T.C. was busy calling Eve and Julian on his cellphone
to let them know that they wer going to tell Whitney
the truth.
Meanwhile, Eve and Julian were enjoying some champagne
in the limo.
Eve pulled Julian into a wild kiss, the way they used
to. Julian stared at her in shock.
"Wow- what's gotten into you?" Julian asked. He hadn't
seen Eve act like this for as long as he could remember.
Eve and Julian were interrupted when Julian's cellphone rang.
"Don't answer it," Eve said, trying to seduce Julian.
Julian looked at the number.
"Its T.C." Julian said.
"I'm sure T.C. and Rebecca can wait," Eve said. Eve
and Julian resumed their make out session when the
phone started ringing again. Julian gave up and
answered it.
"We're on our way," Julian said. Julian told the
driver to take them back to the hotel.
"What was that all about?" Eve asked.
"Whitney was starting to figure out the truth so
T.C. thinks we should all tell her." Julian said.
"Oh my God." Eve said. Eve and Julian rode back to
the hotel in uncomfortable silence.
"Eve, are you alright? Are you sure you can do this?"
Julian asked. Eve nodded.
"I have to, Julian." Eve said. As much as she tried,
she couldn't block the next thought from her mind.
"What if Whitney hates me?" Eve asked. Julian took
her into his arms.
"Whitney won't hate you, Eve, she loves you." Julian
"But you saw how upset Simone was, you and Rebecca
were both there- she went hysterical." Eve said.
"Simone has a lot of growing up to do," Julian
admitted. "But she's an adult, she'll be alright."
"I hope you're right, Julian." Eve said. Julian
took her hand into his to prove his point. He showed
her their engagement ring.
"Eve, we've made it this far, we can get past this."
Julian said. Eve blinked back tears.
"I hope you're right, Julian," Eve said. Julian
couldn't even imagine what Eve was going through. He
still had to tell Alastair that he was going to marry
Eve no matter what he said, but he didn't have to worry
about how his children were going to take the
news, he didn't expect any of them to care anyways,
especially Fox.
Julian and Eve had arrived at the apartments and went
to look for T.C. and Rebecca.
"They're not in their room," Julian said, knocking.
"They must be down by the pool or something," Eve
assumed. Eve and Julian walked down to the pool
only to hear screeching and insulting.
"Not now, anytime but now," Julian groaned.
"If you say one more word about my relationship with
T.C. I swear I will drown you!" Rebecca yelled.
"Whitney is my best friend and I do not want her to
end up with some two faced loser like you for a
stepmother!" Theresa said. Rebecca slapped her.
"Oh please, Rebecca, those normal clothes hardly
hide the fact that you are a cheap gold digger!"
Theresa said.
"Yeah you'd know a lot about that wouldn't you!?"
Rebecca yelled. People in the background were actually
starting to cheer when one of them had
came up with a better insult.
"Takes one to know one!" Theresa said.
"I guess it does!" Rebecca said smugly.
"Wipe that smug smile off your face, Rebecca!" Theresa
"Take my advice, look in the mirror." Rebecca said,
pointing out that Theresa's look was more than just
smug. The audience was cheering them on when Theresa
and Rebecca got extremely violent and went from
fighting on the ground to falling in the pool, still
fighting. They had taken turns trying to strangle
and drown each other.
"What's going on?" Eve asked T.C.
"Do I have to explain?" T.C. asked in embarrassment.
Julian looked in the pool to see what was going on
and saw Rebecca almost killing Theresa!
Theresa came up from underwater and managed to pry
Rebecca's hands from her throat. Rebecca screeched
as Theresa's hands closed around her throat and
her head was shoved underwater. Soon, Rebecca
had lost consciousness. T.C. realized that
something was wrong and jumped in to break it up. Fox
and Chad dove in and dragged Theresa out of the pool.
"Rebecca!" T.C. yelled. T.C. started to do cpr.
Rebecca came to, choking on water.
"Rebecca what's wrong with you are you crazy?" T.C.
asked. Rebecca came to her senses after a few
minutes, while trying to tune out a lecture from
T.C, Eve and Julian.
"If you two keep fighting like this every time you
see each other someone is going to get seriously
hurt- or worse." T.C. said.
"Yeah, next time I see Theresa, tell Pilar she'd
better start making funeral arrangements." Rebecca said.
Julian dragged Rebecca aside.
"You really haven't changed at all, have you?" Julian
asked in disbelief. He couldn't believe the scene
they had just caused. It had taken a lot of convincing
that Eve could get through telling Whitney
the truth, and when they had finally got there, they
had shown up to find nothing but violence, chaos, and
Rebecca and Theresa trying to drown each other. Rebecca
had almost drowned, and she was still talking
about things getting worse the next time.
"No matter how much I've changed," Rebecca said. "I
will never like Theresa Lopez-Fitzgerald." Rebecca
said. "And I can't beleive I'm hearing this from you
of all people. Just because you've changed, I can't
picture you just looking the other way to all of misery
that fake marraige to Theresa caused you."
Rebecca said. Julian sighed. T.C. had his work cut
out for him, that was sure. Eve and T.C. were talking
about how they were going to explain things to Whitney
which was why Julian had dragged Rebecca aside,
he knew that neither one of them would be
able to get a word in if Rebecca kept butting in
every two seconds. T.C. and Eve had found Whitney
and started to explain things to her.
"You haven't told Gwen yet, have you?" Julian asked.
"Yeah," Rebecca said. "She thought I was nuts when
I said Eve and T.C. had broken up. Have you told
Fox and the others?" Rebecca asked.
"Why would they care anyways?" Julian asked.