Well, today was ok. Pardon me if I’m cynical about Warlock Island, but, haven’t we been down this road before with this NON-Story? We can talk a few MONTHS down the line, if there is progression. The best part of today was Rebecca – that should tell you how dire today was.
Subject: Happenings on Warlock Island?
Timmy and Tabby are being chased by Norma, who gets excited, throws Timmy across the cave, where Tabby retrieves him. Norma throws her axe so hard that it gets stuck in a rock, and in trying to pull it, she falls and triggers the entrance to the cave. Once it is open, Tabby and Timmy get out, with Norma trying to get the axe to finish them off.
Down at the river, Charity is having an in-depth conversation with a tree, who informs her of not only her powers, but, the powers of Faith. The tree tells Charity that she has the power to save all of her friends, and that she has to use it. Charity doesn’t believe the tree, who tells her that without her faith, Charity’s friends are all doomed. Charity tells the tree that she will do anything to save them, and the tree tells her that there is a big price to be paid in order to save her friends.
Charity will save her friends IF she gives up Miguel. Charity doesn’t believe that nature could be that cruel. Obviously, she’s never watched the natural disasters on television that happen all over the world. Talk to someone whose been flooded out, or lost family due to natural disasters – they’ll tell you how ‘uncruel’ nature is.
The tree tells her that time is running out, and if she wants to help her friends, she is going to have to give nature what it wants: for Charity to live her life without Miguel.
Charity agrees to it because an alive Miguel is better than a dead one. So, finally, Charity summons her powers, and whaddyaknow – the hurricane vanishes…..justlikethat.
The teens, who were facing certain death, suddenly find themselves in a stream of completely calm water, and able to swim back to shore.
I did like Reese saving Simone, and Kay trying to save Miguel, and then holding Jessica close once they got back to shore.
Charity and the tree spoke some more, and as always when something big happens with Charity – she faints.
Kay sees her talking to the tree and then fainting, and Miguel finds her and asks Charity what has happened. Charity, of course, has amnesia.
I warn my fellow Passions fans not to mark this day down in the calendar. How many moments over the past 2 years have we thought that something was going to happen to change this story, only to get nothing outside of the hamster wheel.
So, someone needs to SHOW ME THE STORY, before I’m going to take it seriously. Been too burned with this trio to have ANY faith in JER.
Subject: Rebecca – no class, no shame…LOL
They did wheel away the bodybag, and Luis insists that it’s not Sheridan. That the fingerprints and dental records will prove that it’s not her. Everyone is hesitant. They want to believe Luis, but, don’t really believe him. Gwen was the only one really trying to feed into that positive Luis vein of thinking.
Chad was trying to get Whitney to tell him Theresa’s secret, and Whitney told him that she couldn’t because she didn’t want Chad to be put in the position of having to lie to Ethan. If Chad knew the secret, he would tell him. Chad said that he felt badly for Whitney having to carry around such a burden, and Whitney said that’s what friends do for one another.
Theresa asks Whitney what was she going to do, and Whitney told her nothing. That the only thing that can save Theresa is an annulment from Julian. Because, if Ethan found out about it, she would lose him and Ethan would probably kill Julian. So, Theresa is to keep her mouth shut.
And, where is Theresa’s hubby? Boozing it up, in the bar, trying to figure out a way to KEEP Theresa and not be killed by Luis and Ethan. The bartender tried to give Julian sympathy, telling him that he hoped he had someone to give comfort to Julian. Julian told himself that he did, but, that he didn’t know how to keep her.
Rebecca, who is already suspicious, and on the trail of Julian and Theresa, tells Gwen that she knows whatever is wrong with Julian involves Theresa. And, that she intends to get to the bottom of it.
Rebecca finds Julian and tells him that she’s ready to get married. She tells him to stop with the ‘oh woe is me’ routine, and the garbage that he can’t get married because of Sheridan, because she knows that he’s the one who killed her.
Then, Rebecca showed her claws to Julian. She not-so-subtly let him know the kind of trouble that she can make for him if she doesn’t become his wife. She tells him once again about the fact that wives can’t testify against their husbands, and he wouldn’t want her on the stand, telling everything that she knows about Sheridan’s ‘death’.
She leaves Julian to ponder what she’s said, and he gets a big drink and goes to see Theresa. She asks him about the annulment, and he tells her that he’s doing everything he can to speed it up – LIE. He sees a sight, and it makes him drop his glass.
Rebecca is back.
Standing in the middle of the Lobby.
Julian is in shock; Gwen asks Rebecca what she’s doing; Luis calls her a monster.
It’s a hoot.
Rebecca says that she doesn’t believe that it’s Sheridan in the bodybag, and that her marriage to Julian could be a positive affirmation in the hope of when they’ll see Sheridan again. After all, Rebecca muses out loud, we wouldn’t have any reason to think that Sheridan should be dead, should we Julian?
Julian looks like he wants 10 drinks at that moment.