The Russell House/ The Ski Lodge /The Crane Mansion
Eve is downstairs when Julian calls and they discuss the bird. Eve tells him that she hasn't had the chance to talk to Simone, and that she will. Eve is trying to be hopeful, but, Julian tells her that they have to be for real, and error on the side of expecting the worse..Of course, Ivy's in the background, and she's just just having a grand old time. She KNOWS that something is up..she can smell it in the air.
Eve hangs up the phone when she hears TC. Julian has forgotten something, so, he calls back, but, TC answers the phone. Julian totally cracked me up when he had to pretend to be calling for a Chinese restaurant. The phony accent had me LOL. Eve gets TC to hang up..I think she can sense that it's Julian, and doesn't want TC to know.
Once Julian hangs up on the phone, Ivy comes in and asks Julian WHY he had a fake Chinese accent. He says that he was having fun with a friend...she says that she KNOWS that's a lie because : a) Julian doesn't know how to joke, and b) He has NO FRIENDS! That was good.
Julian leaves, and Ivy tells Pilar that she's totally convinced that there is proof of a relationship between Julian and Eve, and she will find it.
Sam comes over, and they discuss the puzzlebox, and Sam makes that awful bird joke. Once they've left, Eve checks up with Simone, who has been getting into it with Kay, ab out the bird. Kay wants them to leave the ski lodge, go back to Harmony, bring back the bird, so that Charity will go nuts, be committed again, and Kay can have Miguel. Simone stands firm in her determination NOT to help Kay anymore with driving Charity crazy, when Eve calls.
Eve asks her where the bird has gone, and both Kay and Eve find out that Simone has thrown out the bird. Eve is relieved when she knows that Simone hasn't gotten inside of the bird, though she's upset that it is 'out there'. Kay is just pissed period, that her chance to drive Charity away from Miguel is gone.
Gotta give Simone some credit, though. Think about it..she's asking WHY Eve is so interested in the bird. It's so logical, but, who'd a thunk that anyone would be so logical and questioning on Passions?
Now that Eve's got a lead, she calls Julian, but, gets Ivy instead. These two totally crack me up. Ivy's needling Eve, and Eve is like 'just put Julian on the phone, darnit'. Julian gets on the phone, and Eve tells him about Simone's phone call, and tells him to meet her at the dump.
I had to laugh with Ivy today...when she was talking to Pilar and saying that people thought SHE was brazen with regards to Sam...look at the way Eve called her house..LOL
When they get to the dump, Julian just cracked me up. How DARE HE...a caught in the local garbage dump...Eve's like, get over it..we've
gotta find that statue. Oh were SO close...the homeless man
who found it came looking for change, to call Ivy..Julian was cruel to
him, while Eve gave him the change he needed. She asked about the bird,
but, the man lied. Julian, you know that things are bad when a BUM calls
you a LOSER...LOL!