Haunted Nights, Chapter 31
by SIPort


“ Hello, Jonah.”

” Mrs. Johnston.”

” Aren’t you going to introduce yourself to my latest houseguest?”

Simone was just staring at Tanya. This woman was her GRANDMOTHER. She had seen pictures of her, but now that it was in the flesh. Jonah knew what was going on, and he went to Simone’s side, and all but shoved her in Tanya’s face.

” Simone Russell, meet Tanya Lincoln Johnston.”

Simone finally snapped out of it, and timidly put her hand out for Tanya to shake. “ M’am.”

” Hello, Si-MOAN. My husband has been singing your praises since he met you in Chile. Imagine my surprise when he told me that he had invited you to stay. Looks like you’ve made yourself awfully ‘welcome.’ “ Tanya’s eyes went straight to Jonah.

” Well, since you’re here Jonah, I think you should join Warren and I for brunch. That’s why I came here – to invite Simone personally.”

” You…You want me to eat with you?”

” Of course, Darling. Don’t you eat?”

” Yes, M’am.”

” Mrs. Johnston, we’ll be up in a bit.”

“ Twenty minutes. It will be ready in twenty minutes. See you then.”

Tanya left the cottage. Simone sat down on the couch. Jonah sat next to her.

” What are you going to do?”

” I’m going to brunch.”

” Simone..”

” Jonah, I’m playing it by ear. I don’t know what I’m doing. Going with the flow. I have to get dressed.”


Simone went to the bedroom. Jonah washed up in the spare bathroom. He looked at himself in the mirror. He had a feeling this was going to be a meal that nobody would forget.


Eve was in her bathroom with her cellphone. She called Julian.

“ Julian Crane.”

” Hi Julian.”

” Eve. I’ve been so worried about you.”

” I’m fine. Just been thinking. And, I’ve made a decision. I’m telling TC and Whitney.”

” When?”

” In a few minutes.”

” Eve, don’t you think you should give this more consideration?”

” No, Julian. This is the moment. I have to live with what I’ve done.”

” I’m coming over.”

” YOU ARE NOT! That’s why I called you – to warn you. I don’t know what TC will do once he finds out.”

” I’m not afraid of TC. “

” You should be. He might KILL you once he knows the truth.”

” He won’t kill me.”

” Julian, I can’t have your death on my hands.”

” Eve, I’ll be fine. I should be there.”

“ Julian, I told these lies alone, and I’ll tell the truth alone.”

” You know my number. All you have to do is call.”


Simone, Jonah, Warren and Tanya were in the dining room. The brunch spread was fabulous. Warren and Tanya were bookends of the long dining room table, while Simone and Jonah faced one another on opposite sides.

” Mrs. Johnston, congratulations on your award.”

” Thank you, my dear. So, Simone, where are your people from?”

” My people?”

” Your family, Dear.”

” My father’s family has been in Harmony, Maine since 1821, when his ancestor’s escaped to the North.”

” And your mother’s family?”

Simone looked at Jonah, who shrugged his shoulders.

” My mother’s family is from Virginia.”

” Really?”, Jonah replied. “ Whereabouts?”

Simone looked at Jonah again, who had no advice to give. Simone was silent, and Tanya spoke up.

“ Maybe she doesn’t know. Enough about Simone’s genealogy, Jonah, I was informed that you took the other jet yesterday.”

” Yes. To New York. A little business.”

” Really? What was it?”

” He got the jet so that I could go to New York, Mrs. Johnston.”

” So that YOU could go?”

” Yes. I had to meet my mother.”

” Simone, you called your family? You saw your mother?”, Warren asked. “ Good.”

” Yes, I had recently stumbled on some information about my mother, and I had to confront her to find out if it was true.”

” So…was it true?”, Tanya asked.

” Yes. It was.” Simone was quiet…she looked Jonah in the eyes, and he knew she had made her decision.

” In fact, I’d like to tell you all about my talk with my mother. “

Chapter 32
Chapter 30
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