When they were ready to take her home, everyone in town knew of the news. They had had several visitors, the doorbell ringing off the hook. Although Julian and Eve’s relationship wasn’t exactly a favorite with many in Harmony, some people had moved past it now that their new daughter had arrived in the world. The bell rang again and Julian was surprised to see T.C. and Liz at the door.
“Hello?” he said staring at T.C.
“Yeah, well, I am here only because Whitney and Simone are visiting and I figured I better make an appearance.” T.C. said.
Eve came out of the other room, with Ashtyn in her arms. T.C. looked at the baby and then at Eve. It was a very awkward moment, but Julian broke the ice.
“Come in T.C., Liz, Whitney and Simone will be back in a minute, they went to the store for Eve. How would you like to hold her?” Julian asked looking at Liz.
“No that’s okay, how about you T.C.?”
He didn’t answer her, but just stared at Eve.
“T.C., you used to love to hold Whitney and Simone remember?” Eve said.
“Hold her, I don’t mind.” Eve said trying to keep the conversation civil.
T.C. finally agreed and he looked at the baby, a serious look upon his face. Ashtyn cooed and when she grabbed T.C.’s finger, he couldn’t help but smile.
“She is really cute Eve.”
“Thank you T.C.”
He then looked at Julian, a serious expression on his face once more, thinking about the fact that he fathered this baby.
“I have to say one thing to you Julian.” T.C. said.
“What’s that?”
“I hope you are going to play a big part in this baby’s life. You were not there for your other kids, so I suggest you start fresh and be a good father to Ashtyn.”
“I will T.C., believe me, I will, nothing would give me more pleasure, well that and finding our son.” He said smiling at Eve.
“Any leads on that?” Liz asked.
“Sort of, but there are still lots more we need to learn.”
Julian and Eve didn’t mind sharing about their son, but they still didn’t trust Liz one bit. Life may have changed for all of them, and she was with T.C. But Eve would never be close with Liz again; it was too difficult after all that she had put her through since coming to Harmony. Julian agreed with Eve that it was too much of a strained relationship. But the mature thing to do was to just deal with the reality of the situation, and both of them wanted Ashtyn to grow up a happy child. Fighting was so stupid and childish and their little girl did not need to be a part of the bickering. Whitney and Simone then opened the front door.
“Hi Daddy, when did you get here?” Whitney asked.
“A few minutes ago, I wanted to see the new baby.”
“That’s nice, she is so beautiful isn’t she?” Simone said.
“Yes she is.”
They all stayed for quite some time and when they left, Julian looked at Eve who was sitting on the sofa; she had just finished feeding the baby.
“Darling, did it upset you to see them?” Julian said sitting next to her.
“At first, but at least they didn’t pick a fight. I don’t want that Julian. I want Ashtyn to grow up knowing them, after all, we all have to live in the same town. Perhaps our baby will be what keeps the peace in some ways. I want her to see that we can get along with them, provide a stable and healthy environment, as we don’t have any secrets anymore. I want her to be loved so much Julian.”
“She will get lots of love sweetheart from parents who love each other deeply.” He said leaning forward to give Eve a kiss.
Ashtyn then began to cry.
“Uh oh, perhaps she doesn’t like us kissing.” He said smiling
“She needs to be changed actually.” Eve said.
“Let me take her.” He said cradling her in his arms.
“There is new bag of diapers in the closet.” She said to him as he went up the stairs.
“Alright Eve.”
He laid Ashtyn on the change table and she squirmed a bit as he tried to put on the diaper.
“You little monkey, you are all Crane that’s for sure. You want to do your own thing and don’t have any patience.” He said smiling.
“Oh she is definitely daddy’s little girl.” Eve said touching his shoulder.
“Yes she is, I think she’s a bit tired.”
“Why don’t you put her down for a nap?” Eve said.
“Alright then.”
Julian laid her in the crib and looked at his daughter. She was so beautiful in his eyes, as every parent thought that about their own child. He watched her intently, realizing that he really had missed out on a lot with his other children. Because he was given this second chance in life, he wanted to do everything right. He wanted so much to find his son for himself and especially for Eve, and he was blessed with his new daughter. But he also wanted to be there for his other children, and that included Endora, she was still his child. But having another baby now meant more than anything to Julian. He was older and wiser and she was created from a love that stood the test of time.
“My sweet angel, your mommy and I love you so much. We are going to give you the best life possible, a very happy and content one. You will never have to worry for anything Ashtyn, when you need us, we will always be here.”
Eve stood in the doorway watching Julian talk to her. He was proving already to be a great father and she was so happy that she had taken a chance on him again. He was true to his word and she could see the true love in his heart for her and their baby. He turned around to see Eve standing there smiling.
“I love this Eve.”
“I know you do Julian.” She said putting her arms around his neck.
“What I have been missing in my life, how I wish I had this so much sooner. I was so miserable, so nasty before.”
“But you’re not now, you are wonderful and sweet and so caring, Julian, this is who you are, this the Julian Crane I knew when we first met. And to be honest, you have grown so much in so many ways Julian. For the many times I hated you and the image you portrayed, you are so much more than I could ever imagine. I am so proud of you for turning your life around.”
“Eve, I know I made many mistakes, I know I was nothing but a selfish bastard, but having you stand by me, having you love me, that made all the difference. I had to be patient for our love to grow again, but I promised myself that I would never resort to any of my old ways. Perhaps if I did, I would have tried some kind of trick to get you back, but you know what, tricks don’t work; dishonesty never wins out in the end. Only true love and patience and time will decide what’s to be. And because I did this the right way, I ended up with what I wanted for over two decades, you Eve, the love of my life and Ashtyn, could life get any better?” he said tracing her mouth with his finger.
“Oh Julian, I love you.” She said kissing him.
“I love you Eve, I always will.”