Well, the action at the Blue Note swung into gear nicely.
Julian and Rebecca are at their table, with Rebecca trying to figure out the woman in Julian's heart, but Julian's keeping silent.
Whitney has arrived with Lemon Liz, telling her that she was in the club before when it had another name, and that Eve had caught her there and forbade her to ever return to the club. Just what Lizzard wanted to hear. She 'sweetly' told Whitney that she would cover for her if Eve ever found out. Seeing Julian out of the corner of her eye, she thought that it 'figured' that Julian would be at The Blue Note.
Chad and Fox are at the bar talking about love. Fox cynically said that folks could count him out when it came to love - after all, it had brought nothing but misery to Chad, Theresa and Sheridan. He didn't need it and wasn't welcome to it. Chad was like he loved Whitney, and how he wanted her with him. Once again, these scenes were unconvincing because of Divins.
While Chad went to talk to some people, Fox went over to Julian and Rebecca's table, asking his father if he could manage the club since Julian owned it. Finding out that Julian owned the club was a surprise to Rebecca, thus ratcheting up her curiousity about the club, and what it means to Julian. When Fox commented on how he didn't think that Jazz was an interest of Julian's, Julian responded that there are plenty of things that Fox didn't know about his father. Fox agreed, and got Julian to agree to make him the manager of the club.....how convenient for Fox....hee hee hee
Rebecca spied Liz and Whitney and pointed them out to Julian, who promptly got out of his seat and welcomed the duo to the club and offered them a prime table. Excusing himself and Liz, Julian drug her to behind the stage where he chastised her for bringing Whitney to the club. Lemon Liz tried to perpetrate that she brought Whitney there because she wanted to lift her spirits, Julian totally called her on it. Told her that she could cut the bull, because he knew that she only brought Whitney there to hurt Eve, but he wasn't having any of it, and walked away. Lizzard said that he couldn't stop her.
Chad found Whitney and they had their conversation about how he just 'knows' Whitney wants to be on the stage. That it's her true love, yadda yadda. You know, if we had at least seen Whitney REALLY sing when she was by herself, like it was her own little secret, I'd buy this singing passion thing. But, since we didn't, I don't.
Chad knew the headliner and asked her if Whitney could take the stage, which she ok'd. Whitney got up on stage and began to sing.
While the action was going on inside of the club, Eve spent the episode trying to get to the club. She was going to prevent Whitney from going down the same road as she did, and she remembered in flashbacks, how tumultuous that time was for her. Once she got to the club, she thought she heard her voice coming from inside, but didn't remember recording that song. She got into the club and asked to speak to the manager about the tape that was playing, but the guy told her it wasn't a tape - it was the singer on stage: Whitney. Eve was in shock.
Once Whitney began singing, Rebecca commented on it, and Julian was stunned. For him, he said it was like going back in time. Lizzard was happy because she was causing trouble. Chad was happy because Whitney was singing his song.
And Fox?
Well, for Fox, this was a transforming moment.
I loved that the camera did the shot of Julian and then faded onto Fox's face, soon after Julian spoke of going back in time. That was a wonderful irony, because it wasn't going back in time. It was going forward to the future, with HIS son and EVE's daughter.
For Fox,something happened right before his eyes. He was mesmerized watching Whitney. He couldn't take his eyes off of her, and when the waitress came up to him asking if anything was wrong, he barely acknowledged her presence. He was moved. His heart was touched.
Could it be? Could Fox have fallen in love?
Today is an eventful day on Passions.
Today is the day when the Past met the Present and will affect the Future.
Nobody's life will be the same after today. Of the principles involved, today is the beginning of the rest of their time on Passions. It has the potential to be one of the best soap stories told.
Loved today.