Everyone had gone to the Book Cafe. After having
to clean the kitchen earlier, everyone decided
that they weren't really in the mood to do it
again later. They didn't realize that Fox, Whitney,
and Theresa were there. Theresa saw Rebecca and
"T.C. should be with Dr. Russell." Theresa thought.
"Its not fair Whitney's parents split up." Theresa
walked over after T.C. had left for a few minutes.
"Well- if the slut of Harmony didn't have enough
men- doesn't matter if they're married now too."
Theresa said. Rebecca wanted to deck Theresa so bad
right now, but remembered T.C.'s lectures.
"You know what, Theresa?" Rebecca asked. "I'm not
going to stand here and argue with you. You're
the one who can't get on with your life and admit
you lost Ethan so don't go accusing me of stuff."
Rebecca said. Rebecca turned up her nose at Theresa
then walked away without saying anything else.
Theresa's jaw dropped. Julian decided he'd better
warn T.C.
"Oh no," T.C. said, realizing that Theresa was there.
Rebecca walked up to T.C. and put her arm around
him, then looked over her shoulder and gave
Theresa her best superior smirk.
"What? We get to have a meal without anyone threatening
a restraining order?" Fox asked jokingly.
"When I tried to tell her to leave T.C. alone she
just blew me off and ignored me!" Theresa
"This IS Rebecca you're talking about, right?"
Whitney asked.
"Maybe hitting her head in Los Angeles knocked
something into place." Fox laughed. "No pun
intended." The others laughed.
Rebecca's head snapped in the other direction when
she heard her name followed by laughter.
"Why I otta-" Rebecca said. T.C. crossed his arms
and glared at her impatiently, hinting that she'd
better not go over there.
"Rebecca-" T.C. said.
"Um mind my own business and wait to be seated?"
Rebecca said.
"That's more like it," T.C. said. When T.C. wasn't
looking, Rebecca stared daggers at Theresa. Fox
started laughing.
"Oh my gosh- she is going to go nuts from trying
not to attack you!" Fox said. Fox laughed hysterically.
Whitney and Theresa laughed.
They jumped back in terror as Rebecca turned and
took a few steps towards their table. Rebecca's
fist was already raised in the air but she
remembered T.C.'s orders. Rebecca minded her own
business. Even though it was almost impossible she
ignored Fox, Theresa, and Whitney's laughing when
they made a few donkey jokes.
"Don't go over..." Rebecca thought. Rebecca sighed
with releif when the waiter came to seat them.
"Smoking or non?" The waiter asked.
"Anywhere away from that table." Rebecca said,
pointing to the table.
Through the meal, Rebecca was trying to think of a
way to get back at Theresa for those jokes.
"Oh, T.C," Eve said. "The paperwork came today."
"What paper work?" T.C. asked.
"To finalize our divorce." Eve said. There was an
akward silence. The mention of divorce reminded
everyone how akward and sudden the situation was
at first.
Rebecca flashed back to spending time with T.C. at
the youth center then ending up thinking about T.C.
that night when making love to Julian. Julian flashed
back to being in his library listening to 'My Baby's
Gone.' T.C. flashed back to asking Liz to leave
when she had caused him too much trouble then
accidentally knocking Rebecca to the floor teaching
her how to use his punching bag at the youth
center. Then he flashed back to Simone's reaction
and moving in at Tabitha's with Kay when she found
None of them could beleive how fast everything
had happened. Even though everyone had gotten hurt
at first at least it hadn't lasted long and they
were all still friends.
Later when they left the Book Cafe, Rebecca heard
Theresa making a few more comments about her and
T.C. and Eve and Julian. Rebecca grabbed a napkin,
wrote something on it and taped it to Theresa's back
when no one was looking as they left.
Later, Theresa wasn't sure what was going on.
Everyone kept pointing, laughing, and making
animal noises. The others were now standing
behind Theresa.
Fox pulled the napkin off of Theresa's back.
Fox read the front which explained why people
were making a fool of Theresa. He flipped it over.
"It's not so funny now is it?" was written on the