Sacrifices of the Soul, Chapter 32

Kay, Simone, and Miguel were back in cooking class.

The teacher comes over to Kay.

" Well, Miss Bennett, I’m impressed. I see an entirely new attitude. Your eggs are perfect."

" Thank you.", Kay beams, looking at Miguel.

The teacher walks to the front of the class.

" Now that we have learned to boil eggs properly, we can go onto our next assignments: frying, scrambling and poaching eggs. Perfectly. In your refrigerators, you will find a _ of butter. Take it out. We are going to fry some eggs."

Someone raises their hand. " Excuse me, couldn’t we learn how to do it low-calorie, like with Pam?"

" You can adjust it later. But, we’re going to learn it the old-fashioned way. The French do not share the American sensibilities about calories. It doesn’t concern them. And, since this is a French Cooking Class, we will do it that way. You will learn how to heat the butter, to the point where it is hot, but before it burns, and therefore alters the coloring of your egg. I want you to cut your stick of butter into 10 even pieces, and after that, place one of them in the small frying pan atop of your stove."

Simone, Kay and Miguel are doing as the teacher asked.

" I had such a good time, with Hakim last night.", Simone says smiling.

Kay cringing strains to keep the sarcasm out of her voice. " Oh? What did you do?"

" Oh, we made out. A lot. I just know I’m going to become a woman soon."

" Simone, are you ready for that?"

" I’m not a child, Kay. I’m ready for Hakim. He seems to think so."

You breathe and have breasts, Kay thinks.

" Now, turn the heat on underneath the skillet about medium high. And begin the stopwatch. You should time to see how long it takes to melt the butter, and when it begins to turn from a golden color to brown. When it turns to brown, remove the skillet from the heat.", the teacher instructs.

Everyone does this.

" Now, check your time. Look at that stopwatch. That means that’s the amount of time that you have to put the egg into the skillet. And, why eggs should always be nearby once you turn on the heat. We’re going to cook a fried egg. I want this one to be well done. Cooked ‘hard’ as they say. But, I do NOT want the yoke to be broken. Dump out the butter, and wipe it out with a paper towel, and place another piece of butter in the skillet. Put it once again on the medium heat. When the butter is melted, crack your egg, and put it in there, turning down the heat just a bit. Not a lot, just a little. And, wait for the egg to cook. It has to solidify on one side, before you can turn it over. If not, it will break apart, and you’ll be dealing with pieces of egg. And, that’s not perfection. So, let’s try. I’ll be walking around the class."

Kay, Simone and Miguel all get to work. Simone seems to have done it perfectly the first time, but, Kay and Miguel are having trouble. After they both mess up, Kay goes over to Miguel, and they do his egg together. Then, they go back over to her station, and do her egg.

The professor comes by.

" Well, Miss Bennett, you seem to be doing much better in this area than yesterday."

" Thank you."

He walks around, and gives the grades for fried eggs. Kay gets an 'A' and Miguel an ' A-', and Simone an 'A+'.

" Now that you've finished with frying eggs, we're going to take a break, and then we're going to begin on poaching.", the teacher instructs.

As they're cleaning their pans from frying, Kay and Simone talk.

" Now Kay, you're going to be my cover for tonight, right?"

" This is for CHAD, right?"

" Yes. My dad won't let me see Chad if I'm honest with him. And since my mom's out of town, he's in charge."

" No problem, Simone, I'll cover for you. I think it's great that you are spending time with Chad. I think he'll be a good big brother for you. There's nothing like having a  big brother, right Miguel?"

" Yeah, Simone. I don't know what I would do if Luis wasn't in my life."

" Chad seems to think that he can tell me what to do."

" Simone, that's part of  being a big brother. They think they know it all. You wouldn't believe some of the stuff Noah has pulled."

" Luis too. I mean, it's sort of complicated sometimes at my house. He's not just my big brother; he helped raise us, so he's been my father figure too. Chad's a good guy, Simone. You have to give your relationship a chance."

Simone looked at the two of them, and then sighed. " I guess you're right. It's just bad since my parents split up. If this thing with Chad doesn't work out..If my dad finds out..You KNOW how my father feels about the Cranes."

" Simone, look, I've been covering for you so far. Nothing has happened. Tonight will be a piece of cake. Trust me."

Simone nods. " You're right. Thanks, Kay."

They are interrupted by the teacher, " Now, class, we are going to learn how to poach eggs."

Kay scrunches up her nose, and the teacher notices.

" Is there a problem, Miss Bennett?"

" Well, outside of poached eggs are among the nastiest things on the planet, I guess nothing's wrong."

The teacher laughs. " You want to know something, Miss Bennett? I could not agree with you more. I hate them myself, and have never been able to stand Eggs Benedict. There's something slimy, creepy and unnatural about poached eggs, but, I'd rather eat raw liver than to have one. But, you'll still have to learn how to make then for the population that enjoys them. Now, it's time to set up three pots of boiling water. "

This lesson goes very slow, because everyone it seems, outside of Simone, seems to be having trouble with it. The concoctions that wind up in the water first frustrate the teacher, who then decides to just 'go with the flow'.

" Since this is appearing difficult for you all, how about I let you out early. I can feel blood pressures rising in this room. And, an angry cook isn't a good one. I'll see you all first thing on Monday. Maybe you can practice it over the weekend. Miss Russell, since you're the only one who has gotten it, I'll hand out your grade today. But, I still expect to see you on Monday."

" Thank you, Sir."

They leave the cooking class. " I’m going to go home and pack. I’ll meet you at the Book Café in about 2 hours?", Simone asks.

" Sure."

Simone leaves Kay and Miguel there.

" I think it’s great how you’re covering for Simone, Kay. But, then again, you’ve always been the best friend anyone could have. "

" A friend? That’s all you see in me, Miguel?"

" Yeah, Kay. You’re my friend. I mean, you’re a beautiful girl, who’s my friend."

" You think I’m beautiful?", Kay asks quietly.

" Yeah, Kay. I didn’t notice it for awhile. It sort of snuck up on me. One day, you were Kay, you know, ‘one of the guys’ Kay. And then, you were on your way to a family dinner at the Sea Scape. You had on that pink dress, and I didn’t know it was you. I asked myself who the beautiful girl was at the Bennetts. When you turned around, and I saw your face, I was blown away. You were…", Miguel said, looking deeply into Kay’s eyes.

" Yes?", Kay said hopefully.

Miguel broke away and began to walk towards home. " Well, you know how you are Kay. I’ll walk you home, so I can see Charity."

"  Charity…yeah, it’s always Charity."

" Yep. I love her. Just like you love Reese."

Kay turned away with her sad eyes, and just rolled them at that comment.


" Now, you sure that Simone will like these movies?", Chad asked.

" Chad, she’s a teenaged girl. Of course she will. And, you see, I got a couple of your favorites too.", Theresa replied.

" I want tonight to go well."

" It will. Chad, you have to chill. She’s your little sister, not a hot date. Just be yourself. She won’t be able to resist you."

" Like you?", Chad says with a little devil in his smile.

Theresa punches his arm. " You don’t know when to quit."

" Hey, you’re the one saying that I’m irresistible…give a Brotha a break. He only wants to know if present company is included."

" Hmmmmmm….I’ll think about that.", Theresa says, with some fire in her eyes.

Simone walked into the Book Café, and looked at Theresa and Chad.

" Whoah. When did THAT happen? I wonder if Whitney knows?"

She walks over to them. " Hey Chad. Theresa."

" Simone, good to see you. I know you and Chad are going to have a great time. Well, I’m off to dinner with Mama at the Lobster Shack. See you later, Simone."

" Bye Theresa."

Once Theresa left, Simone gets a magazine and sits next to Chad on the couch.

" So, when did you and Theresa start dating?"

Chad nearly choked on his cup of cider. " Dating? What makes you think that Theresa and I are dating?"

" The way you were looking at one another when I came in. Seems like there were some serious sparks. Are there?"

"  You know, I’m not up to discussing my love life with my little sister."

" Why not? You thought you could get up all in my business with Hakim."

" That’s cause it’s not business, and you’re being a fool."

" Oh, I don’t think so. I’m NOT listening to THIS!", Simone moves to get up, but Chad stands up and meets her.

" Simone, sit. Sit!"

Simone sits, but, is pouting.

" Look, for tonight, why don’t we agree that both our lovelives are off-limits. I need help at home, plus I wanted to spend some time with you. Why don’t we go back to my apartment?"

Simone looks at him. She really had been looking forward to spending some time with Chad. " Ok."

" That sounds more like it. Let’s go."


Theresa was sitting at a table, and waved Pilar over when she saw her.

" I’m sorry I was late, but, I had to help Mrs. Crane on some last minute details for Eth…..Sorry, Theresita."

" Mama, you can say his name. Ethan. See? I said it, and I didn’t die. In fact, I didn’t even wince. "

" Theresa.."

" Mama, you work for the Cranes. And, if you talk about your job, Ethan’s name is going to come up. It doesn’t hurt me. Not lately."

Before Pilar had a chance to say anything the waiter came, and they ordered cocktails.

" Theresa, why did I let you talk me into taking me to dinner here?"

" Because, Mama, we both work, and we deserve a little indulgence, here and there."

" So, what did you do today?"

" Well, outside of classes, I went to the video store for Chad, to pick up some movies for him and Simone."

" Him and Simone?"

" She’s spending the night over at his apartment."

" Oh. So, that means that TC has changed his mind about Chad?"

Theresa took a sip of her drink and looked away.

" Theresa…"

" No, Mama. Coach Russell has no idea that Simone is over with Chad. Kay Bennett is covering for her. He thinks she’s at the Bennetts."

" Theresa, it’s no good lying like that."

" Well, sometimes Mama, lies are for the best."

" Did your experience with Ethan teach you nothing?"

Theresa looked as if she had been sucker punched. " Yes, Mama, it taught me a great deal about people. About fantasy. About delusion. But, this isn’t about a love affair. This is about a teenaged girl, who is hanging out with the WRONG crowd, and a brother who wants to keep her from going off the track. While Coach Russell has been so absorbed in his hatred of Dr. Russell and all things Crane, Simone has gotten involved with a creep."

" A creep?"

" Yes, Mama. A bad guy. A really bad guy. Chad is very worried about her, and he thinks t hat maybe, if he can make Simone realize that she has people that she can turn to."

Pilar looks at Theresa and reads between the lines. He understands what the breakup of a marriage can do to teens. She had volunteered for years at the Halfway House for Youth. Time and time again, she would see these ‘lost’ kids, those who weren’t bad, but, had made one or two ‘bad’ choices, and they seemed to get damaged by them. So often she had heard, ‘ my life was going pretty ok, until my family fell apart.’ And fall apart the Russells had. Everyone in their circle had always known about the deep bond between TC and Whitney. He didn’t seem to be able to help the depth of his love for her. Not that he didn’t love Simone, but, Pilar understood the dynamics.

And, just as she had seen the ‘lost’ kids, she had seen the other ones too- the hardcore rotten ones. Those to whom the dark side of the world was their playground, and they didn’t care who they used or hurt. And, of course, what easier prey was there in the world, than the ‘lost’ kids.

With Chad being from the streets, Pilar knew that his instincts were so far better than an innocent and sheltered girl like Simone.

" OK, Theresita, I understand what you’re saying. And, I will not reveal the truth if the situation presents itself. But, I still believe that the best thing for Simone would be if her father and brother would work together."

" Not with the way Coach Russell feels about the Cranes, Mama. When he looks at Chad, all he sees is Julian Crane and Dr. Russell. And, the destruction of his family. Maybe, when she gets back, Dr. Russell can help."

" Yes. I hope so.  So, how is school? I rarely get to see you lately. Between work and classes, you’re so busy."

" School is great. I’ve never gotten more satisfaction from learning as I do right now, Mama. I’m building towards something, I don’t know what. Chad says that everything I learn  is a step towards my future."

" Chad says, huh? He’s become an important part of your life, hasn’t he?"

Theresa blushes. " I guess so."

" Be careful, my daughter. I don’t want either one of you to get hurt."

" I would never hurt him, Mama!"

" Not on purpose."

" And, he would never hurt me!"

" No. Not intentionally."

" Mama, I know what you’re saying. But, we really are not putting any pressure on the other. We’re friends. We count on one another, and we’re helping one another. That’s about all we can stand right now."

" Glad to hear it."

" How is Miguel’s cooking stuff going?"

" Your brother is enjoying himself with the lessons. He thinks it’s a good idea."

Theresa looks at her mother. Pilar’s statement was innocuous enough, but, Theresa can see that her mother has worry in her eyes.

" Mama, what’s wrong with Miguel taking cooking lessons? Is it the money?"

" Wrong? I never said that there was anything wrong. "

" You have this look, Mama."

" It’s nothing. Just my worrisome nature. " Before Theresa had a chance to inquire further, the waiter came to take their order. She didn’t even have anything concrete to base her worries on. Just a short talk she and Miguel had had awhile ago, where she noticed just how much Miguel had noticed about Kay’s beauty. Pilar had known for years about Kay’s love for Miguel. She had seen the gradual feelings from Kay to her son evolve, though he was oblivious. She knew his feelings for Charity were real, but, Miguel was still a teenager. And, possibly, he was going to learn that your first love wasn’t your true love. If that happened, she knows that her son is in for real pain. She hoped that she was wrong.


" There. That’s the last one.", Simone says, backing away from the wall where the last of Chad’s prints had gone.

Chad stood in the middle of his apartment, and nodded.

" Damn. This place actually looks like a home. A real home." The last words stuck in Chad’s throat, and Simone noticed a look come over Chad’s face. She rushed to him.

" Chad, are you alright?"

They go to sit down on Chad’s couch.

" Don’t mind me, Simone. I guess the word home hit me just then. My whole life, I’ve lived in ‘places where I sleep’. Always in the back of my mind, I knew that a foster parent could die, or change their mind, and I’d be shown the door. Then, when I was on my own, I never stayed in places where the word stability meant anything. Board of Health, drug dealers, gentrification, hell, you name the reason, and I’ve been forced out of places because of it.

But, this place. Nobody  is going to come by and condemn it. No drug dealer. No gentrification. I’m wanted here. I’m welcome here.

I got a NEW bed. And NEW furniture from Ikea, that my sister helped me put together.

My sister.

I have family. FAMILY, Simone. Now, I ain’t talkin’ to a lot of them, but, I got ‘em. People with the same blood as me. Family."

Simone had tears in her eyes. " Yes, Chad. You have family. Nothing can break that." She hugs him hard. Kissing him lightly on the cheek. Trying to bring some lightness to this very emotional scene, Simone pops up and runs to the bag of movies.

" My choice, first. " Simone grabs a movie and pops it into the DVD player.

" This is SUCH a choice DVD Player."

While she was at the DVD Player, Chad was popping the popcorn in the microwave. He comes back with a bowl full. Simone hits the remote and the movie comes on.

" When Harry Met Sally?"

" Yes. It’s warm, funny, romantic. Shut up and enjoy."

" Yes, M’am.", Chad says, grabbing a handful of popcorn and stuffing it into his mouth.

Oh yes……this was his HOME.

Chapter 33
Chapter 31
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