Chapter 2
There is laughter and cheers as Fox scoops Whitney up and screams
"I cant believe I am going to be a daddy"
tears are streaming down his face and he says to Whitney
"I didn't think that I could love you more than I did but Whitney,
you made me a father I cant believe it! I am a father"
Whitney and Fox kiss as the room screams out in Joy. Julian and Eve
are dancing slowly in the back ground while discussing all of the things
that they are going to do to spoil this baby, and how he will have only
the best. Theresa comes running over to Whitney and Fox just as they stop
kissing and screams,
"Whitney we always said it would happen we always said our babies would
grow up together, play together and now it is happened"
Fox is shaking and he cant stop smiling. he is shaking so many hands
he has lost count. Eve and Julian walk toward Fox and say their congratulations
and Fox Picks up Eve and spins her saying
"Thank you for giving me Whitney"
Fox can you please put my wife down Julian says with a chuckle.
Fox hugs Eve and puts her down apologizing
"Sorry Father its just I cant believe it I am going to have a baby.
there is going to be a little Fox running around here soon"
"Lets hope not" Ethan says teasing Fox
"Not even you are going to spoil my mood today Ethan"
Theresa and Whitney walk over hand in hand giggling planning baby showers
and talking about baby names
"Whitney says to Theresa what do you think about girls names"
Theresa says
"I don't care as long as its not Gwen"
Theresa and Whitney once again begin to laugh hysterically.
Luis and Sheridan walk over with their son all hand in hand saying
there congratulations saying that they are so happy for them and wish them
the best of luck.
Sheridan and Theresa each giving pregnancy do and don'ts.
As Ethan and Luis tell Fox what he will be going through for the next
nine months Simone, Kay, Miguel and Chad come say there hellos and congratulations
One of there servants comes to Fox telling him the Food is ready to
be served
Fox announces
“Ok everyone lets eat”
Whitney steals Fox away for a moment before they eat and says to him
“Fox Hunny I just got a chill something is wrong”
“Whitney baby what can be wrong all our friends and family are here.
what could possible be wrong”
“Fox I don't know. something just doesn't feel right like maybe we
are being watched”
Fox calls the guards over and orders them to check the house for Whitney's
just as Fox suspected no one was there.
Outside from a bush T.C. Peers in the house furious with the life that
his family is leading, after they found out that he and Liz tried to Kill
Julian when he found out about Eves past . Talking to his accomplice
“Its just a matter of time now before it happens. BOOM they are all
“Don't screw this up I need this to be taken care of or you will be.
you got that"
He says to T.C as he yells through the phone.
“Don't worry Alistair in ten minutes this will be all over”