The Ultimate Betrayal ch. 23
Later, Rebecca had been struggling to get Miranda to quit
crying so she could give her some baby formula.
"You don't look like you're having much luck," Julian said.
Rebecca quickly handed Miranda over to Julian, who
immediately quit crying. Julian held her for a few minutes,
then handed Miranda back to Rebecca, who started
crying again.
"This is going to get confusing," Julian said.
"Tell me about it," Rebecca said. Rebecca wished Miranda
would make up her mind, one minute she would only stop
crying when Rebecca picked her up, then she would only
stop crying when Julian picked her up. This parent stuff
was definitely going to be a lot harder than it looked. Rebecca
couldn't get Miranda to stop crying, and handed her to Julian,
who immediately stopped crying. A few seconds later, there
was a dreaded smell.
"Becky, it's your turn!" Julian said. Rebecca smirked.
"She wanted you to take her," Rebecca said.
"I didn't know infants could be so picky," Julian said.
The next day, Reese arrived at Crane Industries for
his first day at his powerful new job.
He couldn't wait to impress Alastair with his
smarts. Reese knocked on the door to Alastair's office.
"Dad?" Reese asked.
"Reese, come in." Alastair said.
"I've been so excited to meet you." Reese said.
"Reese, pack your bags, you're moving into the
Crane mansion as soon as possible." Alastair said.
"You're kidding-" Reese said, speechless. Reese? Durkey? Living in the
Crane mansion. Wait, make
that Reese Crane. This was all happening so fast!
"No, you're moving in as soon as possible." Alastair
Later that evening, Reese showed up at the Crane
mansion with suitcases. Rebecca opened the door, not
thrilled to have company since they had finally gotten
a break when Miranda went to sleep.
"Ross, what are you doing here?" Rebecca asked.
"It's Reese," Reese said. "Now out of my way!"
"Hey don't you talk to me like that- and what are you
doing with suitcases!?"
"I'm moving in!" Reese said. Usually he wouldn't
have acted like this, but there was just something
about finding out about all of that money and power!
"What you are most certainly not- pookey, pookey get
down here right now!" Rebecca said.
"What's going on, Rebecca," Julian asked. "Oh, its Ross."
"Yeah, and he seems to think that he is moving in here!" Rebecca said.
"What!? Not a snowball's chance-" Julian said.
Alastair's voice came from the speaker phone, mocking
"Julian, you will let your brother move into the mansion, and that is an order." Alastair said.
"Brother!?" Julian and Rebecca exclaimed.
"Why am I just now finding out about this?" Julian
"I just found out I had a son smarter than you."
Alastair said. Julian stood there looking rejection.
"Pookey, are you just going to stand there and take
this?" Rebecca asked.
"You're right, I'm not!" Julian said. Julian dragged
Reese towards the door.
"Hey what's the big idea?" Reese asked.
"Julian!" Alastair said.
"But Alastair- we just had a baby- we need the house
to ourselves-" Rebecca whined.
"Well you two should have thought of that before
you had too many of your little costume parties."
Alastair said.
"Don't you ever talk about my daughter that way!"
Julian said.
"Hey, you're the one that tried to throw my son out
the door," Alastair said.
"Father you've gone completely out of your mind!"
Julian said.
"I wouldn't get all smart if you want to be my heir,"
Alastair said. "I knew that would shut you up,"
Alastair said when Juliann and Rebecca stood there