‘ Don’t you believe that I loved you?’
Eve couldn’t answer that question. So many of the choices she’s made
since then were predicated on the answer to that question being‘no.’
Julian asked her if she remembered a time when it was only the two
of them. How they enjoyed one another, as they laughed and played andhad
the best time. What a snapshot of Eve’s face. She DID remember those
times.A genuine smile came across her face. Her guard was down, and her
reservations melted. She smiled at Julian and nodded.
But then, Eve RUSSELL came back. She had to back away from Julian.
She couldn’t allow him to break down those barriers. She told Julian that
he ruined it all, with the wild partying. They he took advantage. That
shewas such an innocent when he met her. All she wanted to do was sing,
but hetook that away from her too. Julian quietly told her that she could
have refused, and then she admitted that SHE ENJOYED IT.
An admission from Eve that she wasn’t Julian’s victim. She had set
it up in her mind that Julian was ‘the devil who led her astray’, when,in
fact, she went of her own free will.
She finally admitted it.
” I loved that Crane lifestyle…I loved that you
loved me…I…”
She stopped herself, and Julian asked her to continue. To admit that
she loved him too. That the last part of her sentence was that she loved
Julian as much as he loved her.
She asked Julian how she could love him, considering that he was a
disgusting pig, taking advantage and ruining people’s lives. She said that
the only thing she felt for Julian was ‘loathing and contempt’, which,
is a good sign, as an Evian fan. The opposite of love isn’t hate – it’s
indifference. And, truth be told, Eve is NEVER indifferent to Julian. He
can push her buttons even now, and it scares her to death.
Keeping up a pretence of anger is easier than admitting you have feelings
for a man as complicated as Julian, especially when you tell the whole
world that you have a ‘perfect’life. It was too much for Eve. Julian was
getting too close, so she had to geton the attack. Rebuild those barriers
that she had established all those years. I thought Tracey was fabulous
in that scene, because she showed Eve in all her complexity.
Another pet theory got a nudge in the positive direction.Once again,
Eve brought up Julian as the one who caused the car crash that ended TC’s
tennis career. Julian said nothing, but it was the ‘look away’ in Ben Masters’
eyes that reinforced to me the belief that it was EVE who caused the accident
that night, and that Julian covers for her. To this day.
Julian’s response to Eve’s diatribe?
“ We’re not talking about TC, Theresa or anyone
else here. Only you and me, Eve.”
Which is NOT where Eve wants it to be. She can’t handle it.
Julian presses on, and tells her that they shared the vision, and when
Eve tries to dismiss the vision, Julian tells her,
“ I don’t agree with you, because the man that you
saw….the man that you loved, is the man I might have been. The man I wanted
to be. “
Julian tells her that he would have been there if he had known about
the baby. That he would not have let Alistair browbeat him into marrying
Eve hears his sincerity, and you can see her barriers coming down,
but, she can’t risk it. She’s too scared. She tells Julian that he would
have never been anything other than a despicable man….and, like a report
card,she brings up once again, her ‘perfect’ life, with her wonderful husband
andd aughters. She wears it like a suit of armor.
She told Julian,
” I’m not going to let you hurt me again.”
This is the underpinning of it all. Julian has the power to hurt her.
More than anyone else, because Julian knows ALL of her so well. She barely
lived through it the first time, and put on her deflective gear in order
to be able to survive. She can’t let Julian break down those walls now.
She’s so scared of him now, she runs out of the Library, breaking down
in tears as soon as she closes the door. She’s terrified.
Julian is in the Library, listening to Eve singing, looking at a picture
of Eve.
“ TC thinks I stole his dream from him. He
wound up the big winner. He won Eve’s heart.”
Eve is looking for her family – her shield. She has to retreat into
the comfort of them. She is ‘angry’ at Julian for suggesting that they
could have had a happy life. She sees Chad and goes over to him. Hecuba
has arranged for Chad’s face to be erased, and Eve is back in her ‘vision’.
She screams in horror.
I thought today was a great Evian day. They got to the roots, and to
their obstacles. They were brutal with one another – honest and frank.
Julian was so vulnerable, and so was Eve. These past couple of days
have been divine, and I hope Julian begins on the quest for his son soon.