The Turns Life Takes (Eve/Julian) - Chapter 22
by yhh

Eve hated to do this to TC, but she knew if she showed up at the house he would refuse to let her in the house. So she had come to the school, to his office to talk to him. She knew this was his free period. She took a deep breath and knocked.
"Yes, come in," TC said.

Opening the door, Eve took a few seconds to gaze at the man she had loved for so many years and had created a wonderful life with. She had always known her house of lies would crumble, especially when she discovered Julian lived in Harmony also, but she hadn't imagined that it would end like this.

TC finally lifted his head and saw her. A look of utter disgust covered his face. "What are you doing here?"

Quickly closing the door and stepping inside his office, Eve stood inches away from the door. This wasn't a social call, she would say her peace and leave. "I came to tell you before you heard it from anyone else that Julian and I have found our daughter- -"

TC shook his head. "Do your lies ever stop? I thought you and that creepy, career stealing man had spawned a bastard son."

It was on the tip of her tongue to reprimand him and yell at him for saying such things about her child, but that wasn't why she was here. She wouldn't allow him to draw her into a shouting match or distract her from the reason she was here. "Alistair switched my daughter with a son before I saw my child."

"Of course he did," he said condescendingly.

"He did. My daughter, Brenda Barrett Corinthos, is in town with her husband, Sonny- -"

"And I care why?" he asked, ignoring her physical presence and going back to his paperwork.

He was really making this difficult and working her last nerve. His attitude made it difficult for her to remember why she had ever loved him, stayed with him and put up with the temper all these years. "I didn't want you to feel uncomfortable when you saw me with my daughters around town."

"To be uncomfortable I would have to care," he said bluntly.

And on that note, it was time for her to leave. "Here," she said, stepping forward and fighting the urge to toss the document on his desk.

"What is this?" TC picked up the document and perused it. "You're giving me everything? What about Simone? I will not allow my daughter to live with you. Or worse yet be a party to you're adulterous affair with that- -that man."

"Thornton, Simone is old enough to chose were she wants to live. I would hate to take this to court and make a judge decide where our daughter should live, but I will if I have to. I was hoping that we could come to an agreement ourselves without putting Simone in the middle, but first I figured you would want the divorce as soon as possible."

He didn't like that the custody issue was still up in the air, but he did want to rid himself of this whore and remove her presences from his homes and the money in the bank would go a long way to do just that. "Fine. When do you leave for the Dominican? I assume that's where your lover is sending you." He signed the papers.

Ignoring his accusation, she answered his question. "I'm headed to the airport now. We can discuss Simone when I return. Good day, Thornton and here's a tip, don't spend all that money in one place because there's no more after that." Picking up the signed documents, Eve exited with a weight lifted off her shoulder. Her marriage was really over and in just a day it would be officially over. Everything she had worked for, sacrificed for, was gone. All too soon, she would have to deal with the present and the future, and more importantly give Julian an answer.

Chapter 23
Chapter 21
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