Collision Course, Chapter 31

Theresa went in to check on Whitney, who was still asleep. Theresa had heard Whitney crying, so she left her alone.

By the time she got back to her room, the phone rang.

" Hello?"

" Hi Theresa."

" Chad."

" How's she doing?"

" She's very hurt."

" I know. I didn't want to do it, but.."

" You had no choice. I know it. But, it doesn't erase the hurt."

" I know. I…I went to see Father Lonigan today."

" Why?"

" Because, I'm so confused."

" Did talking to him help?"

" A little bit. My mind is still reeling."

" It should, after the news you received. What are you gonna do today?"

" I'm going over to Castleton, talking to some counselors and signing up for class."

" That's great! I think I'm going to school too."

" For what?"

" I don't know. I didn't think I'd need a life goal. I thought being Mrs. Ethan Crane WAS a life goal."

" Theresa, don't be so hard on yourself. He married someone else, but it's not the end of the world."

" I know…and if I tell myself that enough times, MAYBE I'll begin to believe it.  Enough about me, how are you going to handle things with the Russells?"

" I'm going to stay out of Whitney's way. The rest of them…I've got to be cool about things, or they might get suspicious."

" I understand. Well, I should go. Whitney will be up soon."

" Theresa?"

" Yes?"

" Can we have dinner together? Or a movie? I'd really like to spend some time with you."

" Ok. How about a movie? Around 8?"

" See you then."

Theresa hung up the phone. She knew that she had to keep her continued friendship with Chad a secret from Whitney, who wouldn't understand, because she doesn't know the truth. But, she would deal with that later.


Eve Russell was in her office. She had just framed one of the only  pictures that she had of Chad, Whitney and Simone. Before, this picture had little significance. Now, it meant the world to her. She ran her fingers over the picture. All three of her children together. She had to put it on her desk. The frame was perfect. Eve was smiling as she ran her finger over the picture when her phone rang.

" Dr. Eve Russell."

" Well, good morning Eve. Did you sleep well?"

" Alistair.", she said with disgust.

" Yes, Eve. It's me."

" We have nothing to talk about, Alistair. So, goodbye."

Eve was about to hang up the phone, when Alistair asked, " Not even your son, Chad?"

" Wh…what did you say?"

" You heard me."

" I should be surprised, but nothing you do surprises me."

" So, you finally put it all together. I was impressed with your skills of deduction, Eve. How you followed the trail. I didn't get a chance to switch the DNA tests, or you would have never known."

" You sonuvabitch! YOU were the one who separated me and my son."

" I don't know what you're talking about."

" The hell you don't. YOU did it."

" Calm down, Eve. I want to know what you intend to do about it."

" What?"

" That bastard you gave birth to."

" His name his Chad."

" Yes, well, whatever."

" Chad is my son, and I'll take care of him."

" Does that include informing my son of his new heir?"

Eve was silent and then spoke up: " I don't see what good could come of that."

Alistair laughed. " You know Eve, for someone who disparages the Cranes, you act awfully Crane-like when it suits your purposes."

" I don't know what you mean."

" Ah, Eve. Your powers of persuasion must still be in excellent order. You've convinced Chad to keep quiet about the truth about your relationship. In return, you get your son, and your happy little family. How convenient."

" This is none of your business, Alistair."

" Quite the contrary. The boy is a Crane. Makes it my business."

" You will NEVER get near him, Alistair. I will kill you first."

" Ah, the spitfire that enchanted my son all those years ago. But, since your  lies work with my agenda, I see no reason to let the boy know who his father is. "

" Frankly Alistair, I don't give a shit if this works for you. MY son and MY family are all I care about. Good-bye."

Eve hung up the phone before Alistair could continue. Tears began to fall. Alistair's call was the last thing that she thought would happen today. It was the last thing she needed. Last night seemed so simple, with her family around her: don't tell Julian. Chad had a family that he could be a part of. But, now….now that she knows that Alistair knows about Chad, and that SHE knows…the hairs on the back of her head are standing. She put on a good front with Alistair. Though she DID mean it when she told Alistair she'd kill him if he hurt Chad, the threat was still out there. Chad was vulnerable. She needed advice.

Eve picked up her phone and dialed. " This is Dr. Russell. I'm going to be leaving the hospital. Page me if it's an emergency."


Simone knocked on the back door of the Lopez-Fitzgerald house. Pilar answered the door.

" Hello Simone."

" Hi, Mrs. Lopez-Fitzgerald. Is Whitney here?"

" Yes. She's in the second bedroom."

" Thanks."

Simone went into the living room and made it to the second bedroom. The one that Miguel said had been his brother Antonio's. She knocked on the door.

" Come in."

She opened the door, " Hey Whitney."

" Simone? I thought it was Theresa."

" Nope. It's me."

" Are Mom and Dad freaked?"

" About you not coming home? No. When I saw that you weren't coming, I apologized to them for not telling that you left the message about staying at Theresa's."

" Thanks."

" Whitney, are you ok? Usually, you do call about stuff like that. I can't remember the last time you forgot."

Whitney nodded, but then burst into tears. Simone went over to her sister and hugged her.

" Whit, what's wrong?"
" Chad…..Chad said that he didn't love me. That he had never loved me."

" What? Are you sure?"

" Totally sure. Couldn't miss it. He said it was all a joke to himself. But that he felt sorry for me, and couldn't go through with his original plan, which is why he had backed off the past few months."

" That doesn't sound like Chad.", Simone said confused.

" Well, it was certainly him last night."

" I don't get it."

" Join the club."

Simone hugged her sister harder. " Whitney, I know you might not think that I'm sincere, but, I am. I'm sorry you are hurting. It's the last thing I wanted for you….ever. There are other guys. And,  we should tell Mom and Dad about him."

" No!"

" Why not?"

" Because, Simone, he HAD backed off. He didn't want to hurt me. Plus, Mom and Daddy really like him. They're giving him a chance. Maybe the only one he's ever gotten. I can't take that away because my feelings were hurt."

" But.."

" Simone. We have so much. It will be hard to see him, but, I'll get over it. I have good family and friends."

Whitney hugged Simone and they both began to cry. Simone laughs. " I can't even believe we let that jerk come between us. Sisters forever.", Simone said, putting out her pinky finger and Whitney responded, as they had done since they were little girls.

Chapter 32
Chapter 30
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