I really enjoyed today’s show. I think it’s because that tripe from Warlock Island wasn’t messing up the screen.
Subject: Oh, Luis
When the show first began, Galen Gering was awful (acting wise). I mean, he was the epitome of the ‘pretty face’ hired to read cue cards.
But, I was touched by him today.
Maybe it’s because I’m still raw from last week, but, Luis, so determined to believe, against all the odds, that Sheridan was still alive, and of course, the woman that they found, touched me.
It was the very humanness of his quiet desperation that got to me. When the military lady told him to get some rest and get dressed, he didn’t want to do it. It didn’t seem like ‘enough’ , because Luis the hero has been trained to ‘go out and find the hurt and helpless’.
But, then, he thought he should. He had to look his best for Sheridan when she came back. He prepared the room ‘ just so’ for her. His love for her was in everything today: the way he looked, the way he talked, the way he walked. You really could believe that this was the other part of his heart.
And, the montage was terrific. I had missed Sheridan’s face. And, I tried to remember when everyone of those scenes happened. I only wish, when they were doing montages, that they would show some of the truly old clips at the beginning of the show, during the rough times.
When the Army man came in, and Luis was so hopeful about the woman that he had found, he informed Luis that they had found a woman, but, that she was dead.
My poor Luis, he was in shock.
Subject: The Hospital Today…..Sigh….
Yes, we’ve had repetitive lines in this story. But, it is still the best written story on Passions. There was true emotional , character-based writing today, and I enjoyed it.
Sam, Grace and David have arrived at the hospital. Sam finds out that Ivy needs surgery, but won’t take it until she’s spoken to Sam. Sam wants to go to Ivy, and Grace was being the Grace that I love. No, she doesn’t like Ivy, but, Ivy is ill, and she can’t see being bitter enough to try and keep Sam away from her. It just doesn’t seem ‘right’ in Grace’s world, so she tells Sam to go see Ivy.
Once he’s in with Ivy, she once again apologizes for not staying with Sam. For all the mistakes that she made. She tells Sam that it’s possible that she might not make it, and if that’s the case, she wants his promise that he is going to step up and be a father to Ethan. That he’s going to have Ethan as a part of his life. Sam tells her that she didn’t need to worry about it.
If these were Ivy’s last moments, then, I definitely wouldn’t want to be her children with Julian – they were NOT even remotely on her radar screen. ‘The three people I love most?’ – Ethan, Sam, Pilar?
Uh, Ivy, you have three other children. But, they didn’t even cross her mind. She might be dying, and Ivy never mentioned them – geesh.
Well, Ivy is being wheeled out to surgery, and Sam walks with her part of the way, giving her a kiss on the forehead – something that Eve, Grace and David, all witness. Grace tells Sam that she understands, and that he better understand about David. That David had helped her during the hurricane. Sam was the Sam I loved, and extended his hand of thanks to David. Good move, Sam, but, don’t be lulled into thinking that this guy isn’t bad news.
While Sam was in with Ivy, David, IMO, was plotting his next move. Eve came over to David to check on him, and asked him who his ‘next of kin’ would be. He said that he had nobody – but Grace. Eve gave him ‘ a look’, and you knew something was on the tip of her tongue, when Grace came over and told David that it was OK that he put her as ‘next of kin’.
Eve had a nurse tend to David’s wounds, and then cozied up to have a conversation with Grace. Eve asked Grace if she was having memories about her past with David, and Grace said that she was beginning to sense a ‘ connection’ with him. That having amnesia upsets her, and this connection to her past is something that she wants. She needs to find out about herself.
Once Ivy is wheeled off to surgery, Sam tells Grace that he wants her to be ok, and that he blames herself. If Ivy hadn’t of helped him, she wouldn’t be in this position. Sam feels bad because he thinks Ivy is hurt because of him, and because he doesn’t think he’s done enough to help bring back the kids, so, Sam leaves.
Grace and David, who has gotten coffee (for him and Grace), follow Sam, who winds up in the Chapel. Sam prays for the return of his children and expresses how much they mean to him. How much his family means to him. And, he also prays for Ivy.
I loved all the scenes today at the Hospital. They were about emotions and characters. It was good soap.
Subject: Whitney – So good a liar, it’s scary
Whitney Russell has come a long way. At the beginning of the show, she was someone with integrity.
But, then, she was hooked up with Theresa Lopez-Fitzgerald.
And, thus the life of the Ultimate Enabler was born.
It began with a small lie, here and there. The lies she told to Frank Lomax (remember him?), and have continued on, deeper and deeper. It used to bother Whitney. One could see her struggle with the lies that she told.
No more.
Today, she was smooth. So smooth.
Lying, johnnyonthespot to Ethan about Julian and Theresa.
Ethan had caught Julian with Theresa.
I admit, these scenes made me laugh.
Ethan trying to be this ‘big man’. Julian afraid of him? Oh, puleeze, but, I saw it for the comedy that it was. Ethan is supposed to be this furious lover protecting Theresa, but, I’m not feeling it. Cause, I don’t see how Ethan could scare ANYONE…LOL
So, Ethan is calling Julian a lech, reprehensible, a sleazebag, etc. Julian is trying to weasel his way out of this.
Whitney and Chad are talking in the hallway. Whitney tells Chad that she’s not going to tell him what’s wrong, because she doesn’t want to put him in a position to lie to Ethan.
Once they hear Julian and Ethan, they go to the room. They find Ethan ready to punch out Julian, and Chad pulls him away. I cracked up as Julian messed up Chad’s name – ah, Julian, there will come a day, when you will SO remember Chad CRANE’s name…LOL
Ethan isn’t ready to listen to Chad, and wants to go at him, but, Whitney yells out that she knows what’s going on. She knows what happened, and she can explain.
Whitney then tells Ethan that SHE was with Theresa, when Julian arrived, because he had heard how upset Theresa was. That he wanted to help, and that Julian offered to help with Theresa, so that Whitney could call her family and tell them that she was ok.
Julian picked up on Whitney’s lie, and said that he had been concerned, and had gone over to Theresa when she called out, and when he got there, mistaking him for Ethan, she had put her arms around him, and that’s when Ethan walked in.
Ethan looked at Julian, and then at Whitney, and said if WHITNEY said it happened, then, he would have to believe it. Chad knew better though, and when Ethan went to tend to Theresa, Chad followed Whitney and Julian out into the hallway.
Ethan went to Theresa, and she told him that she had been having horrible ‘DREAMS’ – LOL!!
Whitney cracked me up today. She was truly a daughter raised by TC today, as she told Julian that he BETTER get that annullment from Theresa, and that NOBODY better find out about it, or, she would kill Julian HERSELF. I loved that she totally laid into Julian. She is NOT intimidated, nor impressed with Julian Crane. It was beautiful. She definitely had shades of TC in her attitude towards Julian.
But, her ability to lie so skillfully is scary.
I enjoyed today’s show.