Julian sighed as he removed a bottle from his liqour
cabinet. He couldn't get away with listening to his
favorite tape with Rebecca in the house, so he put in
a different album.
"How is my plan getting so out of control? I thought
Liz and Rebecca being enemies would be a good
thing, but God with the way things are turning out
what if one of them snaps and kills the other one?"
Julian thought. His plan was working, but not quite
like he had planned. Rebecca had came home from the
youth center completely drenched and with a black
eye, things had gotten pretty voilent between
Rebecca and Liz. First, Julian couldn't believe that
a couple of adults had to be put in time out by
T.C. Russell. Then, Rebecca and Liz were getting
basketballs out before the pre-teen crowds showed
up, and couldn't cooperate with each other to do
such a simple task, and Rebecca ended up getting a
black eye, then when T.C. had arranged to take the
kids swimming to the local in door pool, Liz had
tripped Rebecca into the pool as a scheme to get
attention from T.C. by making it look like Rebecca
was accusing her of knocking her in and using it as
a pity act on T.C., who ended up falling for it.
"I quit," Rebecca announced, coming into Julian's
"Quit what?" Julian asked distractedly.
"The whole youth center thing." Rebecca said. "I also
quit this whole cherade of trying to impress you,
that's what got me into this mess."
"What are you talking about?" Julian asked, this
being news to him. Rebecca flashed back to the
other day when Julian had been telling her about Eve
when she was trying to smash his tape, unaware that it
was Eve.
"Well, you were saying all that stuff about Liz when
we were arguing about the tape, and I was trying to
be like her," Rebecca said. "At least the version of her
you were talking about." Rebecca said. Liz was nothing
like the woman Julian was talking about when he listened
to the tape. As angry as Julian was, he
realized he wasn't really in much of a place to say
anything since he was kind of doing the same thing by
letting Rebecca believe it was Liz he had been talking
Later, Julian had met up with Eve on the wharf. They
threw their arms around each other.
"Eve, are you alright?" Julian asked, wiping a tear
from Eve's eyes.
"Oh, Julian, its Liz!" Eve said, her voice cracking.
"Eve what happened?" Julian asked.
"Julian, Liz tried to keep Whitney and Chad
away from each other by calling Chad's record
producer in L.A., when she called Fox so he could
meet Whitney, Fox got into an accident- oh Julian
I'm so sorry, its all my fault!" Eve said.
"Eve, it wasn't your fault- Liz was the one who
behind it." Julian said.
"Julian, your son got into an accident because I
didn't stop Liz." Eve said.
"Eve, listen to me." Julian said. "I won't let you
blame yourself for something that wasn't your fault."
Julian said.
Eve and Julian kissed
passionately when they were interrupted by Eve's
cellphone ring. Eve was so caught up in her embrace
with Julian that it was like the rest of the world
stopped turning. She had hoped she could tune it out,
but the repetitive sound of the phone caused her to
answer it.
"T.C.?" Eve asked. "Alright," Eve said, T.C. had asked
her to come home because he didn't want to be left alone
with Liz. Eve was glad they only had a few days until Liz
was hopefully out of their house. "Yes, I love
you too," Eve said, hanging up. Julian knew that Eve
still loved T.C, but he felt like someone had punched
him in the stomach.
Rebecca was talking to Gwen on the phone.
"Mother, this is what I've been trying to tell you,
all of your scheming would blow up in your face,
and it has- big time." Gwen said. "Oh, the doctor
is here so I have to go," Gwen said.
"Alright, just listen to the doctor and don't let
Theresa get you worked up, but remember what I said
about Ethan." Rebecca said.
"That's exactly it. How am I not supposed to let
Theresa get me worked up if I can't think about
anything but not letting her work myself up?" Gwen
"Good question." Rebecca said. Gwen was wishing that the
phone cord was being wrapped around Theresa's neck.
"You know, its funny- I haven't heard so much
as a peep from Theresa in weeks," Rebecca thought.
"I gotta go," Gwen said. Gwen and Rebecca ended their
conversation. She had tried to warn Rebecca that
something like this would happen if she kept lying
all the time but she just wouldn't listen.
Rebecca hang up the phone.
"Where's pookey?" Rebecca asked. Rebecca left Julian's
library to look for Julian, he wasn't anywhere in the
mansion. "I really screwed up big time," Rebecca
said. Rebecca also wondered why she hadn't seen
Theresa lurking around Harmony.
"You know what? I bet that little man stealer has
been hiding out somewhere in L.A. ever since she
found out Ethan and Gwennie were gone and she is
just waiting to get him to herself!" Rebecca said.
Rebecca sighed, raiding Julian's liqour cabinet. "I
just hope my lie doesn't cause another woman to get
my pookey all to herself. Or if she isn't already."
A few minutes later, the library door creaked open
and Julian walked in to find Rebecca.
"Get out," Julian snapped distractedly.
"What?" Rebecca asked, surprised Julian was using
that tone with her.
"Get out," Julian said. Rebecca didn't think she had
ever seen Julian so depressed.
"Julian, what happe-" Rebecca asked, but was
cut off by Julian.
"How many times do I have to ask you, just get out
of my library-" Julian said.
"Well, you didn't exactly ask me-" Rebecca said.
"Just get out." Julian said coldly. Rebecca left the library,
closing the door behind her.
"If I don't do something, this other woman is going
to win Julian for good," Rebecca said, getting a feeling
the other woman wasn't really Liz. "What are
you lying to me about, Julian?" Rebecca asked herself.
Meanwhile, at Tabitha's house, Tabitha was fixing
baby Endora a bottle when Endora smirked deviously.
"What are you smirking about?" Tabitha asked. "Oh,
you're using your powers my little angel of the dark
side!" Tabitha said. Endora used her powers to turn on
the television. "That's Julian!" Tabitha said. Tabitha
smirked as she noticed Julian lookex extremely
depressed. "Looks like Julian's arm isn't the only
thing you're going to be hurting!" Tabitha said.
Endora focused on the TV. Julian's favorite song
blared out of the speakers. Julian jumped, wondering
how it turned on by itself.
"How the hell-" Julian said. Books started falling off
of the shelves. "Not again-" Julian said.
Rebecca heard the song blasting from Julian's library.
"He has some nerve!" Rebecca said. Rebecca started
pounding on the door. "Julian you open the door this
instant!" Rebecca realized that something was not
normal as she heard crashes coming from the office.
"Julian what is going on?" Rebecca asked. Rebeccca
pounded on the library door.
"I don't know just help me!" Julian yelled.
"I can't, pookey the door is locked!" Rebecca said.
"You must have locked me out after you made me leave-"
"What? I didn't lock you out-" Julian said.
"Julian, if you didn't lock the door, then what is
going o-" Rebecca asked. Rebecca was interrupted when
the door flew open, slamming her.
"Are you alright?" Julian asked.
"Yeah but what is going on?" Rebecca yelled. A strong
gust of wind blew through the room, pinning Julian to the wall,
Rebecca had to grab onto the door to keep
from being blown away, but the door was blown off its
"This is definitely not normal!" Julian said.