Love Spells ch. 5
by lordoftheringsfan
A while later, everyone had arrived at
the hospital.
"Damn," Kay thought. "I don't want anything
to happen to Antonio, but I was so close to telling Charity the truth about
Miguel." Kay watched as Charity tried to calm down a frantic Miguel.
"Antonio," Pilar said. "My son cannot die!"
"I've already lost Ethan," Theresa said, looking at Pilar with desperate eyes. "I can't loose my brother too."
"Antonio has to pull through this, Theresita." Pilar said. Whitney walked over.
"I'm sure my mother can save Antonio," Whitney said hopefully. Theresa looked at Whitney in surpise.
"I thought you and your mother weren't speaking to each other." Theresa said.
"If anyone can save Antonio, mom can,"
Whitney said, putting her feelings aside to reassure Theresa.
Julian paced the hallway in the hospital, trying to think of how he could help his sister while Rebecca rambled on in the background with all kinds of wild theories for Alastair's schemes. Julian's train of thought was interrupted by a familiar voice.
"What are you doing here!?" Eve exclaimed.
"Oh no," Rebecca said.
"I thought it was a free country," Julian said.
"Haven't you two caused enough trouble for one day?" Eve asked. Rebecca realized that Eve was furious to see them there and hid behind Julian. "Actually, a hospital would be a perfect place for me to finish what I started earlier, after all, there are plenty of doctors and machines they could use to save the two of you!" Eve said, walking off to help save Antonio.
"Talk about fiesty," Julian said.
"Good thing I didn't mention that I was the real Mrs. Crane," Rebecca said. "The way she was looking at me I could tell she wanted to send me straight to the morgue and skip the rest."
"She looked mad enough to even skip that and do the unspeakable- have us buried alive!" Julian said.
"Julian, its almost Halloween, I wouldn't joke about that if I were you," Rebecca said.
"What are you talking about?" Julian asked.
"I just thought of a worse one- she could even skip that and have us dragged into hell alive through a closet." Rebecca said.
"I think that overactive imagination of yours could use some sedatives," Julian said,remembering when he had came back to Harmony and Rebecca thought that Theresa was a zombie during her drugged state.
"Yeah, maybe we should just get out of here." Rebecca said nervously.
"There's too many Lopez-Fitzgeralds, Russels and Bennettes here at the same time," Julian complained. Julian and Rebecca walked away. About a minute later, Julian stopped when he heard a thud on the floor behind him. He turned around to see Rebecca lying unconscious on the floor.
"Becky?" Julian asked. Julian backed up and glanced up to see the word 'morgue' written on the door in front of him. "Rebecca, I think you're being a little over dramatic." Julian waited for a reply. "Rebecca?" Julian asked. About a minute later, Rebecca came to and Julian's face came into focus.
"Pookey, what happened?" Rebecca asked.
"Your imagination went into overdrive and then you passed out," Julian said, pointing to the door. Rebecca looked at the door in front of them.
"I fainted over that?" Rebecca asked.
"Are you ok?" Julian asked.
"I was perfectly fine, and then I suddenly got really dizzy and passed out," Rebecca said.
"We should probably get you checked out by a doctor," Julian said.
"I'm sure it's probably just all of the excitement today catching up to me or something," Rebecca said, starting to feel exhausted. Rebecca tried her best to be perky, but Rebecca knew she was defeated when she could tell Julian wasn't buying it.
"I think you should see a doctor," Julian said.
"Alright," Rebecca said relucantly, just wanting to go back to the mansion.
Reese watched as Kay tried to comfort Miguel. Ethan noticed Reese staring at his sister.
"That's my sweet Kay," Reese said, oblivious to the fact that Kay was desperately trying to get attention from Miguel.
"You really have a thing for my sister, huh?" Ethan asked.
"Yeah," Reese said. "Kays such a loving person, she'd do anything to comfort my best friend." Reese said.
"Miguel does seem pretty shaken up about Antonio," Ethan said.
"So, are you and Theresa back together now that little Ethan turned out to be yours?" Reese asked, having heard about the whole scenario that happened at the Cranes earlier.
"Theresa has lied to me too many times," Ethan said. "I wish I could trust her, but everyone keeps telling me that her intentions are good, but she just isn't honest with me."
"So you're with Gwen?" Reese asked.
"Antonio, please don't die," Sheridan sobbed. Luis put his arms around her. "It's all my fault."
"Sheridan, it isn't your fault." Luis said. "I lost it and let it slip," Luis said, tears of regret streaming down his face.
"Luis, if I would have told him the truth from the beginnin..." Sheridan said.
"Maybe if I wouldn't have put so much pressure
on you to-" Luis and Sheridan broke down in each others arms thinking about
what oculd have happened had they handled this differently.