God, I must have lost track of time, now I am late.”
“And I always believe in being early.” He said smiling.
“Well, you will have to wait then, I will need a few more minutes.”
“How many is a few?”
“I don’t know, as you can see I just got out of the shower.”
“Damn, I should have been here even earlier!” he said laughing.
“Well come on in then, would you like a drink or a coffee? I can make it.”
“No need Eve, don’t worry about me, you just go ahead and get ready.”
“Well you stay down here okay?”
“Do I have to, I thought you might need a little help.” He said smiling.
“No I am fine, just give me about twenty minutes.”
“Yes dear.”
Julian sat on the sofa and turned on the television, flipping through the channels. He didn’t really focus on it though; he was really looking forward to surprising Eve.
“Julian?” she yelled from the top of the stairs.
“Yes Eve?”
“What should I wear for this?”
“Anything you want sweetheart, whatever you are comfortable in.”
“Well that’s fine, but what are you wearing, I need to see.”
Julian stood up and walked over to the stairs.
“See, just a pair of beige pants.”
“What about your shirt?”
“What does it matter Eve?”
“I need to see if it’s casual or dressy.”
“Oh Eve, don’t worry about it, just wear what you want, seriously.”
“I want to look nice Julian.”
“You always do Eve, but look, I am wearing a navy oxford, does that help?” he said opening his overcoat.
“Yes, thanks.”
He heard her shut the door and he sat back down on the sofa. He thought it was cute that she was so concerned about her clothing; she was all woman that was for sure. Eve returned a little while later, wearing a black silk shirt and a pair of black dress pants.
“How’s this?” Eve asked.
“You look stunning.” He said.
“Thank you Julian.”
“I mean it, all I can say is wow.”
“Oh Julian, you look really great to you know.” Eve said.
“Well, thanks, anyway, make sure you bring a coat that’s warm.”
“Why are we going to be playing in the snow?” Eve asked.
“Um, no, but I don’t want my honey getting cold.”
He helped her on with her coat and they were on their way. She wondered what he was up to, but if he wouldn’t tell her, it must have been some place different.
“How come you didn’t pick me up in the limo?”
“I don’t know Eve, I just thought we could have some time to talk like this, kind of like a winter road trip.” He said smiling.
“Well that was a good idea, so where you taking me?” she asked again.
“Have some patience Eve, besides it wouldn’t be a surprise if I told you.”
“Are we there yet?” she said laughing.
“You are too funny.”
“Whitney and Simone used to drive me nuts asking me that over and over, but I think every kid does that when they are out for a drive. Now all you have to do is put in a DVD and they are content for hours, that’s technology for you.” Eve said.
“Yes, the kids are so different today aren’t they?”
“Yes Julian, ours used to bring games with them sometimes or they would try to sing, but then again I didn’t really encourage them.” Eve said.
“I wish they could have heard what a wonderful voice their mother had even then.” Julian said touching her cheek.
“Well, they did try to sing songs when they were bored in the car, anyway, you never really did things like that did you Julian?”
“Oh God no Eve, could you just imagine my kids and I on a real road trip? That would be a nightmare.”
“For you Julian?”
“No probably not Eve, more for Ivy. God, if Ethan or Fox ever tried to sing songs in a car, she would curse at me for encouraging such tacky habits. It would kill her if her son’s were playing games or singing like such “common” kids of the time. Heaven forbid if either of them did something a normal kid would do. Ivy is so much into class Eve, that unless they, especially Ethan was doing something of real substance, she would forbid it. You know my ex-wife isn’t just a bitch, she is a first class snob.”
“She is both.” Eve said.
“Yes, you see Eve, that is why I love you so much, you are nothing like Rebecca or Ivy, you raised your kids right, even I could take a lesson from you in being a better parent.”
“But Julian, you are trying, I know you are. I think in time, maybe you and Fox can truly mend your relationship.”
Well it may be too late, I don’t know Eve, but I certainly would like to try to get along with my son, only time will tell.” Julian said.
They talked for a bit more and when Julian pulled up to their destination,
Eve couldn’t believe it, Julian had booked a cabin for the evening.