Haunted Nights, Chapter 13

“ Ethan, I can’t believe it! I knew FATE was on our side. And, now, our future is right here. We can move in together, you can get a quickie divorce. We can get married, and make sure that Julian never sees Little Ethan again! Where do you want to live, Ethan? I was thinking in one of those houses on the lake. That would be so beautiful for us to have a family. Don’t you think so, Ethan?”

Ethan looked at Theresa. And, it was like thunder had hit him.

THIS is what he was gave up his marriage and future family for?

He shook his head.

How could he be that big of a fool?

“ Ethan…aren’t you happy? We can have a life now!”

“ No, Theresa. WE aren’t going to have a life together.”

” Of course, we are. I love you, and you love me.”

“ I don’t know what I feel for you, and I’m not even sure anymore that you actually love me.”

” I…I don’t understand.”

” Go home, Theresa.”

“ But, Ethan..”

” I said, GO HOME! I will be by your house tomorrow. We can talk then.”

Theresa was a little startled by Ethan’s forcefulness, but she quickly forgot it. She kissed him, as if nothing had happened, and left the room.

Ethan took his suitcases and began packing.


Simone gave her ticket to the bus driver of the Luxury Super Cama – Chile’s version of Greyhound, but definitely with first-class accommodations. She can’t believe that she could get such luxury for a round trip of a little over $100.00. The travel agent explained that buses are used a great deal for travel with tourists in Chile, so they try and accommodate the tourists. Simone sat in her seat, and pulled out a book. The ride was going to be for several hours, as they made the journey south, from Santiago.

About an hour into the ride, a young man came and sat down next to her.

“ Excuse me, Miss.”

Simone took off her headphones.

“ Yes?”

” Well, my boss and I wanted to know if you’d like to join us for lunch. We have plenty.”

He was a handsome African-American male, late 20’s at the most, with sparkling green eyes and a wonderful smile.

” I don’t want to intrude.”

” You’re not intruding. We saw that you were alone, and….it’s a really good spread. The hotel made it – not us.”

Simone laughed and nodded. “ Ok. I will join you.”

The men had taken one of the group of 4 seats facing one another on the bus. One of the benefits of those were the foldout tables. It was quite a spread. Simone smiled, as she approached the older gentleman.

” Well, I’m glad that Jonah was able to convince you to join us, lovely lady.”

Simone blushed, and stuck out her hand.

“ Simone Russell.”

The older man took her hand, “ How do you do Simone. Simone….my mother’s middle name was Simone. I’m Warren Johnson. And, this handsome young man is Jonah Marshall.”

” Nice to meet both of you.”

” Have  some food, Simone.”

Simone fixed her plate, and began eating. Something began to stir in her brain. In the middle of a bite, her eyes lit up.

” Um…..are you THE Warren Johnson?”

Jonah smiled slightly, and Warren chuckled. “ Yes, I guess you could say that I’m ‘The’ Warren Johnson.”

“ Wow. “

“ Is that going to be a problem, Simone?”

“ No. You seem cool.”

” The young lady says that I’m ‘cool’, Jonah. When’s the last time I was ‘cool’?”

“ That’s a trick question, and I’m not stepping into it. “

They both laughed.

“ So, Simone, tell me why a young woman like you is traveling through South America ALONE.”

Simone looked down at her food and played with it. “ I just needed a vacation, that’s all.”

“ Ok, I’ll pretend like I believe that. For now.”

“ Thank you, Mr. Johnson.”

” Mr. Johnson is so formal. How about Mr. J – that’s what Jonah calls me. “

” Ok, Mr. J. “ Simone relaxed. There was something in his eyes that made her comfortable with him. “ So…Mr. J, tell me why YOU’RE here.”

“ Good question. Well, I just closed a large deal, and these days, I always follow up the closing of business, with recreation. Exploring as much of the world as possible. The older I get, this goal becomes more important to me.”

Simone looks at Jonah. “ And, you are a businessman too?”

” I’m his attorney.”

“ You look awfully young to be a lawyer.”

” He’s not just a lawyer. He’s a lawyer- slash- MBA. Brilliant. “

Now it was Jonah’s turn to blush. “ He’s exaggerating.”

” No, I’m not. You don’t get to be as rich as I am by surrounding yourself with losers. This young man is top-of-the-line.”

Simone smiles at him.

“ Well, you two, eat up. Simone, do you play scrabble?” Simone hears Jonah groan. “ Pay him no mind, Simone. Scrabble is always good for the brain.”

” My family played it all the time. I love it.”, Simone  replied.

” Goody! So…what should tonight’s theme be? Don’t worry, I’ll have it before we finish dinner.” Simone looked over to Jonah, who gave her the ‘  Don’t say that I didn’t warn you’ look.


Eve and TC were eating dinner in silence, again.

” TC, I believe she’s ok.”

TC looked up at his wife. “ We haven’t heard a word from her.”

“ I want her back, too. But, she needs this time away. “

“ Did you ever think that something could hurt like this?”

Eve took TC’s hand. “ We have each other, and we have Whitney. Whitney needs our guidance.”

“ Am I an awful father, if I say that I resent Whitney for Simone being gone?”

” I think it’s normal. But, Whitney needs us too, TC.”

” Isn’t that why we’re in trouble like this in the first place? Because of all the time we spent with Whitney?”

” Maybe. But, Whitney made a mistake. If we don’t help her through this, who else will. And, how can we ever hope to support the repairing of Simone and Whitney’s relationship WHEN Simone comes home. “

“ What do you suggest, Eve?”

“ We get out and DO something together. As a family. How about a trip?”

“ A trip? Where?”

“ A short getaway. New York City.”

“ And, do what?”

” Well, I was thinking, a weekend at the Four Seasons. We can ALL do the Spa, and get to do some shows.”

“ You think it would help?”

Eve reached over and held TC’s hand. “ I think we need the break.”

” What if Simone calls?”

“ I’ll make sure that our calls are forwarded. TC, we need the time away. As a family. “

TC kissed her. “ Make the arrangements. I won’t lose our family.”

” No. We won’t.”

Chapter 14
Chapter 12
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