Nobody, not even TC's wife, knows exactly what's in the shed, or what
it's important to him.
At first, I thought that the shed contained some shrine to his past
tennis days.
Now, I'm hoping that it's something a little more complicated than that, and I'm hoping that it all ties together: his lost tennis career, his hatred of Julian, his insistence on Eve being 'perfect' and his love for Whitney.
What are some of the facts that we know?
1. Julian and TC were both on the serious tennis circuit, and that TC had a promising career.
2. TC's career ended when he was involved in some sort of 'accident'. An 'accident' that we know Julian caused.
3. TC's father died of a 'broken heart' as Tabby said as the fortune teller, soon after TC's career ended.
4. This supposedly happened BEFORE TC met Eve.
5. TC adores Whitney. It's clear that she's his favorite child.
6. TC is nearly obsessed with 'Perfection' in Eve. He doesn't seem to demand it from himself, but, expects it from Eve.
7. Eve was seeing Julian when she met TC.
These are the facts as we know them.
Now, for some speculation and questions.
1. Do we know HOW long Julian and Eve's relationship was?
We don't. They say that it began before Julian married Eve. I'm still having a hard time believing that they had some short-term fling with one another. Something about the familiarity that they have with one another.
2. Do we know WHO paid for Eve's medical school tuition to that 'top flight' medical school that Ivy pronounced Eve went to when she was researching Eve?
3. Do we know WHERE Whitney was born?
I think all these things are connected.
I believe that Julian and Eve had a long-term affair that lasted for years. The only time it broke off, outside of when she ended it to go with TC, was when she was pregnant with their child.
Once she lost her baby, Eve was lost, and went back to what was familiar- Julian. Julian didn't care. He was happy to get Eve back.
But, something had changed for Eve. She wouldn't sing anymore. I think she gave up singing right after her baby died, and maybe the impetus for her wanting to go to medical school was that she wanted to make sure that another woman didn't suffer the same fate that she did. I think there’s a short period, in between losing the baby, and medical school, that is the most vulnerable. I don’t think that Eve immediately went into the ‘I’m going to medical school’ thing. I think that the first decision was that she wasn’t going to sing any longer. I think that she just tried to ‘lose’ herself in the mistress life. Julian spoke of a period of where they took a lot of trips to Bermuda, and that she enjoyed ‘other pleasures’, which I took to mean drugs. I could see Eve trying to deaden the pain of her lost child with drugs. But, something turned her around. Maybe she saw that she was wasting her life. Maybe it was the thought of how her son would have thought about her. I don’t know, but, she did turn her life around, and turned off the drugs. Possibly, it was now, that she decided that she wanted to really do something with her life and help people, and get respectability, and that meant being a doctor.
So, Eve has Julian pay for her medical school tuition. It's only money to Julian, and if it's what he has to do to get Eve back, it's done.
Going to medical school changes Eve, but, she's still empty inside, because of the loss of her baby. Remember, Eve, to this day, still cries over the loss of her son. So, back then, it would have been magnified plenty. And, she never told Julian about the baby, so, all the pain she had, she carried around alone.
Being in medical school gives her a sense of purpose, and a sense of what’s really possible for her. The kind of life that she can have for herself. The kind of ‘respectability’, that she is craving. Watching her in the flashbacks of her and Julian in Bermuda, something struck me about the self-consciousness with Eve. She was in this beautiful place, and yet, she was nervous. We don’t know a lot about Eve’s background, except for that she was a singer in a club in Boston, and that she was Julian’s mistress. We don’t know what happened before that time. Look at all the lies that Eve has told….and, ask WHAT did she get in exchange for those lies?
Nothing other than what could be called a ‘boring, middle class’ existence. Not fame. Not riches. A ‘middle-class’ life. Eve’s dialogue, especially when it comes to Chad, is very specific. She wants her daughters to meet the ‘right kind’ of boy. She wants the young man to ‘have roots’. ‘ Respectability’ or the appearance of it, is very important to Eve. It’s what she did NOT have when she was with Julian, and maybe at their beginning, it didn’t matter to her, but, somewhere along the line, I think it DID become important to her. I think medical school was the definite change for her.
Eve fell for TC because he offered her the REST of her dreams: the home, the family, the respectability. He had ROOTS. Over 150 years worth in Harmony. That kind of stability was what Eve was craving when she met TC.
I believe TC was involved with a woman before Eve. A woman that he deeply loved, and possibly betrayed him with Julian. I believe that he found out about this right before the accident that ended his tennis career. I think the accident: a) ended his career, b) ended this woman’s life, and c) left their infant daughter Whitney, motherless.
Yes, I think that this woman is Whitney’s biological mother. We never did find out exactly HOW Eve and TC met, but, how about this: he was injured, and came into the hospital, and medical students have to attend to actual patients. She was charmed by this injured man. For TC, Eve is his ‘Florence Nightingale’, and many a patient have fallen for the one who nurses them back to health. He sees this woman as his ‘Angel’. She has healed him physically, and he becomes attached to her emotionally also. After finding out that the woman that just died had committed the ‘sin’ of being with Julian, he is now obsessed with finding ‘Perfection’ in his woman. Eve, if she’s learned nothing in her life, learned how to be a chameleon. She found out what TC needed in a woman, and she became that woman, because she wanted him. He NEEDED her. He WANTED her. He RESPECTED her, and was willing to give her RESPECT. Most of all, he was there, offering her the possibility of the life that she now craved. When he told her about his little girl Whitney, the woman who had a hole inside of her because of her dead son, was only too happy to help along with the baby too.
TC couldn’t believe his good fortune. This woman, who was an ‘Angel’, wanted to actually be a mother to his little ‘Angel’, Whitney. They get married outside of Harmony, and come back to town, with Whitney in tow. Nobody ever asks if she’s not their child, and it seems to hard for TC, so, Eve won’t rock the boat. She has everything she wanted: a family, marriage to a respectable man, and the beginnings of a respectable life.
More than a few people have said that they don’t know how Eve could be married to someone for so long, and NOT know what’s in the shed. I’ve always thought that Eve did it, because she was afraid, somewhere along the way, that TC would begin to question her ‘past’. And, she thought if she left TC alone, he would be willing to believe what she had told him. As is, her not fighting about The Shed, only added to the ‘Perfection’ persona that TC seems to NEED to believe in when it comes to Eve.
And, about Whitney. She has totally modeled herself after Eve. I can't forget what she said to Simone at the Crane Cabin: " I am my mother's daughter. " Why do I get the feeling that it's SO untrue?
So, that’s my theory: there’s a shrine to the tennis career and the
woman in the shed. The woman had a relationship with Julian, and he found
that out right about the time of the accident Julian caused, which also
caused this woman’s death, leaving infant Whitney motherless.