Love Spells ch. 4 Love and Disaster (Money Is No Match
pt 2
by lordoftheringsfan
Theresa sobbed.
"Ethan, how can you not love me after everything I did?" Theresa cried.
"Theresa, you lied to me again and again!" Ethan said.
"Ethan, no, come back!" Theresa cried. Theresa fell to her knees sobbing.
"Theresa, we're getting out of here, right now!" Luis said. Luis yanked Theresa to her feet.
"Theresa, I don't want you to be hurting like this, but you're an adult. You have to learn to take responsibility for your own actions. You can't base everything on good intentions!" Luis said. Theresa tried to shove Luis away.
"Ethan, no, you still love me! I know you do! Don't listen to them, Ethan!" Theresa screamed. "Eeeeethaaaaan!" Theresa screamed. "Eeeeeeethaaaaaaaaan!"
"Theresa, I can't believe you'd think that I was just going to forget everything that happened." Ethan said.
"Theresa, we're going." Luis said. With effort, Luis managed to drag a sobbing Theresa out of the mansion.
A few minutes later, everyone had left the room.
"I can't believe my own father let me think I was married to that nightmare for so long!" Julian said.
"I don't get it, pookey, why would Alastair want the truth about Chad being your son to come out in the open?" Rebecca said. "You know how he hates his family secrets to be leaked to the public."
A sinking feeling came over Julian. "What if father really does have alternate motives?" Julian asked.
"Well, he did make me think someone was trying to kill me just to get me out of the house so I wouldn't ruin his plans," Rebecca said.
"No offense, Becky, but you are known as one of the biggest schemers in Harmony." Julian said.
"I know, but you have no idea what torture that was being stuck in that obviously pointless witness protection program with TC for nothing!" Rebecca said.
"Rebecca, I'm the one he beat unconscious!" Julian said.
"Forget TC," Rebecca said. "We have to figure out what else Alastair is up to! Something tells me that he is far from finished."
"I hate to say it, but I think you're right about father." Julian said.
Later, Antonio and Sheridan were having dinner at the Book Cafe when a tense Liz approached the table.
"Liz, hello!" Sheridan said. "Would you like to join us?"
"Hi Sheridan. Um, actually, I just came to ask Antonio's advice on something. I hope you don't mind if I borrow him for a second." Liz said.
"We'll be right back," Antonio said, kissing Sheridan on the cheek. "So, what did you want to talk to me about?" Antonio asked. Liz looked around to make sure that no one could overhear. "Liz, what is it?"
"Oh, Antonio, the guilt is tearing me up." Liz said.
"Liz, what are you talking about? You are one of the most honest, caring people I know. What could you have to feel guilty about?" Antonio asked.
"Antonio, you have to promise not to tell anyone about this. Not yet, anyways." Liz said.
"Liz, just tell me." Antonio said.
"I know you probably won't believe me, but I kept something a secret, and well, it came out except they think it was someone else's secret and it's tearing their family apart." Liz said.
"Liz, I don't understand. What could you have done that sounds so horrible?" Antonio asked.
"Chad Harris is my son!" Liz said.
"What!?" Antonio asked. "Liz, either I'm crazy or I heard you say that-'
"Antonio, Chad Harris really is my son!" Liz said.
"No, Chad is Eve and Julian's son-" Antonio said.
"Antonio, Liz and I have been enemies for years. I thought letting her believe that Chad was her son with Julian would be pure torture for her, but I didn't want it to go so far that Whitney thought she slept with her own brother and Simone ended up in some sort of drug ring!"
"Liz, is Julian Chad's father?" Antonio asked in shock.
"No, Julian is not Chad's father." Liz said.
"Liz, I don't believe what I'm hearing-" Antonio said. "Oh," Antonio said in pain, grabbing his throbbing forehead.
"Antonio, are you alright?!" Liz asked in panic.
"Than who is his father?" Antonio.
"I don't know," Liz said in panick. "But Chad is not a Crane." Antonio continued to moan in pain. "Antonio," Liz said, trying to help him.
"Oh my head," Antonio said. Suddenly, Antonio was in so much pain that he could barely stand up and collasped on the floor.
"Oh my God, someone help me!" Liz yelled.
"That sounds like Liz," Sheridan thought in panic. Sheridan rushed over to see Antonio on the flor.
Soon, Luis walked into the cafe.
"Maybe this will help me calm down after everything that happened at the damn Cranes," Luis said.
"Antonio," Sheridan said in horror as she noticed him on the floor.
"Sheridan-" Antonio said weakly.
"Antonio, you can't die, I love you!" Sheridan blurted out. Luis walked into the cafe and heard Sheridan screaming.
"That sounded like Sheridan," Luis said. Luis rushed over to the crowd and pushed through to see Sheridan sobbing over Antonio and telling her that she loved him. "No," Luis said in dread.
"Sheridan, I love you," Antonio said.
"Antonio, Sheridan is my fiance!" Luis said.
"Luis!" Sheridan asked in shock. Luis suddenly realized what he had done as Antonio passed out. Soon, an ambulance had arrived and rushed Antonio to the hospital.
"What is all of the commotion up here?" Pilar asked, arriving for work at the mansion.
"Well, that daughter of yours is officially no longer my wife," Julian said. Pilar forced Julian and Rebecca against the wall.
"What did you two do to my daughter!?" Pilar yelled.
"We didn't do anything to her," Julian said.
"Julian is right, it was all Alastair's doing, please don't hurt us!" Rebecca begged.
"Oh, if I find out you did anything to my daughter I'll do more than just hurt you I'll, I'll-" Pilar said. Pilar was interrupted when her cellphone rang. "Luis, calm down, I can't hear a word you're saying." Pilar listened to Luis. "Antonio was rushed to the hospital?" Pilar asked. "Oh, Luis, how could you tell him-" Pilar listened. "Oh my God." Pilar ended the call.
"Peelar, what happened?" Rebecca asked.
"Antonio found out about Luis and Sheridan and was rushed to the hospital." Pilar said. "Luis said it doesn't look good." Pilar rushed off.
"I should probably go to the hospital to look after my sister," Julian said. "She really isn't dealing well at all with the whole Luis and Antonio situation."
"Julian, I don't understand, I thought you didn't want Sheridan near either one of the Lopez-Fitzgerald brothers." Rebecca said.
"Fathers orders or no fathers orders, I did make a promise to mother to take care of Sheridan." Julian said.
"Well, ok," Rebecca said, confused by how different Julian was acting lately. "Just let me find my coat," Rebecca said. Rebecca remembered how Julian had still came to the apartment to check on her after the names she had called him when they temporarily broke up. "Maybe Julian really is trying to change," Rebecca thought.
"Oh no, what have I done?" Liz thought as everyone started to arrive at the hospital.
"Eve, you have to save my Antonio!" Pilar said.
"We'll do everything we can, Pilar!" Eve said. Eve rushed off.