Today was the last uninterrupted Evian scenes for awhile.
Julian insists that he'll make everything alright for Eve. Eve tells him that she appreciates that he wants to help her, but doesn't think that even he can make things better in her life. Eve tells him the problems with everyone, calling Lousy Liz a 'pit bull' - LOL.
Julian asks her about Chad. Why does TC hate him so much? He remembered that Chad was a good friend to Ethan when he found out the truth about his paternity, which Julian admired. Eve tells him that Chad saved Whitney's life twice, and took a bullet for Eve, yet TC still thinks he's nothing but a 'street punk'. Julian comments on the success that Chad's having with the recording studio and respects him for it. Eve said she respects Chad drive and ambition, and Julian tells her that he reminds her of someone he knows. When Eve asks who, Julian tells her that Chad seems to be like a Crane.
Eve is shocked when Julian says that. Julian tells her that he
might not look like a Crane, but the way that he acts - his demeanor, his
ambition, his drive, not letting anything stand in his way- the true mark
of a Crane.
Eve tells Julian she doesn't see it. Doesn't see it at all. That Chad
is honest, decent and noble at times - not things you would use to describe
a Crane. Julian tells her that there is something familiar about
Chad, and theorizes that it's possible THAT is the reason TC hates him
- he senses it too. That maybe Chad reminds TC of Julian. Julian laughs
when he says,
" I can't think of anyone TC would hate more than a younger version of me."
Eve had to agree with that. Julian is then shocked by what comes to his mind - that possibly Chad is their son?
Eve tells Julian that she had also thought Chad could be their son, but that he isn't.
Julian wondered what it would be like to have their son - " a baby conceived in love " - back with them again. He said that nothing would bring him greater joy than to be father to their son.
Eve tells him again that Chad isn't their son, and explains that she had given him the DNA test. We then went through Chad's history - that he only came to Harmony to find his parents; the mess with Orville; the bird statue, the problems with Crystal, but according to the DNA test - they were NOT his parents. (Of course, Eve doesn't know that Alistair had the tests doctored. )
Eve looks at Julian and sees that he's sad. Julian tells her that he knows that it's more than likely that their son died at birth, but that he wonders what it would be like for their son to be alive, to be out there. That he wants to meet him, get to know him,
" to be close to a part of you."
Eve asked him if he meant it, and he said he did. Julian tells Eve that he hired a private detective to try and find their son, but that he had found nothing. Julian admitted that he had confronted Alistair about her 'memory' of their son being stolen, and Alistair had told him that he had nothing to do with it. Eve commented that they both knew Alistair wasn't to be trusted, and that he would never want a Black Crane to surface. Julian said that the detective had unlimited resources and found nothing; if their son was alive, it was as if he had vanished off the face of the earth. Julian said he didn't think their son was alive, and Eve was hurt to hear it. Julian didn't want to upset Eve but told her honestly that he didn't know what else to do. Eve got up and began crying and she let Julian comfort her.
I know that Julian hasn't been the best father to Fox, but he's shown concern for him. Plus, we do know how much losing Ethan meant to him. I always thought Julian gave Ethan the love that he wanted to show his son with Eve, but couldn't. Losing Ethan was a blow for Julian. I think the comments about a 'child conceived in love' is VERY important for Julian. Of the women that have had his children (that we know about now - Ivy, Theresa, Eve), Eve is the ONLY one who actually WANTED a child with him. Their child was the child conceived in LOVE, which means a great deal to Julian, plus it's a part of Eve - and, if he can't have EVE, he wants to be near to a piece of her.
I still remember the only useful part of the entire Hell In A Closet debacle - when, outside of a sinking Bennett house, Julian told Eve that of course he loved their son, and if he had lived, " I would have loved him as much as I loved you." Eve was stunned and could do nothing but walk away, but his son with Eve means a great deal to Julian. Add into it all the guilt he feels about what happened between him and Eve, and I think, if their son ever is revealed, Julian will adore him.
Julian apologizes to Eve, telling her that he's sorry that their dream of their son being alive just doesn't seem possible. He wishes it was different, but it's not. Eve reminds Julian that nobody can find out about their past, and Julian agrees. He's taken care of everything, and will help her with the rest of her problems. He knows how bad TC's temper can be, but that everything will be alright.
Just then, TC and Lousy Liz enter the diner, and TC sees Eve in Julian's arms.
All good things must come to an end, I suppose.
I've really enjoyed my 'dose' of Evian. Tracey and Ben have been terrific.