Today took absurd to a new level.
Subject: Warlock Island – When will this DRECK ever end?
I watch DOOL and Passions. The difference in the teens is amazing. The teens on DOOL have individual personalities, and everyone is in their own little story. On Passions, we’re stuck with SIX teens devoid of real personalities, stuck on a hamster wheel of a story that hasn’t move ONE IOTA since the beginning of the show.
This mess with Charity and the Warlocks is stupid. Charity – think! They are WARLOCKS. Wouldn’t you think that they would tell you ANYTHING in order to get you to free them? They’re trying to strike at you where you’re most vulnerable – which means Miguel.
So, we see Miguel and Kay on their ‘wedding night’ making out. This is sending Charity into heartache, and she doesn’t want to believe what she’s seeing. They tell her that the only way for this NOT to happen is for Charity to kill Tabitha.
Tabby and Timmy are in Norma’s trap. Timmy is still messing with the Warlock Sceptre and winds up casting another spell. But, this one still doesn’t get them out of the trap – it is sending a massive storm to Harmony.
Norma and ‘Father’ are back. She’s found man-eating bugs (HUH?), and is pouring them into the pit for T&T. If something else happened, I’m sorry, but creepy crawlies give me the heebie jeebies, and I hit the FF button.
Charity, in agony over the Kay and Miguel vision, begins yelling out. She is telling Miguel, ‘ No.’ She yells that Miguel shouldn’t be making love to Kay.
Miguel hears that and asks KAY why Charity would be saying that.
1. WHY would Kay know ANYTHING about Charity’s screams?
2. Am I missing something, or did I IMAGINE the scenes where Kay revealed COMPLETELY to Miguel her feelings for him? I mean, I know they tried to use the ‘fumes’ excuse for the first time that they were in the mine. But, am I not remembering correctly. I could have sworn that Kay made her feelings for Miguel PLAIN AND CLEAR. I remember her telling him that she LOVED him. That the man she loves is NOT Reese. And, if he IS in full knowledge of the depth of Kay’s feelings, then WHY is he questioning her about the ‘vision’? I thought Simone’s ‘busted’, and this moment of false ‘tension’ with Kay was ridiculous.
Reese is the ONLY clueless one: Jessica, Miguel AND Simone, ALL know about Kay’s feelings for Miguel.
3. I also remember Charity having another vision of Kay and Miguel making love. So, why is he so shocked by Charity calling out this ‘vision’.
That scene is symptomatic of the complete IDIOCY of the Passions teen scene. JER recycled the wrong script. Kay’s revealed her feelings TWICE to Miguel. This was truly lazy and slipshod writing today. MAYBE, if REESE had asked the question, it would have made sense. But, Miguel?
What utter TRIPE.
Subject: Another Bravo for Natalie Zea and Gwen today
I thought Natalie was terrific yesterday, and she continued it today, showing a depth and a range that truly makes her stand out.
As she attacked Theresa for ‘letting’ Ethan go out to sea, you could see that she was truly angry, but that it was mixed with despair about Ethan. I loved that she wouldn’t allow Whitney to try and silence her – because this was about Ethan, and she felt she had as much right to her feelings and anger as anyone else.
When she told Theresa that she would make her pay, the anger in her voice was chilling. You knew that she meant it.
Julian delivered the bad news about Basil (we knew that he would be the one to die), and then added that the others couldn’t possibly have made it, and you could see her heart break. She was just devastated about the loss of Ethan.
Whitney went off by herself, Julian was all over Theresa, and there Gwen was – alone. I thought that was another symptom of the character, and why I like her. She has nobody on her side (except for Rebecca), and everyone and his mother is on Theresa’s side. She went to find comfort from the only one who would sympathize with her pain – Rebecca.
Rebecca, Skankho that she is, did try to comfort Gwen, and tell her that until she had conclusive proof, that she shouldn’t give up hope on Ethan. Gwen tried to cling to that – it was all she had.
When she saw Ethan alive in the lobby, she was overcome with emotion. She was estatic to see Ethan alive and just ran to him. She couldn’t hide her emotions about it. She couldn’t believe he was there in the flesh. She was trying to take the sight of him in, and she was so happy. Then, her heart broke as Ethan didn’t even try and talk to her. He asked HER about Theresa.
The high and low of emotion in those few moments is why I think Natalie’s one of the true talent finds for Passions, even if they are too stupid to know it. She went on a rollercoaster right before our eyes, and every moment was real and convincing. As I watched Natalie, I saw the Gwen that I came to care for: the woman done wrong, who was betrayed by and lied to by those she trusted most, and the swill of trying to turn HER into the ‘villain’. What a shuck and jive.
Natalie is far too talented to be stuck in the E/T Black Hole story. She should be in a story of her own where her talents should be allowed to shine.
Subject: The Rest of Bermuda
Well, Rebecca, is still putting the moves on the Justice of the Peace. She can smell that she’s onto something, and she’s trying to find out what it is. But, she was interrupted twice- once by bellboys sent to get the flowers for Julian’s ‘love den’, and the second time, by Gwen, who came to tell her about Ethan. She saw how Gwen’s heart was breaking and told her to keep the faith about Ethan. Once Gwen was on her way, she got back to the JOP, who was weakening towards her.
Julian is being led so completely by ‘little Julian’, that he’s too stupid to notice that Rebecca is missing. He’s arranging the room into a ‘love den’, so that he and Theresa will further explore being man and wife. Bruce is watching Julian make all these arrangements, and thinks he’s crazy to think that he can get away with it. Not only does Theresa not want him, but Bruce realizes that Rebecca is nobody’s fool, and someone that will not take rejection easily.
Theresa is distraught when Julian delivers the news that Basil had been found dead, and that one could only assume that the other three didn’t make it either. She was somewhat hysterical, so the doctor gave her a sedative. He said it was a mild one, but, I was LMAO that it took about 2.2 seconds to take effect. Theresa had to be helped up to her room by one of the staff.
The guys, though, didn’t die. They swam back to shore and made it back to the hotel. Had to LOL about that. Whitney looked happy to see Chad, and Gwen was thrilled to see Ethan. All a semi-conscious Luis could do was utter Sheridan’s name. Bruce saw the return of the living dead, and wondered if he should warn Julian, who had gone upstairs to make love with Theresa. Bruce decided that it would be best if Julian had to live with the consequences.
Well, no more of Wet and Naked Luis and Chad – shoot!
Subject: I just love pissed off Grace!
I couldn’t believe it. Grace Bennett cursing? And, on Church Grounds, no less.
What could push Grace to behave this way?
Well, none other than Poison Ivy.
Grace and Sam were having another argument about David. Grace was telling Sam that she didn’t remember being married to David, but, everything he’s said so far has been the truth. Sam says that he doesn’t trust her. I know that some have been pissed at Sam,but, I haven’t. Sure, there’s the caveman thing going on with Sam, but I really believe that his cop instincts are telling him that something’s wrong with David. And, I think, down the line, we’ll find out that Sam was right. But, not before he’s been talked out of it by everyone else, who will just dismiss it as Sam’s jealous musings of another man moving in on his wife. Sam may even believe that everyone else is right, but, his ‘feelings’ about David are not going to go away.
They are in the middle of discussing David when Sam is beeped by the station. He goes to check on it, and Grace is there thinking, when she hears a noise. She goes to check and see what it is, and sees that it’s Ivy.
This is NOT what Grace wants to see. I loved Grace today as she told off Ivy. She told Ivy that she was vulture, just circling, trying to pick at the bones of hers and Sam’s marriage. That she had been doing whatever she could to break them up. Ivy tried to use the excuse that she was there to bring the flowers, but, Grace wasn’t buying it at all.
When Sam came back, Grace was REALLY ready to go off. She called Ivy a bitch. And, that she’s never going to give up until she has Sam back in her bed. Sam says that Ivy isn’t the problem – David is. Grace disagrees. David came back to get his wife, and has only been upfront with them. Ivy has done nothing but lie, plot and deceive. Grace calls her evil, and Sam says that he thought Grace had ‘gotten past’ the lies and secrets with Ivy. Grace says that she’s sorry, but, she hasn’t.
The trio in the garden is soon joined by Pilar, Hank, David and Eve, who had just gone a few rounds in the Church. David insists that maybe it’s fate that has brought him and Grace back together. That maybe the best thing for everyone is for Sam and Ivy to get back together, so that he and Grace can get back together. Listening to David today makes me leery of him. His insistence that he’s going to get back together with Grace and ‘take her away’ bothers me. He seems to give no acknowledgement of the 20+ years that Grace has spent with Sam, and that she has built a LIFE with Sam IN HARMONY. And, it would seem to me, if he knew Grace at all, he’d know that she would NEVER leave her children. Neither would Sam want his children away from him. Her family with Sam never seems to come into the equation with him. It’s always ‘me and Grace’. Well, Grace comes with THREE KIDS (and Charity), and I think it’s a reality that he better come to accept – and fast.
I LOL when Sam called David a ‘ Sonuvabitch’, and complained that Grace had defended David. David liked hearing that. His ears totally perked up at that tidbit of information.
Pilar and Eve had their own conversation about the introduction of David into Sam and Grace’s lives. They both think that Sam and Grace are in for bad times ahead.