Hello all, this is something that has never been attempted
with Evian before, at least not that I know of.
Anyway, I know from first hand experience about this,
so I wanted to include it in my story. Thanks for following this story
all, I appreciate it, even if it's a long one. :)
“Honey, whatever you need, just ask, I want to be here for you as I was with Ashytn.”
“I know Julian, you’re a great dad and you will be just as wonderful with our new baby, if I am pregnant.”
He kissed her goodnight, holding Eve in his arms, Julian’s mind raced with thoughts of the possibility of Eve with child. He was ecstatic, another baby to love with the woman he loved. He was going to be the best father he could be. He had to make up for the many times he was a deadbeat one. His children deserved a dad and he felt bad for his children he hurt that were all grown up, especially Fox. But this time, he just had to make it right, this would be his third child with Eve if she was pregnant and it made him think about their first born again and how he wanted to find him, another brother for Ashtyn and his other kids. When the alarm went off for Julian to go to work, Eve was not in bed and he opened up the bathroom door to see her sitting once again on the floor.
“Darling, maybe I should take today off so I can take care of you.”
“No Julian, go to work, I’ll be fine.”
“But you’re sick and I could watch Ashtyn.”
“Julian, I could be sick day after day, you don’t want to miss too much work, it’s important you keep a good work ethic. After all, you love this job, so go to it.”
“But Eve..”
“Don’t make me get the hose.” She said trying to smile.
“Yes dear, well I will go downstairs and shower then if you’re in here.”
“You don’t have to Julian.”
“No it’s okay sweetie, it’s not a problem.”
Eve just couldn’t keep away from the toilet; she closed her eyes for a moment as she laid her head against the bathroom tiles, resting for a moment. She had been up more than once in the night and when she heard Ashtyn cry; she got up to go to her.
“You’re up bright and early just like mommy.” Eve said, letting out a yawn.
Ashtyn continued to cry and Eve was just about to change her when Julian came into the room in his robe, his hair quite wet from the shower.
“Here let me.”
“No, you have to get ready for work.”
“I can spare a few minutes to change our baby girl, you just take it easy.” Julian said.
“Thanks, but I’ll get your breakfast then.”
“Never mind me, I can grab an energy bar to take with me.”
“Energy bar, what are you, one of those corporate men who never have time for a proper breakfast?”
Julian smiled at Eve, loving how she cared so much about him that way. She was cute in his eyes when she was so concerned.
“Actually you are, but you have time, now when you’re done with her, bring her down with you to the kitchen. You’re not leaving without eating something of stamina.”
“Yes dear.” He said, kissing her on the cheek.
“Yes dear, are you trying to say I’m nagging you?” Eve asked.
“But it’s okay, I love when you tell me what to do.” He said, laughing.
“I don’t, but you’re my husband, I want to make sure you have energy for the day, how about some oatmeal?”
“The real kind or the flavoured instant package that tastes like glue?”
“And how do you know what glue tastes like?”
“Um, I ate it as a kid in class.”
“You did not!”
“Okay I didn’t, but the instant oatmeal is crap Eve, no offense, I just don’t like it.”
“For your information, you’re getting the kind I make on the stove, I’m going downstairs now or it won’t be ready on time.”
When she shut the door, he continued changing her and when she was clean, he picked her up and held her to him.
“Daddy, has to get dressed in a bit, but I’ll stay in my robe while I eat to help out mommy, does that sound like a plan?”
Ashtyn just smiled at Julian, he loved how sweet and innocent she was, he hoped that she would stay that way when she grew up, not inheriting too much of the evil Crane side.
“Well my little lady, you smell as lovely as roses, so I think we’re ready to go downstairs.”
When he entered the kitchen, Eve put the bowl in front of him.
“It looks great, but I need brown sugar on it Eve, please.”
“Brown sugar, Julian are you ten years old? I thought you didn’t like the flavoured kind.”
“I don’t, but this kind still needs brown sugar on it.”
“Fine.” She said, opening the cupboard and handing him the bag.
“Thank you.”
“Do you need me to put it on or can you handle that task?”
“You’re being a bit cranky, but with good reason.” Julian said.
“I’m not cranky.” She said, handing him a glass of orange juice.
“Did I say cranky, no I meant lovely, amazing, sexy.”
“Okay don’t lay it on too thick, I’m already nauseous now.”
When he finished his breakfast, he went upstairs to get dressed and Eve sat down with her, feeding her. Julian returned a few moments later, straightening his tie and making sure he had everything in his brief case.
“Honey, are you going to the doctor’s today?”
“So…you will know I come home for the day?”
“I’ll call you Julian.”
“Okay, you know where to reach me.”
“Yes, I love you Julian.”
“I love you too Eve.”
When he shut the door, Eve sat down again with Ashtyn on her knee, stroking her hair, ever so slightly. She was quite excited to know one way or the other so she would find out. Julian sat at his desk, gazing at a picture of Eve, which he truly loved when his phone rang.
“Hi sweetheart, are you?”
“Yes Julian.”
“Oh Eve!” he said, excitedly.
“Julian, wait.”
“What’s wrong?”
“They want to run some tests again.
“Julian, I’m over thirty-five and I’m considered in the category for a high risk pregnancy, so they run them, remember they did for me with Ashtyn and I was fine.”
“Oh Eve, honey.” He said, sitting back in the chair.
“Don’t worry Julian, everything will be okay, honey I’m pregnant!”
“I’m so happy, another baby, this is so wonderful, I’ll see you when I get home?”
“Yes Julian.”
He hung up the phone, he was ecstatic, but couldn’t help but worry a bit, even though he shouldn’t. But the doctor was right and Eve had to make sure the baby would be healthy. When Julian arrived home, he kissed Eve quite passionately, so thrilled to be becoming a father again.
“This is going to be great, I can’t wait Eve, and I just can’t.”
“I know, it’s so exciting, our little girl is going to have a play mate.” Eve said, smiling.
Eve started the tests now that she was pregnant and Julian was still on cloud nine at the idea of being a dad again for technically the third time. He went off to work one day, normal routine as he always did and when he returned home, he found Eve in Ashtyn’s room, crying her eyes out.
“Darling, what is it?” He said, kneeling down to eye level.
“Julian, I..”
Eve couldn’t finish the sentence, the tears continuing to flow down her face.
“Take your time, take a deep breath and tell me what happened.”
She wiped her eyes and stared at him for a moment, but when she looked closely into Julian’s eyes, she couldn’t control her emotions. He took her in his arms as she cried over and over on his dress shirt, staining it from her mascara.
“Eve, come on darling, let’s get you something to drink, perhaps some milk? You need your calcium for the baby.”
Eve let go of him and ran into their bedroom, lying on the bed, her head on the pillow, unable to keep it together. He sat down next to her and rubbed her back for a moment, not saying a word. She just couldn’t tell him what was wrong and Julian was very concerned now. She wept and wept over and over; he had never seen her like this before. She sat up a few moments later, her eyes so red and swollen from crying.
“Honey, I’m here for you, talk to me please, I love you.” Julian said.
“Well you know they’ve been running tests.”
“Of course my love to make sure the baby is healthy.”
“Oh Julian.” She said, leaning on his shoulder.
He touched her chin and looked into her eyes.
“Tell me.”
“I had the Amniocentesis Julian.”
“Julian, oh God.”
“Honey, you can do this.”
“Our baby, our baby is…”
She began to cry again.
“Eve, something’s wrong with the baby?” he asked, sympathetically.
“Yes.” She said, hugging him.
“Oh God.” He said, his heart in his throat.
“Now I have a choice Julian.”
“A choice?”
“A decision, now that I know that the baby has a birth defect, I can either choose to have an abortion or continue on with the pregnancy.”
Julian was speechless then, tears forming in his eyes at the decision handed upon her.
“Julian, say something.”
“I’m in shock right now, I’m sorry.” He said, holding her tight to him.
“I have never been faced with a decision like this in my life. And you never know what choice to make until you are in it.” Eve said.
Julian tried to be strong for Eve, biting his lip as hard as he could from allowing it to quiver. It was very hard, and it made him think about how precious life was and how important it was to be there for the woman he loved and his children. His life flashed before his eyes, all the things he had done wrong, the risks he had taken, the mistakes he made, nothing in this world could ever compare to this.
“Eve, I wish I knew what to say, I’m just in another world at this very moment.”
“I know, it’s just something I never thought about. I mean I did Julian, it can happen to anyone, but you never think it’s your own child.”
“No you don’t Eve.”
She wiped a tear from Julian’s cheek, knowing he was feeling just as emotional as her. She stood up and looked out the window, staring off into space for a moment. Julian came behind her and put his arms around her.
“Eve, listen to me, whatever decision you make, I will support you one hundred percent.”
She turned around to look at him.
“What do you want me to do?” Eve asked.
“Honey, I want you to make a decision that’s right for you, for us.”
“Julian, this is a child growing inside of me. My baby, our baby and like I said I never thought that I would be in this situation. The baby could have any kind of birth defect.”
“Yes Eve, it could.”
“Oh God Julian, I would hate to see our child grow up in a world, perhaps as a vegetable or worse. What kind of life is that?” Eve said.
“I agree, which is why this makes this decision even harder.”
“Julian, he or she is our baby, if I carried them to full term, the baby could face so many challenges in life, we have no idea how severe these challenges will be.”
“We have challenges we face, and our baby may have to face the biggest challenge yet, life.”
“Honey, I know how difficult this is, but you’re right this is our baby and Eve, for all of the things I have done in life, I’m truly sorry now when I see what obstacles we truly face. I would also love this child regardless of what disability they have. They are still our child, I wouldn’t love them any less. I am not saying this to sway your decision one way or the other, but I would love our baby so very much.” Julian said.
“Making a decision to terminate a pregnancy because the child may have severe handicaps is something I can’t believe I have to make.”
“I will love you always whatever you decide Eve.” He said hugging her.
Eve sighed and looked at Julian and left the bedroom for a few moments. She looked at Ashtyn in her crib, sound asleep. Eve caressed her soft wavy hair and touched her cheek, tears coming to her eyes again.
“Julian?” she said softly.
“Yes sweetheart.”
“I can’t do it, when I look at Ashtyn and how precious she is, it reminds me of how precious life really is. Julian, I want to carry this baby and I want to raise him or her, no matter what challenges our baby and we face.”
“You’re sure?”
“Yes Julian, I want this child, I want to love them so very much.” Eve said, kissing him.
“We will do that Eve, I will support you, I will support your decision
to have our baby and I will love our new arrival with all of my heart and