Somehow I Will Ch.59 The Future Is Near
by Faith81

The Future Is Near

Gwen sat in Julian’s office nervously staring down at the floor. Julian sat in front of her, watching a smile on his face. "Gwen, are you okay dear?" He questioned.
She let out a heavy sigh, "Its been two weeks since I’ve saw my parents, since I quit my job and stormed out."
"They haven’t called?" Julian questioned. "That’s so unlike Jonathan." He frowned.
"Daddy called a couple times, but I was too mad to speak to him."
Julian smiled. "Gwen, I know I haven’t been a good father, but I can tell you that if your father has called it means he must be sorry."
Gwen shrugged her shoulders. "He has to prove it, but even if he is sorry for what he said, I’m not working with him, I can’t go back there."
"Good." Julian said clapping his hands together. "Because I have a offer for you, one your father should have offered you years ago."
"A offer? What kind?" She asked confused.
"A job dear."
"With Crane Industries?" She questioned. "Julian I don’t know." She began.
"Gwen dear, this job I want to offer you, it would normally go to a Crane, but I talked to my children, and the only one that wants to work with me is Jasolyn. Sadly Jasolyn is too much like my father to ever run this company, so I can only hope that niece and nephew, Jada and my future grandchildren will be willing to work in the family business."
"Julian you’re not making sense." Gwen frowned.
Julian laughed. "I would like to offer you the job of Vice President, Gwen. You have what it takes to help run a company dear, and I’d be honored to have you working by my side."
Gwen’s mouth gapped open, no words could come as she looked at Julian Crane, her eyes wide. "Vice President of Crane Industries?" She swallowed. "You want me?"
"Yes, it would mean more work of course, and the job is much harder than what you were doing at your father’s company, but I think you’re up to the task."
"But I’m not a Crane." She spoke. "Julian are you sure."
"Chad, Jonah and Ericka agreed with me, and Justin told me he wanted no part of ‘some fancy company’. So that only left Jasolyn, and believe me dear, as long as she has her money, she’ll be fine."
"Have you talked to Ethan?" Gwen questioned.
"Oh don’t you worry about Ethan, I have a different job for him. The face of Crane Industries is changing, and I want you to be a part of that change."
Gwen began to smile. "If your serious, then I could I possibly turn a job like this down?"
Julian offered his hand out and Gwen quickly shook it. "Welcome to Crane Industries Gwen."
"Thank you sir." She beamed. "You won’t be sorry I promise."
Julian laughed. "I have no doubt that you’ll make me proud Gwen."
Looking at her watch Gwen frowned. "Oh I’ve got to get going, Miguel’s friend Kay wanted us to come to dinner with her and her new boyfriend. I can’t wait to tell Miguel about this job." She smiled. "Thank you again Julian."
Julian crossed his arms. "You run along now dear, enjoy your evening, I’ll fill you in more about your job tomorrow."
Gwen quickly left the room a huge smile on her face and pride in her heart.

Two weeks, Justin had been a Crane, a true Crane for two weeks and he still had no idea what it meant. He had this new family, a father, another brother and two sisters. He just couldn’t grasp how quickly it had happened. Justin paced in Theresa’s living room, hearing his brother and Theresa laughing in the kitchen.
"Wanta go play?" Kendra questioned coming down the stairs. "Jada don’t like basketball." She frowned holding the huge orange basketball in her hands. "Daddy and Mommy used to play, they taught me." She smiled.
"You like basketball?" He questioned bending down to look at the little girl.
"I can’t catch too good, but I can throw." She grinned. "I can throw a football real good too." She added. "Daddy and Uncle Miguel taught me how."
"Well why don’t we go outside and see your skill."
"Skill?" she frowned. "What skill."
Justin laughed. "It means how good you are."
"Oh." She said her eyes becoming bright. "Then I got skill!"
"Well then we better get outside so you can show me." Justin smiled realizing that Kendra was no longer Theresa’s niece, she was now his cousin, his aunt’s daughter.
"We better go before Matt wakes up, he likes being outside, he can said it too. Yesterday he said ‘outside’ and I thought Aunt Resa was gonna cry." She rambled. "Why do grown ups cry over weird things?" She questioned her ponytail swinging around as she talked.
Justin shrugged. "Cause they’ve got nothing better to do." He joked opening the front door. "Come on kiddo, lets see what you’ve got."

Theresa smiled as she walked over to Chad. "We need to pick a date." She said sitting down beside him.
"So soon?" He questioned.
She shrugged. "Why wait?" She spoke taking a sip of tea from her mug. " Life doesn’t give us many promises Chad, I just want to know that we have a day picked out. I want to be your wife, start sharing my life with you."
Chad looked in her eyes as he moved his hand over hers. "We can get married tomorrow if you want. I just figured you’d want to take your time."
"Tomorrow’s a little too soon." Theresa laughed. "But two months from tomorrow works for me."
"Two months from tomorrow?" He said looking at her. "Can you plan a wedding that quick?"
"I can try." She said laughing at the frightened look on his face. "Its Luis’s birthday, I thought it would be a good day to get married on. Keep the day happy."
"Are you sure you want to do that?"
"Hey if you don’t want to marry me." She grinned turning her head away teasingly.
"No, No." Chad said Two months is good for me, who needs a long engagement right?"
"So it’s settled?" Theresa asked standing up.
"In two months, I’m going to be married to the most beautiful woman in Harmony. How can I refuse?"
Theresa stood smiling at Chad, until suddenly her eyes widened, her mouth dropped open and she went pale.
"Resa you okay?" Chad quickly questioned.
"I’m getting married." She whispered. "I’m getting married in two months. We’ve go so much to do. A dress, I need a dress. We haven’t planned anything, a maid of honor, I don’t even have a maid of honor. " She rambled as Chad stood up and grabbed her shoulders.
"Theresa." He spoke.
"And a cake, we have to have a cake, but what kind? Where will we be getting married at? And where are we going to live at?" She panicked.
Gently kissing her forehead Chad rested his finger on her lips. "Theresa, stop." He smiled. "Now you listen to me, its all going to be okay. I think we have enough people in our lives to help us with this wedding. All you need to do is relax, pick out a dress that’s going to make me go mad, and then we’ll do the rest together."
"We can do it in two months right?" She asked in a low whisper.
"Yes baby, we can do this. Two months from now we’ll be husband and wife, and you’ll just look back at today and smile." He said bringing her into a huge.
"Thank you Chad." She breathed. "Thank you for loving me."

Chapter 60
Chapter 58
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