Hold My Hand Chapter 5 Kase, Chadresa
 by LilAngelGirl

Hold My Hand

One Week Later

She descended down the stairs quietly looking around carefully as she made her way to the door. She put her hand on the doorknob, and began to open it.
"Going somewhere?" A booming voice called out behind her. She stopped in her tracks and frowned, slowly turning around guilt reflecting in her eyes.
"Sam." She whispered.
"Going to Charity’s again?" He asked crossing his arms.
"Sam, she needs my help."
"Grace, Charity doesn’t need you, your daughter needs you, and I’m getting tired of you leaving her."
"Don’t be like this." Grace sighed. "You know I love Kay."
"Do you Grace?" Sam asked bluntly. "Do you really love Kay like you should? She lost her baby, you know what that’s like Grace, and yet you leave everyday, while our daughter slips further away from us. "
Grace moved toward her husband. "Yes, I know what Kay’s going through. I understand completely, but Sam, everyone handles things differently, and I think Kay just needs time to deal with this alone."
Sam shook his head. "You’re wrong! She needs her family to show her they care about her. She needs you to stop catering to Charity, and come in her room and simply talk to her! Kay needs to feel like we all love her, and that she isn’t taking a back seat to Charity."
"Charity has nothing to do with this Sam. Kay took advantage of Miguel, she slept with him right after a he had, had a fight with Charity, Charity is a victim in this mess."
"Kay didn’t force Miguel to do anything, we both know that Grace! Our little girl is dying inside, why can’t you see that? She feels as if no one cares about her, she believes Miguel will leave her for Charity, now that she isn’t pregnant she thinks he’ll just walk away. "
"Charity and Miguel belong together Sam! I’m sorry you don’t see that, but its true."
Sam stared down in his wife’s face. "Who are you? Where’s the caring woman I married? Kay is your child Grace, Charity isn’t! I’m sick of you treating our children as if they are just borders in this house! It has to stop Grace, it’s all going to end today!"

"Come on baby, you can do it. Crawl to Mommy." Theresa said kneeling down in front of her six month old daughter. "Bre Bre come to mommy."
The little girl rolled around on the floor, sitting on her stomach she looked up at her mother. Theresa could only smile as she moved toward Breanna taking her in her arms. "Mommy loves her baby." Theresa said as the little girl cooed. Standing up with Breanna in her arms Theresa smiled as she looked at her angel. "Mommy loves you so much Bre Bre. And I’m going to be here for you always and forever." She added touching the tip end of Breanna’s small button nose. A knock at the door caused Theresa to frown at first, she wanted to spend at much time as possible with her baby alone.
Walking over to the door she opened it stepping back as she looked up at the man in front of her. "Ethan, why are you here?" She questioned watching as her Ex smiling at they’re little girl. "Gwen forgot to give you Breanna’s medicine, she had a runny nose a couple of days ago, and we’ve been trying to get rid of it." He explained stepping into the small apartment.
"Oh, well she’ll need that." She nodded taking the medicine. "I noticed the runny nose, and called Mama, she told me to just keep a eye on her."
Ethan frowned. "I don’t know what made Gwen forget the medicine."
"Its okay, I’m sure she was just really busy." Theresa said moving Breanna to her hip.
Ethan stood looking at Theresa and Breanna, watching as Breanna kept reaching up to grab Theresa’s hair. "She’s looking more like you everyday."
"You think so?" She asked. "I don’t really see it."
"I do."
Theresa gently smiled. "Was there something else?" She asked finally.
Ethan stood silent for a moment. "Actually I wanted to ask a favor of you." He began. "I have a business trip next week, and Gwen will be going with me, so I wondered if you might want to keep Breanna. Its only for a couple days, but I don’t want to leave her with my mother, or Rebecca, not with her having the cold and all."
Theresa smiled and kissed Breanna on her forehead. "Do you even have to ask me? Of course I’ll keep her."
"Well, I know you have work, so if it will be a problem." He started but Theresa’s frown stopped him.
"Ethan, she’s my child, I gave birth to her, She will never be a problem. As far as work goes, I’ll handle it. My daughter comes first to me, don’t you know that?" She asked.
"Well yeah, I just thought." He began again.
"Ethan, I would love to keep Breanna a few extra days. In case you forgot, the only reason I’m not with her full time now, is because You took her away from me." She fumed walking over to put Breanna in her swing. Walking back over to Ethan she felt her face grown red. "Now is there anything else?"
"Theresa." Ethan sighed. "Please don’t be angry with me. I did what I felt I had to do, I’ve told you that."
"You told the court that I was unfit to raise my child! You said that deceived you and your family by pretending Bre belonged to Julian! You made me out to be a money hungry liar, and when it was over, I had to watch you and your wife walk away with my baby girl! So I’m sorry, but I feel as if I have a right to be angry."
Ethan ran his fingers through his hair. "Theresa, look at the lies you told, so many of them trying to keep me and what not." He frowned. "And they when you lost your chance at being Mrs. Julian Crane, you suddenly tell me that Breanna belong to me instead? I’m sorry but I saw it as you using me to fall back on, once your plan failed!"
"Plan? " Theresa said letting out a hurt laugh. "Yeah Ethan I had a plan back then, my plan was to get you! To get the man I loved back! So tell me, why would I lie about Breanna? All I wanted was for us to be together, if I had of known that Breanna was your child, don’t you think I would have told you? The night you found out I was pregnant, you were so happy, ready to start a life with me and our child, why would I bluntly lie to you and ruin things?." Theresa rubbed her face with her hands. "Thank God, I didn’t end up with you, now that I see how heartless you really are!"
"Theresa." Ethan said moving toward her.
Theresa shook her head as she swung her arm her hand pointing toward the door. "Just leave. I don’t want to scare our child, so please go now!" She commanded.
Ethan walked over and kissed Breanna, turning slowly he walked over to the door. "I’ll call you about my trip." He said looking back.
Theresa frowned. "Ethan, who’s idea was it for me to keep Breanna while you and Gwen are gone?" She suddenly questioned his her hands falling on her hips.
Ethan looked over at her and swallowed. "It was Gwen." He admitted watching Theresa give him a blank stare. "She told me what a wonderful mother you are." And with that he walked out the door as Theresa slowly fell to her knees beside her daughter, taking a tiny chubby hand and kissing it as tears began to fall from her face.

Reese Durkee opened his bedroom door watching as his best friend walked in, slowly sitting down on the bed.
"You wanted to talk?" Miguel Lopez-Fitzgerald asked looking up at him.
"Yeah." Reese nodded shutting the door. "About Kay."
"You’re worried about her, right?" Miguel asked.
Reese pulled his computer chair up and sat down. "Of course. She’s not getting better."
Miguel frowned. "The doctors say it will take time."
"I realize that, but Miguel, the doctors don’t know about the nightmares do they?" He questioned. "Or the lack of support Grace is giving Kay."
Miguel looked over at his friend. "Mrs. Bennett is trying."
Reese shook his head. "You don’t actually believe that do you? She spends most of her time at Charity’s, and Kay knows that."
Miguel frowned. "Charity has been hurt by this."
Reese lifted his head, arching his eyebrows he spoke in a higher tone that usual. "Miguel, have you been to see Charity since the wreck?" He questioned, his eyes following Miguel’s to the ground. "Miguel, have you?" He repeated. "Have you been going to see Charity?" He said almost yelling.
"I went once." Miguel barely whispered. "One time."
Reese stood from his chair. "When?" His angered voice asked. "When did you go see her?"
Miguel’s guilty eyes shot a glance at Reese before falling again. "The day Kay came home." He muttered.
Reese took a deep breath. "You’re telling me, that you went to see your ex-girlfriend, the day your fiancée came home from the hospital? Miguel, Kay had just lost your child, and you went over to Charity’s?"
Miguel rose to his feet, "I didn’t stay long." He frowned. "I just needed to see her."
Reese moved toward Miguel, glaring at him through his glasses. "You needed to see her? How stupid could you possibly be?" He yelled. "Did you happen to think about Kay while you were there? Did you ever consider that Kay might need you with her?"
"I was wrong and I feel terrible about it." Miguel spoke. "Reese, you can’t tell her."
Reese kicked his chair out of the way, ignoring it as it rolled backward. "Tell her? You’re worried that I’m going to tell her? Miguel, do you know what Kay was doing while you were with Charity? She was in her bedroom crying because of nightmares, and that’s right after she fell in the middle of her floor to cry because her mother had moved the baby’s clothes! She was there needing you, and I had to be the one to hold her as she cried!"
"I’m sorry Reese." Miguel whimpered. "I messed up!"
Reese shook his head. "Miguel, do you even love her?"
"What?" Miguel questioned.
"You heard me." Reese growled. "Are you in love with Kay? Or are you just hanging around because you feel sorry for her." Reese spewed watching as Miguel hung his head, silence filling the room. "Answer me!" Reese shouted his voice reaching a level Miguel had never heard before.
"I love her." Miguel spoke slowly. "But am I in love with her? I’m not sure." He said fear in his eyes as he looked at Reese again.
"Don’t give me that!" Reese told him. "You know how you feel Miguel, are you in love with Kay? Or are you still in love with Charity?"
"You want the truth Reese?" Miguel said he voice rising for the first time. "I love Kay, we lost our child and that will forever bond us! But if you want to know if I love her like I love Charity, then no! As much as I want to, I just haven’t found it yet!"
Reese stepped up to Miguel, staring him in the eyes. "Do you think you’ll ever find it? Will you ever love Kay the way she deserves to be loved?"
In that instant Miguel realized where Reese’s anger came from. "If your asking if I’ll ever love Kay, the way you do, then no Reese, I don’t think I will!"

She held the soft pink blanket up to her face, letting it gently touch her face. Feeling her legs go numb she slowly fell to the floor, leaning against her wall as she clutched the blanket to her chest. No tears came from her eyes , in the dark room she stared ahead, her face blank without emotion as she began to hum a familiar tune, letting only three words fall from her lips as she closed her eyes. "Hush little baby." She mumbled to herself as a figured shadowed over her.
"Oh Kay." The soft voice whispered moving down to sit beside her.
"Jess." Kay’s voice spoke as she fell in Jessica’s lap, tears starting to fall again as Jessica rocked her sister in her arms. "Its okay Kay, I’ve got you." Jess whispered her heart breaking as she moved her sister’s hair from her eyes.

Chapter 6
Chapter 4
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