I absolutely loved the scenes at the diner today.
Evian, of course.
I'm mad at TC for thinking he's justified in beating up Julian when
Eve has caught him with a STRANGE woman:
1) drinking in EVE's bedroom
2) dirty dancing in EVE's kitchen
and the piece-de-la-resistance...
3) the 'sleepwalking' incident in EVE's bedroom...
And TC feels he has the RIGHT to beat up Julian because Eve was in his arms after a car accident?
Well, I loved today's scenes because of Evian, and because of the egg on Lousy Liz's face.
TC isn't buying the explanation that Eve has given him for why she was in Julian's arms. She told him she was upset about their daughter and a car accident - but that wasn't enough for TC. He wanted THE TRUTH (whatever).
Eve is trying to 'explain', when Julian stands up and says that he can tell TC the REAL reason.
You know, it's like the Passions writers have two sides to them: the side that makes me think that they're smoking crack everyday before work....and, then....the other side makes me think they should get paychecks for writing.
I absolutely love it when dialogue means more than one thing, and Julian's dialogue today was top of the line.
I loved it when he spoke about how living with a lie is very difficult. How it's painful and a prison of its own making. How the truth would set you free and give you a chance to live a life without fear. He was speaking these words to TC, but he was SAYING these words to Eve.
From the beginning of Evian, they've always been full of silent communication. Today was no different.
Brillo Head was bragging to Eve that her time was up. That Julian was going to spill the beans. Julian was going to destroy her marriage right then and there by telling TC the truth. She was frothing at the mouth at the possibility.
Eve didn't know what to think...she had Lemon Liz whispering in one ear, and yet her eyes were on Julian. Could she have been wrong? Would he really betray her like that? Tell TC everything?
It was, I believe, the last moment of doubt that Eve is going to have towards Julian.
Julian told TC that 'the truth' was that he was being nice to Eve in order to avoide being sued by her about the car accident. That he 'pretended' to care because he didn't want Eve to use her doctor's knowledge to fake injuries and take the Cranes for millions.
I loved the simultaneous look of disgust from TC, the look of relief on Eve, and the sourpuss on Lemon Liz.
TC went off on Julian, that his wife wouldn't do anything like that. She wasn't brought up like that. She wouldn't do something like that, unlike the Cranes, who would do anything to cover damage they did. TC brought up the 'receipt' that he found in Julian's safe the night of the 'fog'. When he degraded Julian about it, and that he KNEW Julian had been behind the wheel of the accident that ruined his tennis career - the look in Julian's eyes....I am totally sure now that it was EVE behind the wheel and Julian is covering for her.
I loved TC going off, talking about how 'perfect' his wife is.....and Julian saying in his mind..." Yes, TC, Eve IS perfect."
There's the crux of the story.
TC BELIEVES Eve is 'perfect', and loves her.
Julian KNOWS Eve, and after it all, still finds Eve 'perfect'.
The mouthed 'thank you' from Eve to Julian.....another example of their intimacy...
I loved that Brillo Head had to stay in the diner, when Eve said that it was a FAMILY matter. She tried to overrule Eve by going to TC, who finally said something smart in telling Lemon Liz to stay at the diner. When she tried to leave, loveydovey Julian Crane was gone, and my badass Julian was there, grabbing ahold of her, telling her to stop the crap about the car and that she wasn't going to hurt Eve. Julian told her that Eve wasn't to blame - he was. That Eve had more than made up for her past mistakes because of all the good she did for the community and the love she has for her children, and how it shouldn't be ruined.
It was at that moment that Brillo Head had a revelation: Julian actually loves Eve.
I'm gonna miss my Evian scenes, but this was a good week for them. Eve and Julian have truly bonded this week, and after Eve saw Julian put himself in more bad light where TC is concerned, Julian's inching closer and closer into her heart.
I think all the actors did a good job - Rodney, Amelia, Ben and Tracey.