Subj: THAT is Why I Call it Woody and Soon Yi & Why Ben Masters
is Brilliant
I was repulsed and fascinated at the same time today, watching Julian and Theresa.
Everything this Julian fan feared would happen if Julian was latched to Theresa has pretty much come to fruition these past few days.
It has been nothing short of miserable watching Julian, who once shed pure, raw tears in utter PAIN, when he lost Ethan as a son....
Is NOW hoping for his death so that he can have a 'Booty Call'?!?!?!?!
Passions is supposed to be camp. That's beyond camp. Between this, and the Sheridan death thing, they've all but ruined Julian. You might as well bring Alistair on, because the line has been so completely blurred between the two, that we can now have two unrepentant sociopaths, instead of one!
I wonder if JER has studied villains AT ALL.
This is the only show where the villains are willing to kill their CHILDREN.
Sure, Helena Cassadine on GH wants to kill Stefan, but, it's been established that Helena's been murdering for sport for around 30 years now, and even SHE has a love and devotion to her eldest son, Stavros.
Stefano DiMera, a villian that has done anything and everything, STILL LOVED HIS CHILDREN!
But, not on Passions.
Yet, I digress.
I watched, cringing and nearly sick to my stomach, as Julian climbed into bed with Theresa.
Ok, the ONLY think he has going for him is that he doesn't know that she's been sedated.
He was slimy.
Every touch on Theresa gave me the heebie jeebies.
I went EEEEEWWW so many times in those scenes.
And, yet, I couldn't turn away.
Because of Ben Masters.
The man is absolutely terrific.
Someone else posted that the music they were playing just didn't match the scenes, and I agree. It was 'mischievous and fun' music.
This was NOT fun in the least.
Not the racial slur that Julian said.
Not the suggestion TWICE by having Julian look under the sheet.
The Julian we've been watching likes his women awake and ready to have fun!
The thought that Theresa would even be thinking about having sex is ridiculous. She's traumatized by Ethan's 'death'.
The Julian that I knew before this nightmare began would have known that.
THIS Julian is creepy that I felt like taking a shower myself after watching those scenes.
Truly hideous.
This story could have gone SO many different ways. SO many things to make it better. We're only week 3(?) into this story, and it's the pits?
I want my JulianWulian back...sniff sniff....