Rebecca waited for Julian to be released by the
hospital. She didn't know why, but she had felt
jealous watching Eve tend to Julian's broken arm.
She trusted Eve, but there was something about the
way Eve and Julian were looking at each other that
made her uneasy.
"This night has just been such a disaster I just
want to go home," Rebecca said. Julian had met up
with Rebecca after he had checked out.
"How is your arm?" Rebecca asked.
"Painful," Julian said.
"Oh, poor pookey," Rebecca said. "Lets just get out
of here." Julian couldn't help but flash back to his
kiss with Eve when she was tending to his arm. Julian
wished those moments between them never had to end.
Eve had been devestated when she had found out that
T.C. had originally planned on going out to the Sea
Scape with Liz, if she hadn't gotten time off work
she was terrified of how far things might have went
between T.C. and Liz. "This whole night was a disaster,
first the stuff flying around at the Sea
Scape, getting caught on the chandelleire, you
breaking your arm," Rebecca said.
"And Liz showing up," Julian said.
"What?" Rebecca asked.
"Um, nothing," Julian said, not realizing he said it
out loud.
"Liz, huh?" Rebecca thought in surprise. She barely
knew Liz, but she didn't think she was married unless
her husband wasn't in Harmony, besides, she was still
living with the Russells. It just didn't make sense
that Liz would be a good enough reason for Julian to
get involved in the Russells lives, or what he saw in
her. "How can Julian possibly be in love with Liz of
all people?" Rebecca thought in confusion.
"Rebecca are you sure you don't have a concussion?"
Julian asked. "Maybe you should get checked out by
a doctor before we leave?" Rebecca had been so busy
obsessing about Julian and Liz that she didn't even
hear Julian talking.
"No, I'm fine, lets just get out of here," Rebecca said.
"I know what's going on here, Julian," Rebecca
thought. "But I still don't get what you see in Liz.
And I still don't get why she's still staying at the
Russell house, but I'm going to find out what's really
going on here."
In the car, Rebecca couldn't stand it and had to ask
"Julian, I know what's going on here," Rebecca said.
"What are you talking about?" Julian asked.
"I just figured it all out- I know who the other
woman is." Rebecca said. It was all Julian could do
to keep from slamming on the breaks.
"Who?" Julian asked.
"Liz." Rebecca said. Julian stared at her speechless.
"Well, better Liz get Rebecca's wrath then Eve,"
Julian thought. Personally he wouldn't mind if
someone slapped that smug smirk off of Liz's face,
but he still couldn't believe that Rebecca- one of
the most devious schemers- had came to the absurd
conclusion that Liz of all people was the other
"I can't just tell her that its Eve but if I don't
she'll figure it out on her own," Julian thought. "How
am I going to be able to pull this one off?"
"Well, T.C. sure seems to think of Liz as a saint,"
Rebecca thought. "The only way to make sure Julian
goes through with the wedding is to out-do everything
she does. Julian will forget all about Liz before he
can even remember her name." Rebecca thought.
"I am really going to hate myself for getting myself
into this but Rebecca just gave me the perfect opportunity
to completely ruin Liz's life," Julian
thought. Neither one of them could wait for Liz
to get what they had coming to her.
Meanwhile, Tabitha watched in her magic bowl.
"Good Endora, that's mommy's little demon, you sure
did a great job hurting daddy," Tabitha said. "Not
only that, he might think Rebecca's assumption gave
him an opportunity to get rid of Liz but its only
a matter of time before this whole thing blows up
in everyone's faces. Liz will get whats coming to him
but the consequences of Julian's scheme- lets just
say the tabloid reporters won't be able to get enough
of them!"