Those Who Laugh Last...Chapter Thirteen {E/T, Gwen}
by sadhappygirl
"Wake up, you sorry ass bastard!" Gwen yelled as she
splashed Ethan with ice water. "I said wake your ass up!"
The water felt like a cold slap to the face...
Ethan woke up gasping for air...
"You miserable son of a bitch!" Gwen screamed as she whacked him over the head with the flowers he brought. "Do I look like Theresa?"
"Ouch! Gwen calm down, I'm sorry." He apologized. "Ow, that smarts..."
"Why did I asked Sylvia to put up the knives?!" She wonder aloud. "Oh yeah, so I won't go to jail for killing your dumbass!" She seethe as she pound him with her angry fists about his body. "How dare you ask me, ME that qustion?! Who have I been with besides you?!"
"Gwen, calm down please, I'm sorry!" Ethan cried. She continued to pound away until her arms were too tired to lift. "Gwen, I'm sorry!" He repeated. He threw his arms around her.
"NO! Get away from me!" She yelled as she struggled to get out of his arms. "Get the hell away..." She began to cry uncontrollably.
Theresa dropped Miguel at the Bennett's and head towards Gwen's home.
"I'm going to kill that blonde bimbo!" She rant. "Who does she thinks she is, writng a note to MY huband like she is some damn queen." She pressed down on the gas pedal...
Suddenly a squirrel appeared out of no where causing Theresa to swerve...
Ethan handed Gwen a glass of juice and sat down besides her.
"I am so ashame of myself." He admitted. "Gwen can you ever forgive me?"
She looked at him through narrow slits. She handed him the results of her pregnancy test.
"So you won't think I'm lying. She said. "As you can see Dr. Russell administered the test herself."
Ethan tossed the paper on the table and looked at Gwen directly in her eyes.
"How do you want to handle this?" He asked.
Theresa crashed the car into a tree...
Totaling it...
She managed to escape with minor cuts and bruises...
"I'll deal with the wreck later." She said. "Right now I got to save my marriage!" She said as she hobbled down the road...
Gwen got up from the couch and went to her desk drawer, she pulled out the thick manila envelope.
"I'm not trying to hurt you." Gwen explained as she handed him the envelope. "But you have to understand that the welfare and safety of our child comes before anything else."
"What is this?"
"The custody agreement I had my attorney drew up." She said calmly. "I will have full custody of our child."
"The hell you say!" He fumed.
"Oh but I do say and the court will say if you tried to fight me on this."
"But Gwen that's not fair." He protested. "I'm the father!"
"I'm not going to stop you from paticipating in our child's life." She replied. "Within reason."
"Within reason Are you telling me that I am going o have limited excess to my child?"
"I'm so."
"But Gwen why?"
"In one word...Theresa."
Theresa's body began to feel the affects of the car crash. Her neck ached and her cuts and bruises began to bother her, but she was determined to go on.
"I'm coming Ethan." She said to herself. "Just hold on...AURGH!!"
She bumped into the nest of some angry bees...
"What about Theresa?" Ethan asked.
"Your deranged wife is not allow any where near our child." Gwen replied. "I will not put my child in danger, and to make sure that will never happen I'm going to have a restraining order sworn out against her."
"Gwen I can divorce Theresa and marry..."
"No." Gwen interrupted, "I do not want to marry you, it's too late for that."
"It would not be fair to our child to be raised by one parent."
"And to have his or her father's obsessed, psychotic, ex-wife lurking around in the shadows?" Gwen emphasized. "Ethan, time and time again, Theresa has proven that she is a danger not only to herself but to everyone aroun her. She willing put her unborn child in danger and she was willing to orphan him all because of you. That's not love, that's a sickness."
"Okay so we don't have to get marry, but I will still divorce Theresa."
"Ethan I wish it was that simple but it's not, Theresa will be on your back for the rest of your life, she will never leave you alone and you with your manbitch mentality will alway be glued to her ass. Tell me Ethan why didn't you have her arrested?"
Ethan looked at her sheepishly.
"I haven't made up my mind yet." He said meekly.
Gwen shook her head in pity.
"You are one f!ck up son of a bitch. What are you waiting for? A knife in the heart? See tat's where you and I differ. I can't trust you to do the right thing where Theresa is concern, that's why I'm going to do it for you."
Ethan hung his head and began to cry.
"Gwen I'll do anything you ask..."
"All I want is child support."
"Can I at least go with you to your appointments? Be your birthing coach?"
"That's goes without saying, Ethan I'm not trying to exclude you from our child's life just the opposite, but I am not going to take any chances either and Theresa is a big problem."
After appeasing the bees, Theresa crawled to Gwen's estate and managed to sneak pass security and was now lurking in the bushes outside the window.
With her one good eye, she peeked through the blinds and saw the two of them talking.
"Ip I coulp onpy hearp whap thep arp sayping." She muttered through swollen bee stung lips.
{translation - "If I could only hear what they are saying."}
"When are we due?" Ethan asked.
"In seven months." He lifed up his hand.
"May I?"
"Sure." He placed his hand on her abdomen.
Theresa nearly broke through the window when she saw that.
"Sheep tryping toop seducep myp huspbanp!" She roared. {Translation - "She trying to seduce my husband!"} She hobbled to the door as fast as her aching legs can carry her. "Ethpan! Ethpan!" She yelled.
"Theresa?!" Ethan exclaimed. "What?! How?!"
"See Ethan the bitch follwed your scent to my house." Gwen went to the door. "Sit down, I'll handle this."
"I SAID that I'll handle this." She stated firmly. "Listen and learn how to handle your bitch." She openend the door. "Theresa, what a surprise." She cracked. "What are you doing here?"
"Youp bitpch!" Theresa rant.
"Damn girl what the hell happened to you?"
Theresa head had swelled in various places due to the numerous bee stings she had received; that along with the multiple cuts and bruises from the car wreck did not make her beautiful sight to look at.
"Nepper minp meep, wap r youp dooping wid myp huspbanp?!" {translation - "Never mind me, what are you doing with my husband?!"}
"Theresa you have five minutes to turn around and leave or I will release the dogs. You are trespassing on private property."
"I wilp nop leep! Youp bitpch!" Se roared. "Wap da mappr Gwenpip canp' finp manp op yourp ownp? Soap youp goop andp steelp minp?" She smirked. "Whelp ik nop goping toop happen bitpch!" {translation - What's the matter Gwennie can't find a man of your own? So you go and steal mine?" "Well it's not going to happen bitch!"}
Gwen had just about enough of Theresa's verbal abuse that she could stand, she punched her in her good eye, knocking a wailing Theresa to the ground, and slammed the door in her face.
"John." She called over the intercom.
"Yes Miss Hotchkiss?" He replied.
"It seems we have an intruder on th ground." She replied. "Please release the dogs and call the police."
"Yes Miss Hotchkiss."
"And John? Informed the police that the intruder is armed and dangerous."
"Yes Miss, Are you alrght? Shall I search the grounds?"
"That will not be necessary. I'm sure Satan's Bitch and Mrs. Cujo can handle it just fine."
"Gwen those dogs are going to eat her alive." Ethan protested. "Call them off."
"No." Gwen replied. "I don't give a damn about Theresa." She huffed. "She broke the law and now she gets arrested, end of story."
"Yes but..."
Gwen opened the front door. "Good night Ethan, I'm sure you will be the first person in line to get that bitch out of jail."
"But Gwen.."
"Good night Ethan, I am not going to sit here and waste my energy discussing 'poor' Theresa."
"Yeah but Gwen..."
"Tomorrow Theresa will be issue a restraining order against her and you will sign full custody over to me,if not I will have your ass in court so fast you will not be able to see straight; so do the right thing and sign the custody agreement."
A dejected Ethan left the house with a horrified Theresa screaming for his help in the background.
Gwen laid back on the couch and smiled. "That went better than I thought."
She said.