This story is going to take place in several installments,
this is Chapter 1. I will be continuing the story even after I post this
installment. It will be a continuing series.
A Passion That Can’t Be Denied
I am going to take this fan fiction from the point where Eve, T.C. Julian, Rebecca and Liz had landed in L.A. after the Crane jet incident. T.C. was quite pleased that Whitney didn’t want to go anywhere near Chad. Eve wasn’t as thrilled because she had really liked Chad, unaware that he had kept such a secret from her daughter. Eve knew from first hand experience what secrets did to hurt the ones you love. They had decided that they weren’t going to rush back to Harmony right away so they took in a hotel for a few days. They had felt that the Crane apartment might be a little too close for comfort seeing that Julian and T.C. were not on the best of terms. T.C. had stepped out for a while from the room and Eve and Whitney had a mother to daughter chat.
“Sweetheart I am so sorry how things turned out with Chad. More importantly I wish that we could have been here for you, to be your support system when you found that Latoya was his wife.”
“Well it has been quite an adjustment, but I just want to take some time to think about Chad and I, do you understand?”
“Of course Whitney, you thought Chad was the love of your life.”
“Mom, I can’t believe you and daddy rushed out here to be with me.”
“Why wouldn’t we, our baby was shot, I don’t know what I would have done if anything happened to you sweetheart.” Eve said.
“How was the trip?” Whitney asked.
Eve hadn’t had a chance to tell her about the incident.
“Well sweetheart, there was some trouble with the jet on the way over.”
“Oh my god Mom, what happened? Did the engine fail or something?” Whitney asked.
“Not exactly honey, but your father and Julian got into a fight.”
“About what?”
“It’s a long story, needless to say, the door to the jet flew open and I was sucked out.” Eve said.
“What, why didn’t you tell me, oh I’m so sorry Mom. And here I am worrying about Chad’s ex and you almost died?” she said horrified.
“Yes, and your father tried to save me but he got knocked out Whitney.”
“Who saved you, how did you get back into the jet?”
“Well if you must know, Julian climbed out on the jet to rescue me. He saved my life Whitney and forever I will be eternally grateful.”
“Julian Crane, I can’t believe it, remind me that I have to thank him for saving your life, I am so happy he was there for you Mom.”
“Me too honey, Julian was amazing and without thinking he conquered his fear of heights to save me.”
“Well I am sure Daddy is grateful.”
“Not exactly honey you know how much he hates Julian.”
“I know they don’t see eye to eye, but if Julian hadn’t been there, you wouldn’t have been here to tell this story.” Whitney said.
“Well I am here now Whitney, I have missed you so much.”
“Me too Mom, I am glad that Daddy came as well, that he did care enough about me to take the trip.”
“Of course I did sweetheart I know our relationship hasn’t been the greatest lately, but I want us to be a family again, I was so upset when I heard you were shot.” T.C. said walking into the room.
“I am glad you are here now, both of you. So many times I wanted to call home but I knew there was a strain on the family and didn’t want to cause any more grief.” Whitney said.
“It’s okay, we can just move on now and more importantly we can bring you home Whitney.” He said.
T.C. and Whitney talked for a while, trying to get better acquainted as father and daughter once again.
Julian and Rebecca had also taken a room at the hotel. Julian unlocked the door to their room and went into the hallway, trying to get a moment’s peace from her. His hair was a mess and he had lipstick all over his face thanks to Rebecca, which was not exactly to his delight.
“Pookie, where are you going? I am not quite finished with you yet.” She said tugging on his arm.
“Becky, I need to come up for some air for a few minutes, I will be back shortly.”
“Well hurry please, I have needs you know.”
“And I need to take a walk for a bit, go watch some television or something, order room service whatever, just let me be.” Julian said.
“Fine, but you make sure you come back soon or little Julian will be put out of order for the rest of the evening.”
“I could only be so lucky to get a break.” He said under his breath.
Julian walked down the hall, trying to make himself look presentable.
“I didn’t know that you could wear that color Julian.”
He turned around to come face to face with Eve. He smiled at her, even if he did look silly with a face full of lipstick.
“Yes it’s not my best colour unfortunately, could you recommend a better shade?” he said laughing.
“You look like you just had a bit of fun judging by your appearance.”
“Oh I’m sorry, just let me find a bathroom to fix myself up.”
“You don’t need a bathroom, just a minute.”
He watched her as she dug through her purse; he had been wanting to talk to her so much since the flight.
“Now stand still.” She said wiping the lipstick off of his cheek like a mother cleaning up her child.
“Thank you Mommy.” He said smiling.
“You are welcome, son. So how are things with you?” Eve asked.
“Well as normal as they can be, has Liz been around to bother you lately Eve?”
“No she obviously took a room by herself, but she hasn’t been roaming around my room, thank God.”
“I’m glad to know that.”
Eve looked at Julian, knowing quite well that they had to have a real talk, though it was going to be a bit awkward. She watched him quite intently, having a flashback of the kiss they shared before Rebecca interrupted them.
“Everything okay Eve, you look like you are in another world. Is everything okay with Whitney?”
“For now, I am still very happy that Fox saved her life as well as the others. I am very grateful to your son Julian.”
“Yes, I know, I just hope he doesn’t have any ulterior motives.”
“I doubt that Julian, so what are you up to today?”
“Well Eve, now that I have run into you, perhaps we could talk? Unless you have plans with T.C.?”
“Not really, he is spending time with Whitney. I just don’t want anyone to see us together Julian.”
“I understand that, I will find a place for us to be together, do you want to take a drive, perhaps by the water?”
“Sure that sounds lovely.”
Julian looked around as he opened the car door for Eve in case of prying eyes.
“So do you think T.C. will be suspicious of you being gone for the day?”
“I told him I was getting some air, a lot of air, and you?”
“It just happens that I have phone calls to make while I am in L.A. so how about that. Though I do feel somewhat guilty because I do have to go back and visit Gwen with Rebecca.”
“That was so tragic Julian, I really feel for poor Gwen, she must be so devastated, as you and I both know, it’s very difficult to lose a child.” Eve said sadly.
“Yes we know all too well, I will spend some time with Gwen for sure, but I do feel that we need to have a talk Eve, we haven’t had a chance.”
“I know Julian.” She said touching his arm.
Eve enjoyed the scenery as they drove, she hadn’t really been able to travel all that much over the years with being a doctor. But when she did have the chance, she loved it. Julian was more fortunate as he was always on the go with the Crane jet.
“How’s this Eve?” he said pointing out a spot to park.
“That’s great, it’s quiet here, a few people around, but not too crazy.”
Julian turned off the car and leaned over to give her a nice hug.
“Eve, I have missed you.”
“I have missed you too Julian.”
“I have wanted to talk for a bit, but I know with everything that has been going on with Gwen and Whitney, we have had to focus more on them with good reason of course. I was wondering, since it’s a nice day, perhaps you would like to take a walk with me?” he asked.
“Sure, that sounds nice.”
Eve shut the car door and joined him on the path. She looked at his clothes for a moment.
“Uh oh, are you going to have to call the fashion police? I can see you are curious about my choice of clothing.” He said laughing.
“No not at all Julian, actually I like what you are wearing, it’s casual, yet very trendy.”
He had on a pair of dark blue jeans and a black oxford shirt.
“So, tell me what are you thinking?” he said bluntly.
“Do I have to?” she said smiling.
“Well no if you don’t want to, but it would be nice to know my dear.”
“Julian, to be honest, I am still in shock over the whole thing. I mean believe me I am very grateful that you saved my life, but just the fact that I almost…well you know.” She said sadly.
“I know Eve, I know it could have been very tragic. But know, that I would do it again in a heartbeat. I really couldn’t have spent another day without you. My life would have just been so empty if I had lost you. I don’t even like to think about it, I am just so happy that you are here and we can have this talk and be here for one another. Anyway, may I hold your hand?” he said putting his out.
She thought for a moment, but figured why not. That was one thing that
she had really come to love about Julian since they had become close again.
He could be quite blunt in what he wanted, but at least he was honest.
She took it and he interlocked his fingers with hers as they continued
down the path.