People ask why I stick with Passions, considering that I am critical of it at most times.
I’ve made no bones about it – the only reason I stayed with Passions
in October 1999, was because:
a) Chad Harris came to town
b) The Church Bazaar began, and the ADULT stories started.
I was hooked…hooked…
From the first time Julian looked across the room and saw Eve, and said her name. It was the WAY he said that totally fascinated me. It was more pure emotion that I had seen in the character since the beginning of the show, and I needed to know more.
I’m a true Julian/Eve fan. I absolutely love them together, because they bring out a side in one another that’s not seen anywhere else. They are brutally honest with one another to the point of it being painful sometimes, but I love watching that.
Today was no difference.
Julian saw Eve from a distance as she had a fight with TC. I have no doubt that he watched her and followed her into the Library.
Julian gets there, and what does he do? He offers her a glass of champagne – something he did the first time that they met. Both of them knew what he was doing. What memories he was dredging up.
He was giving her the Slimy Julian persona. The ‘Mr. Smooth’ who goes after the women. She rebuffed him, but he was still attracted to her. He always is. I think Julian does that to get Eve’s rebuff of him.
Once she walked away, he told her about his soul searching. He put away his ‘Mr. Slimy’ persona, and once again, brought out the human Julian that, until Timmy, I had only seen with Eve. He became, I believe, the Julian that Eve fell in love with all those years ago.
Julian told her he had done soul searching. Eve didn’t want to believe him. He was insistent though. He told her that he had thought about his life. The mistakes he made. The choices of his life. And, what did he say?
“ The one thing that was crystal clear………I should have stayed with you.”
Knock me over with a feather. Knock Eve over too.
What did she respond?
“ I ought to despise you, Julian.”
Think about it. OUGHT to? But, her saying it means that she doesn’t. Even after everything, she doesn’t despise the man. She once again talks about the fabulous life that she now has for herself. Sometimes, I wonder if Eve is saying these things to convince Julian, or herself?
Then, Julian admitted,
“ You were the best thing that ever happened to me.”
He admitted what he should have done. He actually listed his sins: not standing up to Alistair, being stronger, abandoning her. He wanted her to know he knew what he had done.
Eve told him that he tossed her aside ‘like I was nothing.”
Julian replied.
“ No. You’re anything but nothing. You’re everything a man could want and I loved you.”
I was glad to hear that. To make it clear once again, that Julian has never admitted to loving another woman outside of Eve.
When Eve asked him why he didn’t stand up to Alistair, Julian tells her that he was wrong. ‘ From the bottom of my heart, I was wrong.’
There was such honesty in those scenes. They can look into one another and tell the truth, as ugly as it can be.
Eve told Julian she wanted to believe him, and then asked him about their son. Was he sorry about their son. Julian said he was, but their son was dead.
Once again Eve brought up her vision of seeing their son taken. She had done so the night Julian was shot, but Julian had too many other things on his mind to really think about what Eve was saying. Tonight was different. Julian heard what she said, and told her it was a vision. And, told her that he didn’t know anything about it. Eve believed Julian then, because she didn’t accuse him of it. I think she knows in her heart that Julian wouldn’t do that to her.
But, she brought up Alistair. The change in Ben Masters’ eyes at that point was terrific. You could see Julian connecting to what Eve was saying. You could tell that he was agreeing with her in his own mind that Alistair could be behind it. He could feel it in his soul that Eve was telling the truth, and since he knows Alistair, he is disgusted to think about that happening to his son.
Eve asked Julian how he felt about it. Julian said that part of him
thinks it would be wonderful for their son to be alive, but, Julian is
more grounded in reality and its repercussions.
He asks Eve,
” If he’s alive…and he comes back…what will happen to you and your life?”
Julian’s not asking this to get Eve out of thinking about their son. He’s trying to really get her to think about the Pandora’s Box that she could be opening. Does she REALLY get what she’s risking? His concern was genuine and true.
Eve told Julian that TC would kill him, and for the first time, Julian asked an interesting question.
” And what would he (TC) do to you, Eve?”
The look in Eve’s eyes was one of confusion. She didn’t know how to answer that question. Was it foreshadowing?
Julian told her that their son could destroy her family.
Julian expressed his concern some more about Eve and her family when TC came in to ruin the moment. Julian and Eve retreated back from their connection, and Julian took on his coward’s persona for TC once again, babbling while TC threatened him.
Yet, once again, they stole silent looks across the Library at one another. Nobody does the ‘ silent connection with the eyes’ thing like Julian and Eve.
Now, where does this take this story. I remember awhile ago, Charity had a premonition. In it, it was Julian being nearly torn apart by TC, with Eve trying to get him off of Julian. Julian specifically told TC, “ I didn’t find out soon enough.”
I have to think. Could it be possible that Julian goes in search of their son? Will Julian, knowing his father better than anyone, decide that it’s very possible that his son is alive, and decide to find him?
I would absolutely love it if that happened.
The one thing that distinguishes this from Ivy/Sam/Grace, is that Ivy
and Sam to some extent, are still working on things in the past. They don't
see one another as how they are NOW. Sam is more rooted in reality than
Ivy, but still he doesn't see Ivy for who she is NOW.
Julian and Eve are very rooted in the present. They understand the
past, and after today, have reconciled with the past. But, they have NO
illusions about one another. They see one another for who they are NOW.
And yet, still, their connection is there.
Ben Masters and Tracey Ross play so well off one another. Once again Ben Masters showed why he’s the best actor on this show. He was fabulous as he showed the depth and layers to Julian.
Loved their scenes.