Later that day, Rebecca had arrived at the youth
center about the same time as T.C. Trying not to
sound nervous, Rebecca tried to figure out how to
tell him she decided not to quit after all.
T.C. was working the frustration off on his punching
bag, confused by the mixed messages he had received
from Rebecca that afternoon. She had avoided eye
contact, fidgeted with whatever she could, and repeatedly
jumbled her words together trying to
talk to him. His mind flashed back to the other
night when he had been avoiding Liz and Rebecca
had shown up. Rebecca walked in the room when she
heard Julian attacking his punching bag.
"What's gotten into you?" Rebecca asked. If T.C.
didn't give his punching bag a rest soon he might
need a replacement.
"What made you change your mind?" T.C. asked.
"I don't-know-" Rebecca said, freezing up at the thought
of accidentally saying something about her
fantasies that morning. Next thing Rebecca and T.C.
knew, they had found themselves in a passionate kiss!
Liz saw from the hallway, dropping her purse and jaw
in shock.
"Oh my God!" Liz said. A devious cheshire cat grin
spread across Liz's face. "You might not need me to
destroy your marraige after all, sis!" Liz said. "Looks like
you've already done that yourself, oh I could just picture
the look on your face if you were to see what your husband
was doing right now!" Liz left the room, not wanting to risk
messing this up. T.C. and Rebecca had been snapped out
of their embrace when they heard a door slam loudly a few
rooms over. Things had gone along a lot
farther then they realized- they had came dangerously
close to making love! Liz grinned, going about her
volunteer work while Rebecca and T.C. worked awkwardly,
trying to keep another situation from
At the mansion, Rebecca sulked anxiously. She couldn't
concentrate, she couldn't relax, all she could think
about was what happened at the youth center. She hadn't felt
like this about anyone before, not even
Julian. Rebecca tried to convince herself to keep
going after what she had been all her life- cash, but
suddenly, it didn't matter that T.C. only made his
living from a teacher's salary or that his house was
nothing out of the ordinary. Rebecca had to get out
of the mansion. She got in her car, not even thinking
about where she was going, or caring that much to
start with. Rebecca pulled into a parking lot when
the rain was too stormy to see thhe roads. When she
looked up, she didn't know what to think.
"The youth- center." Rebecca thought with dread. "Oh
well." Rebecca got out of her car and went inside,
and threw herself into her volunteer work. She had to
focus on something or her entire plan would be
ruined. It was like ever since that kiss with T.C.
earlier, she hadn't seen anything the same. Her
thoughts were spinning and her mind was jumbled with
'what-ifs.' Soon, T.C. arrived as she was taking
some paper work to the front desk she had been asked
to deliver. Their eyes met uncomfortably, flashing
back to the incident earlier. They both threw themselves
into their work, but later when they had
ended up alone...
In Los Angeles, Syd had mixed a sleeping aid
into Whitney's drink as everyone was hanging out
by the pool.
"The record labels won't be the only ones who find
Whitney's audition stunning," Syd thought. "She
won't know what happened until she's booed out of L.A."
Syd smirked as Whitney returned and the drink
began to disappear.
Meanwhile, Eve and Julian had met up on the wharf, and
"Julian, I have something I have to tell you-" Eve
"What is it, Eve?" Julian asked.
"I can't throw it away," Eve said.
"What?" Julian asked.
"What we still have," Eve said. "Julian, I love you
now just as much as I ever did!" Eve said. "I can't
loose what we have all over again!"
"We never will," Julian reassured her.
"I can't keep going around behind everyones backs
anymore, its not fair to us, its not fair to
everyone else- oh, but T.C.'s temper- what if he-"
Eve says.
"Don't worry, Eve," Julian said. "Nothing can keep
us away from each other now.