Love Spells ch. 3 Alastair's Plans Are Revealed
by lordoftheringsfan
A while later, Julian and Rebecca had finished giving each other massages
when they heard voices in the hall.
"Oh no, that sounds like the terror." Rebecca said.
"And Luis." Julian said. "Hide me, Rebecca." Julian said.
"Julian!?" Luis yelled, pounding on the door.
"Can't I have one day where someone doesn't attack me?" Julian begged.
"Open up!" Luis yelled.
"He sounds really mad!" Rebecca said. Julian and Rebecca looked at
each other in panick as the door came crashing down to reveal a furious
"Julian, I need to talk to you right now-" Luis said. Luis cracked
up laughing as he noticed Julian and Rebecca's king and queen costumes
and the dozens of costumes thrown in heaps around the room. "Ok, you two
clowns can quit playing circus right now!" Luis said.
"Pookey, did you hear what he just called us?!" Rebecca exclaimed.
Theresa walked into the room with a smirk on her face. "Yeah, Rebecca.
Oh, and you can quit clowning around or whatever you prefer to call it
with my husband. There's a door, use it." Theresa pointed to the door.
"Who do you think you are giving orders to me in my house? I'm Julian
Crane!" Julian said.
"And I'm Theresa Crane, your wife." Theresa said.
"Luis, I don't remember giving you permission to be in my house." Julian said.
"I really don't want to be in here either." Luis said.
"Good, than you can take that with you." Luis said, pointing to Theresa.
"I'm not going anywhere, pookey," Theresa said with a smirk.
"How dare you!" Rebecca yelled. "Nobody calls my pookey pookey but me!" Rebecca said.
"Theresa, you are going to divorce Julian and leave Ethan alone!" Luis said. "Right now!"
"I'm Julian's wife, and I'm not going anywhere." Theresa said. "Now get out of bed and put all of this stuff away." Theresa said. "Luis, you can't talk me out of it. I am the one and only legal Mrs. Crane."
"I don't believe it," Ethan said.
"Ethan!?" Theresa exclaimed, her lip starting to quiver.
"Theresa, what are you up to?" Ethan asked.
"She's trying to steal my pookey!" Rebecca said.
"Looks like you're days of scheming are up, Theresa." Gwen said.
"Gwen is right, Theresa. Everyone knows you're only trying to get your hands on the Crane money, now give it up." Julian said.
"I had planned a spetacular grand finale, but this looks much better than what I had planned." Alastair said.
"That sounds like Alastair," Rebecca said.
"Oh joy," Julian said sarcastically, wondering what Alastair had planned. "What are you going to do now father, cut the breaks on everyone else's cars?"
"Yeah, you tried to kill me!" Rebecca said.
"Or so you thought." Alastair said.
"You mean I was stuck in that lousy witness protection program for nothing!?" Rebecca exclaimed.
"What's going on?" Ivy asked, wheeling up.
"I only wanted you to think I cut the breaks on your car that way I'd have an excuse to get you out of the house so you couldn't interfere with my plans for Theresa since you have a habit of doing that, Rebecca, but obviously this is a much faster ending." Alastair said. "Brace yourselves, everyone. Theresa was never Mrs. Crane." Everyone gasped.
"Alastair, the judge said I was the real Mrs. Crane. You even made me the vice president of Crane Industries." Theresa said.
"As for little Ethan..." Alastair said.
"What about my baby?" Theresa exclaimed.
"He was never a real Crane either." Alastair said.
"He wasn't?" Julian asked.
"I had a dna test secretly done on the baby, let's just say little Ethan really is little Ethan." Alastair said.
"What!?" Gwen exclaimed. "Ethan, you never told me you and Theresa..."
"If Theresa isn't the real Mrs. Crane, than who is?" Ivy asked with a superior smirk.
"Definitely not you," Alastair said. Iv gasped furiously and rammed her wheelchair into Alastair. "The real Mrs. Crane is Rebecca."
"What!?" Ivy and Theresa yelled. Ivy ranted in the background.
"No more Theresa?" Julian asked excitedly.
"Alastair, are you saying you knew this the whole time?" Rebecca asked.
"I knew that baby wasn't Ethan's before the DNA test, and it was pretty obvious that she was trying to give Ethan everything he lost when he wasn't a Crane, so she thought the baby could make her a real Crane. I had to wait for just the right moment to bring her down."
"Theresa, I can't believe you'd lie to me like this." Ethan said.
"Ethan, I did all of this because I love you!" Theresa said.
"If you really loved me, you'd realize that the Crane money isn't going
to make me happy!" Ethan said.