Chad and Whitney walked into the same restaurant that
Eve, Julian, T.C. and Rebecca had made reservations at.
After being seated, Whitney almost fell over a
chair in shock at what she saw, but kept on walking,
figuring that it must have just been her imagination.
"What's got into you?" Chad asked, openinng a menu.
"You're not going to believe this, but I could have
sworn I just saw my parents here in Los Angeles."
Whitney said.
"No way," Chad said.
"Yeah, now I know it couldn't have been them," Whitney
said with a laugh. "Because it looked like
they were sitting at the same table with Julian
Crane and Rebecca Hotchkiss."
"Now that's a scary thought." Chad said.
"No, this is the scary thought. They were all
acting like best friends or something." Whitney said.
Chad almost choked in shock.
"Halloween isn't for another two weeks!" Chad said.
Chad and Whitney laughed hysterically at Chad's
reaction to Whitney's parents being best friends
with Julian and Rebecca.
"I think it was just a coincidence," Whitney said.
"Yeah, let's hope." Chad said. "If your parents and
the Cranes got all buddy-buddy like there just isn't
hope for the rest of us."
"You actually got thrown out of the hospital?"
Julian asked.
"What was I supposed to do? Not strangle her?"
Rebecca asked. Julian sighed. "T.C., even I couldn't
figure out how to keep her out of trouble so good
luck." Julian said. Everyone laughed except Rebecca.
"Hey!" Rebecca said.
Chad and Whitney overheard the conversation.
"Yep, that's them alright," Whitney said.
"Ok, now I'm scared." Chad said. "I think they traded
places with parallel universe Eve, coach Russell,
Julian and Rebecca."
"Well, even parallel universe Rebecca is still
strangling Theresa." Whitney said.
Meanwhile, Kay and Simone were lounging by the pool
at the Crane apartments. Jessica had spotted them
and attempted to hurry over, but a tanned hottie
stopped her. Jessica couldn't helped but get
sidetracked. The two of them had hit it off and
struck up a conversation.
"So, where are you from?" Nick asked.
"Harmony," Jessica said.
"Hey, do you know the Cranes? I heard they're from
Harmony. They own this apartment complex." said.
"Actually, Mr. Crane let us stay here while we look
for my sister." Jessica said.
"Sister?" Nick thought.
"Yeah, you haven't seen two girls around here going
by the names of Kay and Simone, have you?" Jessica
"Yeah, actually I think I did- and she was carrying
a baby girl-" Nick said.
"That's gotta be her!" Jessica said.
"Kind of dark hair, about thsis tall?" Nick asked.
"Yeah!" Jessica said.
"Uses the name Miguel in every other sentence?"
Nick asked.
"That's her." Jessica said, rolling her eyes. "Typical
selfish Kay." Jessica thought. "She came out here
with their daughter as part of some scheme to get
Miguel back."
"Are you like, a surfer?" Jessica asked.
"Yeah, I used to before I moved here from Hawaii."
Nick asked.
"You're from Hawaii?" Jessica asked. "That's pretty
cool." Jessica had never met anyone from Hawii.
"Hey, do you like, want to hang out or something?"
Nick asked.
"Sure." Jessica said. She knew her parents probably
wouldn't approve of her hanging out with a guy
she had just met, but hey, she wasn't a little girl
anymore. Why should she need a chaperone?
Jessica couldn't believe her eyes later that evening
after the Russells and the Cranes had returned from
dinner and sight seeing. She still wasn't used to
seeing the Russells hang out with the Cranes.
"Rebecca, quit trying to dunk me!" T.C. begged, choking on water.
"You know, you still haven't told
me about that surprise you have planned and-" Rebecca
dunked T.C. again.
"Alright, two can play that game!" T.C. said, his splashing boredering on violent.
"Hey!" Rebecca gasped. Julian laughed. Rebecca turned
around and glared at him, but Eve dunked him before
Rebecca had a chance, then laughed hysterically at Julian's reaction.
"Hey what did I do?" Julian asked. Eve smirked
at him.
Meanwhile, Simone rolled her eyes and pointed towards the pool.
"My parents have gone completely nuts." Simone said.
"Speaking of going completely nuts, where is Miguel?"
Kay asked.
"Kay!" Simone whined.