Rebecca sighed. She had not been able to find T.C,
who she did not know was with Whitney trying to
convince her to forgive Eve and Julian. Whitney had
been furious when she found out that Eve was now
engaged to Julian- and that T.C. was ok with this.
She had been furious with T.C. after all the preaching
about the Cranes her family had heard over the years-
now her mom was with Julian and her dad was with
She had hoped Julian wouldn't find her back at the
bar again after going to the trouble to convince her
to give her relationship with T.C. another chance.
She had misunderstood when she went back to the room
to find T.C. gone, thinking that he had left the
room because he did not want to see her there. Not
that she blamed him after the fool she made of herself
"If Theresa wouldn't have been there earlier, I
wouldn't have had to attack her." Rebecca
ranted. Rebecca had been called to the hospital
by Ethan earlier while Gwen was having pregnancy
problems. After leaving the hospital Rebecca had
ended up there. That was when she heard the
familiar laughter.
"You should really consider going out with Fox,
Theresa." Whitney said. Theresa laughed.
"Fox is nice- and hot- but he isn't Ethan." Theresa
said. Whitney's eyes widened to see Rebecca standing
behind Theresa.
"Theresa, Ethan is a married man and you should leave
him alone." Whitney said.
"Nonsense Whitney- Ethan will come back to me. Fate
always brings people who are meant to be together."
Theresa said. Theresa was shut up when Rebecca decked
her with her fist- right on top of the head. Whitney
gasped. Theresa turned around to see Rebecca.
"Agggggghhh!" Theresa screamed. Seeing Rebecca pop out
of nowhere was scary after being dealt a blow to the
"You- Ethan is in the hospital right now with his wife
who is having pregnancy problems and you are sitting
here blabbing about how fate is going to just hand
a man who is happily married right over to you?"
Rebecca asked.
"If Ethan really is happily married, then why does
he always come back to me?" Theresa asked. Rebecca
prepared to strangle Theresa, but stopped because
Whitney was watching and she didn't want T.C. to
have to hear about another fight between them.
"The only time you'll have Ethan is when snowballs
are overpopulated in hell." Rebecca said. Rebecca
walked off and returned to the bar.
"I will make her pay for what she is doing to my Gwen."
Rebecca said. "Theresa sure has been away
from home for a long long time, I'm sure child
services will be very very unpleased to hear
about this," Rebecca said. "As soon as we are all
back home in Harmony, I have a few phone calls I
am planning on making." Rebecca said.
Later, Rebecca and T.C. had met up at the Crane
Apartments and had finally gotten a chance to
make up.
"I looked everywhere for you earlier," T.C. said.
"That explains why you weren't there when I came
back here looking for you," Rebecca said. Rebecca
explained Gwen's condition to T.C. while T.C.
explained what had happened with Whitney.
"She feels like I stabbed her in the back for being
ok with Eve and Julian," T.C. said. Rebecca looked
down guiltily. How was she ever going to pull off
her wicked plan without T.C. finding out? She wanted
to get revenge on Theresa to scare her away from
Gwen, but she didn't want T.C. to see this side of her.
"Something wrong?" T.C. asked.
"Um, no, everythings fine," Rebecca lied. Would T.C.
still love her if she did the unthinkable to get
revenge on Theresa?