Sacrifices of the Soul, Chapter 64

" What did you say?", Chad asked, staring at the telephone.

" I said that I am returning to Harmony this evening, and I'm bringing your mother with me."

" She….she's ok? She's ok about returning?"

" She's fine. A lot better than the last time you saw her. She feels that she needs to regain control of what's left of her life. I called to tell you because I thought she could use a welcome face when she returned. That she would appreciate it. Of course, if you don't want to.."

" Naw…naw. You're right. I should see Doc. She should know that it's cool for her to come back."

" I'm glad you said it. Take down this address. I'll have someone contact you about an hour before we land. Give us an additional 30 minutes before expecting us. I've already told the doorman that you are on her list of acceptable guests. Do you have a pen?"

Chad hurried to find some paper and a pen. Once he got them, he told Julian, " Tell me." He wrote down the address. " Well, I'll see you later."

" I'm looking forward to it."

Chad hung up the telephone and then picked it up again to call.

" Hello."

" Hey Theresa."

" Chad! What's up?"

" Guess what? My….Dr. Russell is coming back to Harmony. "

" When? How?"

" Tonight. With Julian."

" No way!"

" Yep."

" Wow. So…how do you feel about this?"

" I don't know. I mean, I've been concerned about her for awhile, but Julian told me he was taking good care of her. I'm wondering if it's too soon."

" Chad, your father wouldn't let your mother come back unless he thought she was ready."

" Yeah, I guess you're right. So..what should I do? Do you think I should be there for her when she gets home, or would that be too much?"

" Chad, I TOTALLY think you should be there for your mother. I think she's probably as nervous about this as you are. I think she probably feels that the only person on her side is your father. I think it would mean everything to her for you to be there."

" Resa…..I'm totally nervous about it."

" Ok. But, it's your mother. She loves you."

" You think?"

" Chad! Of course she does. You should be there. And, you should take Simone!"

" Simone?"

" Chad, she's been so worried about your mother. Don't you think she would be totally psyched to see her again?"

" I guess so."

" You and Simone could be a welcoming committee for her. How do you think that would make your mother feel?"

" Pretty good."

" Better than that.  You and Simone could get flowers for her place. Bring her over some of the basic staples, so that if she wants to stay inside for the first couple of days to  get a feel for Harmony again, she can. And…."

" What?"

" Maybe a couple of gifts from you and Simone. "

" Theresa, I wouldn't know what to buy."

" You don't have to buy anything. You know what you and Simone should give her? Pictures of yourself. It would give her new place a sense of home. Her new home."

" Pictures…I never thought about that. Sounds cool. Really cool. "

" I think this night should be about you, Simone and your mother. I'll go with you to visit her after tonight, but tonight should be special."

" Do you think she'll be hungry? Should I fix her a welcome home meal?"

" Um…..I don't think so. I think that your father would feed her on the Crane Jet. But,…"

" Flowers and such. You are right.  Well, Resa, I'm going to go. I've got things to do."

" Tell me how it goes!"

Chad hangs up from Theresa and makes out a list of things that he thinks his mother should have in her new place. After he makes the preliminary list, he picks up the phone again.


Simone rolled over on her stomach. She felt sore. Hakim had been rough in this last session of lovemaking. She wished that he would be gentle with her like they were before. He was already asleep, having gulped down a half bottle of Johnny Walker.

Simone heard her cellphone ring and rushed to get it, before it disturbed Hakim.

" Hello?", Simone whispered.

" Simone, is that you?"

" Chad?"

" Girl, why are you whispering? So as to not disturb that PUNK you're with?"

" I'm hanging up, Chad. "

" Simone, DON'T! Our mother is coming home!"

Simone was silent for several minutes. Chad thought that she had hung up on him.

" Simone? Simone?", he called into the phone. " Simone?"

" I….I'm here. What did you say?"

" I said that our mother is coming home."

" When?"

" Tonight."

" Tonight?! Are you sure?"

" Yes. In a few hours."

" You've talked to her?"

" No. But, I know she's on her way back to Harmony. I was going to go to her apartment to greet her."

" She…she has an apartment?"

" A new one. Do you want the address?"

" S…..sure." Simone looked into her purse and got a pen and her notebook. " Where is it?"

Chad told her the address, and asked, " Will you come and meet her too?"

" I….I don't think she wants to see me."

" Simone, that is so not true! She would want to see you most of all."

" Chad, if she gave a damn about me, she would have contacted me. Look at it, she didn't even call me to tell me she was coming home! She doesn't give a shit about me."

" And, who so you think does? Hakim?"

" Hakim loves me, and if you dog him again, we're thru."

" Simone, please, this doesn't have anything to do with him. It's about you and your mother. She really needs to see you."

" Chad, she's been having a grand old time without me for MONTHS. Now, she's going to breeze back into town, like nothing has happened? I DON'T THINK SO!"

" Simone, you don't understand. It's not like that."

" Oh, it isn't. Then what IS it like, Chad?"

" I…..I can't tell you. Simone all those times you went to the Harmony Hotel looking for her. Well, now she is back. Come tell her about those times. Simone….she doesn't think anyone cares. She NEEDS to hear that someone does. Will you come?"

Simone thought about it for a minute. She looked back at an asleep Hakim. Nothing else would happen between them before she had to sneak back home, so she had little else to do.

" Ok. I'll be there."

Chapter 65
Chapter 63
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